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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I cooked salmon in a kettle over a fire in Skyrim. Some parts of the game have a Shenmue-like level of "you can do anything".
  2. Just a little FYI, but I think people may be interested to know: The "can be either a rear seat, or a spot filled with stuff" that the VF-25 toy has (as does the v2 YF-19) is actually quite similar to the real-life F-15 and F-18. While those planes cannot change what they have there, the 2-seat versions of them do not have a longer cockpit or forward fuselage--they basically just remove the avionics that go in there, and put the second seat in. The actual cockpit walls, bulkheads, etc are almost exactly the same. If you rip out the "avionics vent" panel of an F-18C and remove the rear seat of an F-18D---you've got very very similar looking "empty rear cockpit areas". Same concept, just "can only be decided/changed what goes there when built".
  3. Seconded. Kind of like how they changed the Super Hornet's engine mounting points by 90 degrees solely so that you couldn't put Super Hornet engines into an older Hornet for a cheap upgrade. (they were originally designed to be perfectly compatible-then they realized that'd cut into Super Hornet sales if people bought JUST the engines, so there was a last-minute change to the design)
  4. That's because the F-117 has non-afterburning engines exhausting through an array of small stealthy slits at the rear. Conversely the VF-17 has engines with afterburners and huge nozzles that turn into huge feet.
  5. Ozma's has the extra skull marking on a grey section, so it wouldn't be EXACTLY correct if they did it that way. (or, they could include it as a sticker, but printed-on is so much better). Plus, they are numbered on the leg armor, even though they're both grey there---Ozma's says SMS 001, Alto's says SMS 007. Again--could be done with stickers, but better to be printed on.
  6. Yet no one ever makes fan-art of that!
  7. April seems a long way away, considering they probably were done about the same time as the basic VF-25 v2 sculpt was.
  8. Manual PS3 updating/backup disc making: http://us.playstation.com/support/systemupdates/ps3/pc_update/index.htm
  9. Skyrim simultaneous launch for all versions, so yes.
  10. I still like the image of Grace in the first title sequence of the series. She has such a "poor suffering secretary of a diva" look.
  11. Well, it's time to upgrade my PS3's HDD. I want quality over quantity*. Don't need a half-terabyte or anything---mine's a 40, so even 80 gigs would be a massive improvement. So I'm thinking 100-250 or so. There's nothing in town, so I'll have to order from Newegg/Tiger/Amazon. *That means I'd rather have a good, fast-seeking 100GB model than a slow 500GB model, if the price was the same.
  12. Still waiting for the VF-19F. (I'd like a short-winged -19, but still have never really liked the Emerald Force's colors---any other canon short-winged -19's out there? Besides the -19P? )
  13. My post got "lost" in the forum's downtime: Does the stand work with the VF-27? Also--can the hands be used with the VF-27? The fixed-pose ones look exactly like the ones that come with the VF-27, and I'm getting thoughts of repainting some articulated ones green... (how I'd get spare VF-25 v2 articulated hands, I don't know yet--but first I need to know if they'll fit/work)
  14. It's quite accurate though. I knew *exactly* what he meant having played it. That's pretty much what it is.
  15. Brera's final scene was my fave scene in the movie. The armor was visibly damaged by that point and the valk had lost a leg (and thus, an engine and energy-converting-armor-power-source). So it certainly wasn't at 100% of normal durability. Plus you know, he'd just ripped out part of his brain...
  16. Drop everything else and play that. Mass Effect 1 is still the best in the franchise, story-wise, by far. (and IMHO it's the best overall).
  17. Whether his body did or didn't fold afterwards is irrelevant, it's a dead body unless he can survive his valk being vaporized. (remember that he jettisoned his canopy cover just prior) (Unless he's got a backup somewhere like Grace did---though in the movie-verse, I don't think there are "spare" bodies---surely Grace would have "transferred" if she'd been able)
  18. Um, no it didn't. My argument is that the v1 VF-1 was more accepted/better looks-wise. I don't recall anyone saying the v1 VF-1 was too fat, not anime-accurate, not line-art-accurate, or anyone immediately hoping for a better-looking version in the future. There were 100-page threads arguing about the removable legs, but I don't recall anyone thought it was overall a bad-looking rendition and not nearly as good as it SHOULD have looked based on the company's prior work. The v1 VF-25 was seen as fat, ugly, and inaccurate since the first pic, especially considering that it was going to be a flagship release from the great BANDAI. Even the 1/72 YF-19 was more "accepted".
  19. An even bigger difference, IMHO. The original Yamato v1 VF-1 still looked good, good enough that many many VF-1 fans bought it. The v1 VF-25 was ugly enough that many VF-25 fans grudgingly passed on it.
  20. They do, they use them to fold to City 7 after it's "stolen".
  21. And a 1/60 MAXL! Check the nose and canopy profile in that pic--seems to be more like the new Yamato than the much-quoted "official lineart".
  22. 6 thrusters, in 2 groups of 3. They are RIGHT ahead of the shield in fighter mode (so that they are uncovered in GERWALK and battroid mode). They are tiny, so we assume they are much more advanced than other valkyrie's.
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