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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. FP Menasor! Not-Breakdown was my first 3P figure ever. (and boy did it take a lot of sanding tabs/edges/pegs to be able to transform well, like a resin garage kit but made of plastic…) Anyways, notable for actually having the cars form the arms, and like 2/3 of the mass of the lower legs. Still very rare, but still not quite as G1-toy-esque as I'd like. But still the only Menasor I've bought, because toon-style Menasor is just ridiculously stupid. More like Motormaster cosplaying as Menasor...
  2. Those aren't "split flaps", split flaps are something totally different. (and similar to zap flaps). The VF-1 has no ailerons, same as the F-14. The VF-1 wing and F-14 wing are quite similar, though the VF-1 actually has more complex flaps, flat-out airliner-esque. Leading edge has SLATS, no flaps there. Moves downward only, and must extend laterally to move down. (F-16's and F-18's have flaps there, can move down AND up and pivot to do so, no lateral extension) Trailing edge has slotted fowler flaps, rare for a fighter jet but usually seen on airliners. Much like the slats, downward-only, also has lateral movement, but an even more complex and effective system than the slats. Inboards are doubled-slotted, outboards are single-slotted. (F-14's are single-slotted all the way across) Immediately ahead of the flaps, are the spoilers. I don't think I've seen anything canonically showing them, but it's very logical to have them, based on the F-14 and the details we can see. Effectively upwards-only on most planes, but on the F-14 they can depress downwards by a few degrees when the flaps are out to close up the gap/reprofile the upper surface. When they're all up (both wings) they're basically speed brakes. When they're up on only one wing, they're for roll control, replacing the ailerons.
  3. I think maybe you're confusing the flaps, with "other bits that can move". It might help to circle exactly what you mean? The only time the flaps would be down when climbing, would be immediately after takeoff, while still slow but accelerating. In a fighter jet, this would only last a few secs. (and they'd only be down a little)
  4. Oh, I'm all about FP/MT stylizing, and the early MP's. I just think Monstructor missed the mark a bit, in that "not enough bits fold away" for bot mode, mainly, and/or beast and bot mode are a bit too similar. (there's so many 3P figures, where they're like one hinge away from "folding the beast legs away inside the bot legs" but just leave them hanging there like the G1 toys did) But, considering that "non-toon-accurate" combiners seem to be a thing of the past, I may still pick it up, if it goes cheap. (Same for Quantron, which has many flaws, but often gets really cheap)
  5. I meant, due to the individual robot and alt-modes being relatively poor (IMHO), the only aspect that it does well is combined mode, which means it'll rarely be transformed. Thus, it's effectively an action-master. Vs say, other 3P combiner teams where the individual bots are so awesome I often leave them un-combined.
  6. Anyone interested in some Combiner wars figs? Just really don't "feel the need to keep 'em" but also don't feel like ebaying them. Would like to just dump them all as a lot, cheap: Trailbreaker, Reprolabeled. Slug/Slag, Reprolabeled Swoop Dreadwind Dragstrip (inked in a few of his molded-in-rivets, like 6 of them, barely noticeable) Can also toss in a Repolabeled and custom-repainted Elita one (a lot of red and white bits repainted coral-pink), and a Moonracer with a damaged-paint fender Might sell as a second lot, if they're worth anything: Groove, Reprolabeled Air Raid Blades, Reprolabeled Slingshot, Reprolabeled Sky Lynx, Reprolabeled
  7. I've used the 1mm on hose clamps on model cars.
  8. Hmmn---Citadel seems to change their formula so often, each batch is like a whole new brand of paint. I've never bought any of their airbrush colors though, and certainly never hand-brushed them. (Ironically, that seems to work better for Vallejo---their regular colors are so thick, that the 'pre-thinned' "model air" colors are still more like hand-brush consistency, than airbrush consistency---but I've only had like 2 colors to experiment with that way)
  9. Yes, Molotow is a whole 'nother level for chrome, but I reserve it for truly shiny bits/special stuff. Just "a nice smooth regular silver that's neither glittery nor clumps" is what I'm really looking for right now. PS----I didn't specify, but I'm pretty much only looking for acrylics. I just can't deal with enamels etc 95% of the time.
  10. I keep hoping the pile of Monstructors will someday hit super-low prices during Black Friday, like Quantron often does. I'd like a Monstructor, and that's the only one--but that version wasn't that great to start with. (combined mode looks pretty good, and that is the important mode---but the individual bots and alt-modes are pretty poor, and of course there's no pretender shells---you're basically buying an actionmaster at this point) Plus it commits the cardinal sin of "nowhere to put insignias".
  11. Quick poll/opinion: What's the best paint for hand-brushing basic black and silver? No matter what you're modeling, there's going to be "small black bits" and "small silver bits" that you're going to paint by hand. I honestly really liked Pollyscale (best silver ever!!!) but that's long-gone. Not real fond of Tamiya. Hate Vallejo in my experience. (thick, and can't directly brush out of a bottle...)
  12. Yeah, for the shoulder decals on the VF-25 kit, you're going to need to slit the stripes at the corners, AND use the strongest decal set you can find. Thankfully most of the other decals are a lot easier.
  13. Chopper better come with some serious accessories to warrant his price. Of course, pretty sure "6-inch" (2-inch) Yoda costs the same as 6-inch Luke...
  14. I gotta say, I think an upscaled/tweaked (with PAINT!!!!) Sentinel Prime could be amazing. It's so close, but still just looks "good" to me. "Everything is gunmetal grey" just takes so much away from it. It should have silver, grey, and black bits. And have the back end painted. And a few more bits fold away or fold out, etc. Hate to say it, but I'm waiting for the KO. (as in, assuming it gets heavily tweaked like a lot of Movie Primes are---bigger alone isn't nearly enough)
  15. How much is the parabolic 727? Probably too much, but I'd love one last 727 flight... May have to settle for driving a Lambo or something...
  16. Interesting comparison---I didn't know Ozma's were a shade darker/bluer. Also, I suspected but wasn't sure until now that the CF ones had the same "inverted" color-pattern as Michael's. (really only noticeable on hip and chest pieces, but also present on the booster tips)
  17. Do Luca's super parts come with two, for a spare?
  18. I think it works super-well being the head-laser. I'd argue it's more kept ON its head, than in it. A VF-1J could dual-wield! A VF-1S would have 4, and maybe wield the extra pair tonfa-style like the Unicorn Gundam...
  19. I especially like that the Arcadia and Yamato are docked to the Macross, instead of Daedalus and Prometheus. Now where I have heard of that combo (Yamato/Arcadia/Macross) before...?
  20. Yeah, blue plastic yellows (greens!) quite a bit, it's among the worst colors after white. I don't think I've ever seen red turn orange, though.
  21. Missiles aren't as cool as the Angel Birds' beamsaber: THAT is the add-on we need from Bandai for a 1/48 VF-1A...
  22. I thought Luca only had the little probe-thingy on one of the boosters, not both?
  23. Yeah, it seems odd that they went to the effort to even make them adjustable with click-hinges, but only let them move like 3 degrees in either direction...
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