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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Drool---metallic MG Epyon. http://schizophonic9...mg_epyon_f.html
  2. I needed SOMETHING to post this in, so here: NSFW. Yes, Michael Bolton and it's NSFW. But insanely funny, gets better the longer you let it go.
  3. Yup, my first 2 exposures to Macross were G1 Jetfire, and Macross Plus, in that order.
  4. Model kit commercial showing Zeta Plus? Animated, as in, painted cels etc? This I'm unaware of.
  5. Thing is, Zeta Plus would actually be something new. We've seen Kampfer animated in OVA-quality. We've seen Barzam. But Zeta Plus would actually be "something we'd really like to see for the first time".
  6. Seconded. I've been waiting for an MG Delta for years now. Not Hyaku, not Delta Plus. Delta!
  7. There's always conservatism---an oft-cited part of YF-22 vs YF-23 is that the YF-22 looked like a logical advancement/upgrade of the F-15, while the YF-23 was a revolution--and many a general didn't like the "new-fangled-looking" one. Heck, the USAF doesn't like canards, they sure weren't going to like the v-tailed diamond-winged YF-23... Following that--which valk looks more traditional? Certainly not the one that's a Q-Rau with wings...
  8. Isamu didn't have mental issues with a mentally-controlled valk...
  9. Am I nuts, or does concept-art Bruticus's limbs look a lot more "vehicular" than the CG trailer's? Concept-art Bruticus looks both better and much more "could be made into a toy" plausible IMHO. I think they even did the "Blast-Off's wings form the chestplate" thing. I sure hope the in-game model follows the concept art, and not the CG trailer.
  10. WTF? Barzam? At least Kampfer and Zeta Plus were ranked highly, so they're not totally tasteless. Did they ask anyone in the US to vote? (hey, we're watching/dubbing it too!)
  11. 1998 or so. Discovered Ebay, bought a few old treasured G1 Transformers. Remembered Jetfire. Looked it up (and saw how much they went for!). Found the Macross connection, and bought Macross Plus (subbed) at Best Buy on VHS.
  12. VF-11B is very tempting, but I'm still holding out for a different scheme. (like Milia'S or VFX-2)
  13. Think of it like the F-15 vs F-16. Both are "common" but one is a lot less common and more expensive than the other and only given to those squadrons that really need it. But not so much so that it's considered elite/special-ops-only. The VF-19 is the F-15, the VF-11 is the F-16.
  14. Game mode often introduces other things though---I leave it off. Game mode may try to increase response by disabling some things, but it has other nasty effects many times. (like super-saturated color/contrast etc). Turning EVERYTHING off is often the best bet---"doing nothing" has the TV processing as fast as it can.
  15. The last F-22 has been built, #4195. It will go to the 525th to replace their flagship which was lost (along with its pilot) last year due to the O2/hypoxia issue. Former demo pilot Paul "Max" Moga is currently CO of the 525th.
  16. On a forum dedicated to an 80's anime? No way! The latter (though it doesn't have to be as big as Hercules---but larger than G1 Dev/Brut/Sup/Abom). G1 Devastator's pretty small, I think there's deluxes bigger than him. (I still own a G2 Devs)
  17. Seriously? That's incredibly dumb. So liked, so requested, already implemented and working flawlessly in the beta AFAIK. "So let's get rid of it".
  18. Plus they don't look like arms and legs, despite that being their ONLY alt-mode...
  19. And that's why I own 2 Combaticons, 2 Aerialbots, and a Constructicon from that line, to make up one decent combiner with different limbs. There was no single good team, really. Personally, even as a 6-year-old, the fun of finding/completing a combiner team was huge. Many a B-day or X-Mas gift would be "the expensive leader of the team with all the other parts" to complete the team, as I had slowly received the cheaper limbs over previous weeks. And frankly, it's a great marketing ploy, for the kids too----you may not be able to get your parents to buy you a $50+ set, but it's usually not too hard to swing just a single limb. Then you can get another and another, and finally explain how you need the last big expensive one to complete the set, and that the others are "useless" without the most expensive one... I wonder how much of PCC's suckiness was inherent to the gimmick, and how much of it was due to trying to make a combiner team that could be sold in a single box at a below-leader pricepoint.
  20. What? If they do I'll order it this second but I haven't seen it there for weeks and I just checked again 10 secs ago. Alto's is sold out most everywhere.
  21. As promised, I'm giving a heads-up on cancelling my VF-25S pre-order at HLJ. 5 min warning. Of course, since HLJ isn't exactly real-time, it'll only become "available" when they update the order tomorrow or so...
  22. I would trade every other figure Hasbro releases in the next 12 months for a big, new, official, Fall of Cybertron Bruticus. Note I said BIG. This is Hasbro's chance to "respond" to all the 3rd-party Devastators and upgrade kits. If they make a new Bruticus and it's anything less than epic, I'm thinking pretty much the entire classic/G1/oldschool fandom will "give up" on Hasbro ever making a really good combiner, and put ALL their support/money into 3rd-party designs.
  23. Erm, really need a THIRD game to be much of a collection. ZOE 3 is *way* over-due. (a rebuilt Idolo would kick ass)
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