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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeah--the plastic parts are ok (could be a TOUCH lighter) but the legs/shoulders are more of a minty-green color, and slightly darker too.
  2. The knee joints don't match the rest of the "leg internals". (I'm being serious here---the knee is light grey plastic while all the other "mecha" bits are a dark grey---looks weird) Is it just me, or does the leg paint simply not match the belly paint well? The leg paint is very blue, compared to the other "light grey" underside parts. Look at the bottom pic, and compare the hips to the crotch/nosecone. Less obvious is main gear door color (molded) to the area surrounding it (painted). Personally I think all the "light grey" should be lighter, and it should certainly match itself better regardless of painted vs molded. The 1/72 kit had much more contrast between the light and dark grey parts. (Yamato is THE best at paint matching---a lot of people don't even realize how much of a Max or Milia VF-1J is actually molded in white, but painted red and blue---the paint color match with the colored plastic is THAT good) I really like the foot color though.
  3. The blue plastic looks metallic in that shot. (or it could just be grain in the pic)
  4. I think the width of the cockpit sidewalls are the main issue with most toys. They are MUCH thicker than they should be. (party to have a working canopy in this scale or rotating seat gimmick). Another point is the depth of the cockpit-----generally, the cockpit floor is the top of the nosegear bay. Making working gear takes up more space than scale gear would, in effect pushing the cockpit up---which reduces headroom for the pilot so he has to be made smaller to fit. So overall, the pilot is being "squished" in every direction by the 'edges' of the cockpit being too thick/high.
  5. Thing is, in the most-common/first subs for the 2nd movie, you HEAR Godunwa but the SUBS say O'Connor.... (thus, a bad translation)
  6. Anyone else think Krell's lightsabers were the coolest-sounding ones of all? Somehow they just sounded "choppier". More "flutter" to them. In an awesome way.
  7. Hey, the real-life F-104's wings have extremely sharp edges. To this day they are STILL covered up when on display in museums etc, to prevent people from killing themselves...
  8. Yes, but that's still vastly inferior to say most Bioware games, where the button will actually switch between 2 favorites. It seems pointless to have a button that is only "equip healing spell" and not "alternate between healing spell and preferred weapon". Since the left/right don't re-equip the previous item, the favorites list has to be pretty big just to be able to re-equip all the stuff left/right keeps replacing.
  9. I thought ep 4 was the weakest by far. A bunch of blah with a few moments of awesome mecha action. It went from the typical Gundam-esque "we must understand mankind's heart to end war" commentary being in the background, to being the only thing said and oft-repeated for about 40 mins straight...
  10. That'd explain the extreme pixelization/compression---they're intentionally hiding it.
  11. White's common for anything that has a strategic nuclear role. "Anti-flash white" is specifically designed for that.
  12. Those posters are shopped/airbrushed a lot, even for movie posters. EVERYTHING looks more plasticky, including actual skin.
  13. There's a "more foreboding" variation of one of the main themes that is played in ep 2 that is RIGHT when Ranka has her first flashback, when Ozma's fighting the vajra. It's my favorite cue in the whole series, and it's not on any of the released CD's AFAIK. It has more "pipe organ" in it than the other versions. ::checks:: Starts right at 3 mins in, peaks at around 3:15.
  14. Gondunwa, depending on how it's translated. O'Connor has always been just an alias (at least that's the impression I get).
  15. Hmmn. But we now have "VF-25S super parts" coming, which weren't mentioned at all.
  16. Hmmn, sounds like the USMC is buying up the entire RAF Harrier fleet---spares, engines, airframes. We'll see if it actually goes through. (and it raises a lot of questions for the F-35...)
  17. I'm curious as to exactly what was said/translated. Did they mean "armors" as in "super packs and heavy armor sets" or armors as in "the upcoming Ozma and Alto booster sets". (due to how many terms are tossed around both officially and unofficially for the various VF-25 add-ons, a lot of precision/meaning can be lost)
  18. Thing is, Ozma's armor was ONLY available bundled, for v1. Bad news for those of us with standalone v2 Ozma's ordered...
  19. Camo *gunpod*? That's a new one. (I don't think I've ever seen a digi-camo weapon)
  20. I'd like a DX Battle Galaxy to go with my -27.
  21. So far I really only have 2 complaints about Skyrim: 1. The "quick favorites" (left and right on d-pad) seem to be backwards/unintuitive. They don't swap between 2 sets like many RPG's. It simply replaces whatever you have with the pre-selected item. So when you're done with that item and want to go back to what you had---have to do it the long, slow way. (hitting the button again will often leave you totally unequipped, which is worse than having the wrong weapon) 2. You'll get "rock joint" every other fight with wolves. And you WILL want to have it cured immediately, unless you're a pure mage or something.
  22. Bumping, just in case there's an update. (since Poli did come here and post, I figure he's got something new he's working on)
  23. I specifically said cockpit, not canopy, on purpose. The canopy is longer so as to create head-room for the back-seater without having a very weird curvature at the back. But the basic dimensions of the cockpit area are the same, bulkhead/frame-wise. AFAIK much of the avionics in the rear cockpit area of an F-15 are in fact fairly optional (as in, it can still fly and fight without them)--that is why the F-15B and F-15D have inferior defensive systems than the A and C model---because that's what was removed--mostly ECM-related stuff. (there's not really that much there from what I've seen---raise the turtle decking and it's mostly an empty space---the black boxes are all along the walls, but the middle's empty). Removing this equipment was unacceptable for the F-15E due to its mission, so instead they put the ECM avionics in the gun's ammo bay area, and the F-15E has a much smaller ammo capacity than the C as a result. (and even that required bulging the ammo bay outwards just to have that much room---the bulged/moved ammo bay is an oft-missed physical feature of the E-model)
  24. I was about to comment that "it needs some metallic sheen" then I saw your last sentence. Should look perfect once you get that bit done.
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