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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hey, just because Mylene has long, straight, pink hair and is cute... (she's from M7, so it's almost sorta related to this thread) But yeah, we should get back to the VF-17...
  2. Eh, I got an HLJ shipment in like 20 hours once. (A Zoid for Christmas, when they still used UPS) And yeah---we should start forming "Ozma armor group buys" like now. And Alto Super Packs, of course.
  3. Shadow has RBD as his avatar now, too. And I'm seriously thinking about changing mine...
  4. VMFA-232 is listed in the game's credits---not sure for what. There is no Legacy Hornet in the game, so I figure Namco is "saying thanks" as best they can this way. (though again---no Legacy Hornet?)
  5. "plane mode fails---MP-03 color scheme better"-----are you saying Greenscream has a better/more accurate paint-job than the Ghost Grey G1 version? Can't quite tell what you mean from your post. MP-11 is the first G1-esque Starscream toy since the original G1 toy itself to actually get the color right. (still dunno why "G1 SS" has been nearly white the past couple of iterations---he never was before, he was always very clearly definitely obviously grey)
  6. Wonder if we'll see a Guillame repaint. (though it's pretty easy to do yourself I'd imagine, with some rubbing alcohol) **idea** THAT's it. That'll be how they sell the "Alto" Super Pack. It'll be bundled with a *Guillame* VF25F.
  7. Yup. Never beat it though. I do remember it coming on a zillion black 3.5" discs, and requiring me to remove EVERY other program from my 30MB HDD though. (and it never ran well, a 286 just wasn't enough)
  8. Knees and shins, yes---but the arms are exactly the same, on the bottom surfaces. The basic F-15 fuselage is dead flat and square where sides of the the arms are. Adding CFT's did round it off---but since a CFT-less F-15 is square there, blocky square arms are just as accurate. (and the waist is pretty similar between the 2 versions)
  9. I think I'll wait until after I own a V2 VF-25 to answer this.
  10. The exposed cockpit may be why the VF-27 does have a tail, and a non-clear-canopy---it needs the additional pilot protection! Attack from behind!
  11. I think Super Pack on Ozma's was only seen in one ep (episode 3 I think)---maybe it didn't sell well for V1 for that reason and they don't think it's worth it? (or THAT would be the Tamashii Web Exclusive)
  12. Just like they hid the VF-27's "tail" most of the time. (seriously, most people didn't even notice it until the models/toys came out)
  13. It's exposed on the "real" one, too. (it's even more so on the VF-27). I think the animators in Frontier deliberately tried hard to use camera angles that hid this fact. But if you freeze-frame some scenes, you can easily see a totally exposed cockpit in battroid mode with many poses.
  14. How did you do the light on the nose gear door?
  15. No, it looked amazingly good based on how G1-accurate the robot mode was. Kawamori just added CFT's (of the wrong shape up front) to hide the arms from the side. Robot mode took a HUGE step back for a small improvement from one angle in jet mode. (and this is coming from a guy who leaves most of his valks and TF's in vehicle mode)
  16. IMHO the vehicle mode improvement isn't enough to warrant re-purchasing. (in some ways it's worse). Anyways---Buster Prime 2-pack reissue? Hmmn. May buy it. (I still regret missing it last time). Is it EXACTLY the same as the previous two-pack? Specifically--chrome? Pin-striping color? (blue vs silver). Mouth vs mask?
  17. I've always thought the fact that Milia's VF-22 is kinda pink was a "deterrent" to many buyers. (myself included). Yeah, it's anime-accurate/canon, but I think most people want RED Milia valks.
  18. Yup. Neck down, it's fine. But the face--is NOT Liara. Not even an anime version of Liara. PS---interesting/relevant fact: Shadow Broker Liara is bustier than ME1 Liara. By quite a bit. (I'm talking about the actual in-game polygonal model)
  19. No, Best Night Ever was the best ever. (it's a self-fulfilling prophecy)
  20. Ehh, if it comes to 5000 vs 3000, I vote for the 3000. That is one bad-ass valk. (and has a more unique transformation)
  21. I wonder if it'll look like the pre-Kawamori MP mold...
  22. You weren't expecting logic and reason in a *MW* discussion, were you? But still--you gotta admit that compared to most other Yamato "first 2 releases", the VF-11's choices have been pretty bland. Plus neither one has "main valk of a main character" status. At best they have "was used for 5 mins by a main character" status. (true, Milia didn't use her VF-11/17/22 foon-screen very long--but they were fully repainted just for her, so they are "her" valks and intended solely for her use for a long period of time, even if off-screen, unlike Isamu's and Gamlin's VF-11s)
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