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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Slightly OT, but what are the best eps for seeing Emerald Force in action? I don't feel like re-watching hours of eps just to find their limited screen-time.
  2. It's further evidence for the either-or theory, though.
  3. No single-ship demo teams for the USAF for the 2012 airshow season. That sucks. They are ONLY funding the Thunderbirds. Honestly, I go more for single-ship demos and static display, than T-birds or Angels. I like seeing front-line fighters from "real" squadrons, if that makes sense.
  4. Seriously, Vic Viper over Idolo or Neith?
  5. Thing is, the DX VF-27 already is much better than the v1 VF-25, it's more or less a v1.5 to start with. The difference between the v1 and v2 VF-25 is huge. A v2 VF-27 wouldn't be THAT much better. Sure, it'd be better, but it wouldn't be the mind-blowingly-huge no-brainer-of-a-purchase that the v2 VF-25 is.
  6. I'd assume mostly dead, a few slaves, and a few escapees.
  7. Well, Basara's is still a one-off more-expensive-than-others prototype.
  8. It's actually a heavy re-color/mod of an official Cheetara pic.
  9. Fan art, but an awesome concept modern Pumyra:
  10. That's an inherent/intentional design change for the US version. Can't recall if anyone can figure out WHY this was done, but they'll all like that---the elbow bends one way just fine, but bending it back how it was can cause issues if you don't "help it along".
  11. 8 Ferraris, a Diablo, a GT-R, 3 Mercedes, (and a Prius) wrecked in Japanese highway pile-up: http://www.caradvice.com.au/149855/supercar-crash-destroys-8-ferraris-in-japan/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe0d3adb4bI
  12. Do we know that the VF-19 has the "through the floor" monitors? I'm thinking that was a YF-19 thing, that was deemed too expensive/impractical for mass-production. (much like the YF-21's BDI system)
  13. My concern is that any bundle will have "altered" paint, like the "blue" Alto VF-25 did.
  14. It's not really the issue. Loosening the screws to make it easier to get the shoulders to swing over the "bumps" was thought to help, but it doesn't. It certainly makes it easier to transform and could help prevent other related long-term issues, but the real issue is the pins are simply too big for the holes. (even Yamato's fixed shoulders actually fix the symptom, not the cause) I currently have my Roy's shoulder-screws super-loose. (maybe too loose--I honestly don't remember how they were from the factory---are they supposed to be "floppy but within a constrained area" in battroid mode?---they can freely flop around, but they can only move like 1 or 2 mm due to where they are)
  15. Isn't that the second report of that part/area snapping? I'm not sure Bandai even uses zinc, so zinc-rot is unlikely (especially on such brand-new toys---zinc-rot usually takes a couple years at minimum---18 months would be like record-speed AFAIK)
  16. Not me personally, but I've seen it reported. I swear it happens more with "later" purchases. 2nd batch?
  17. I was about to comment--the B-52 was built with a weird angle of incidence, as the weight can shift so dramatically. Under certain conditions (like, lightly-loaded and at sea-level apparently) they can "fly level" but be nose-down.
  18. That reminds me--did I miss it, or has there been very little speculation here on what's in the box? And do they mean box in a literal sense? BIg huge box with a Gundam inside? Or little box with a data card full of evidence... PS---no, I haven't read the manga and don't intend to, so please don't spoil the "real" answer.
  19. I got a Zoid from HLJ in like 20 hours once. It was like it was boxed, driven to the airport and went right into a plane, flew direct to O'Hare then went straight to a truck across the midwest to my house.
  20. It's the only way he'll learn to understand men's hearts. Or something like that...
  21. Pumyra and Lynx-O. Lynx-O was in the premiere, so he may have survived and will show up in season 2.
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