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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. #1 tip I can give you: Heat your spray cans. Not directly, but let them sit in very hot water for a few minutes. The can should be hot (not too hot to handle, but close to it). It'll atomize the paint droplets better. It'll quickly cool as you use it (similar phenomenon to using canned air for airbrushing). Having "hot cans" made a bigger difference than most other things I've tried (like super-stringent surface prep/cleaning, paying close attention to spray distance, etc). Better spray=better paint job! #2 tip---running your thumbnail against a sprue mark can greatly lessen its noticeableness.
  2. I was going to, but it seems to be 3D-only. I hate 3D more and more these days. I'll rent it in 2D. PS--hear that Hollywood? I refuse to see your new-release movie solely because it's in 3D.
  3. That's how I'm doing my MG Wing. I'd like to do my Zeta Plus like that as well, but transforming+paint doesn't do well in my experience*. I may just have to leave it glossy-bare so that I don't scrape off half the clear coat every time I transform it. *Wing Gundam looks stupid in "bird mode" so it'll be transformed once, if that---plus it doesn't really have any sliding parts/joints involved.
  4. I never said the v.1 was right either. (but it had a truly fugly mold, so it wouldn't have mattered how it was painted) Now we have a good Ozma mold, but the colors are still wrong. I think the 1/72 kit has the best colors---not that they're "perfect" but they're certainly acceptable.
  5. I feel even more vindicated with all the pics posted. IMHO the color's off even more than I thought. (not just the molded vs paint mis-match, but I feel the main overall colors are too dark---don't like the shade of yellow used, either) 100% happy I cancelled mine.
  6. The model kits have very orange SMS logos. IMHO it looks better than yellow. But then Bandai's own action bases have very bright yellow stickers, not orange like the valks themselves.
  7. And there's always the "it's 100x bigger than it needs to be" issue. You can light up a Gundam with multiple LED's with nothing more than a watch battery and wires. Why does Hasbro need a 2x3inch box to do the same thing?
  8. Honestly I don't think a "Roy" scheme would be "appropriate" in-universe. Roy's death was still fairly recent. In DYRL nobody else used his scheme afterwards, even when they became commander of the squadron. In the SDF TV series, I think the best explanation is "they simply didn't repaint it and Hikaru was preserving the memory". But a brand-new Roy-painted VF-4 in 2012? Not likely IMHO. We see it in Frontier as a homage decades later. Just something to think about.
  9. When your 100th plane is awesome, you gotta let people know:
  10. I'm considering ordering Alto's armor, despite not having Alto's valk----because my theory is: 1. A bundle-pack re-release is likely for Alto---valk+boosters. 2. A bundle-pack with boosters AND armor is only moderately likely. 3. A later re-release of the armor alone is unlikely, as Alto's isn't that well-known for the armor and it's supposed to be a one-time web-exclusive release anyways. 4. So if I don't get Alto's armor now, I might never get it. If there is an Alto uber-bundle of valk+boosters+armor in the future, I can always sell my MIB never-used Alto armor here for at least what I paid for it, I suspect. Seriously, Bandai needs to announce some re-release plans before they close the orders for the armor sets. Dear Bandai: I want to give you lots of my money for Alto stuff---but I need his valk first!
  11. It was very recently, when I was trying to get an Alto for Christmas. I checked every place I could possibly find for weeks---and my options were pretty much "pay out the nose for one from the very few places that still had one, or pay ~200 bucks on ebay". HLJ and BBTS are never the cheapest place to pre-order a valk, but they do replace them if they break.
  12. This is the VF-25 thread, not the VF-25S-only thread. My comments were actually referring to VF-25F's on Ebay----Alto's is almost impossible to find from a reputable dealer nowadays, but can still be had for ~200 bucks, if you're willing to risk zero customer service/support if something goes wrong with it.
  13. It's one of the reasons I tend to pay a little more but order from HLJ and the like---if my valk snaps in half the first week, they'll take care of it, and I won't be out 200+ dollars. A lot of "cheapest ebay dealer from HK" etc. places won't.
  14. A Mirage 2000 took down an F-15! (by, um, erm, colliding with it in mid-air---does that count?)
  15. At this point I'm hoping for an uber-bundle, with both boosters AND armor included. Because if it's only boosters or only armor---then it'll be too late to buy the last set separately. Or heck, maybe I should just buy Alto's armor just in case, and wait for an Alto+boosters bundle in the future. (as that is the most-likely bundle, along with Ozma+armor).
  16. True. Why they give those massive plastic stands have always puzzled me. I don't need it to have a bigger footprint than the valk itself. Giant $30 stand=bad. Nice $10 stand=good.
  17. No line art that really shows the back AFAIK, and it'd take a while to go through the eps (I think ep 17 would be a good one to check). The model kit is little different: I think the S-model may just have a very bland head, due to the different transformation. (no 180 rotation like the F-model)
  18. I think I see pink tiles---more pics from the Sith Lord's bathroom?
  19. Graham--can we have a close-up of the skull marking on the back? It looks like the sword is a deep royal purple in the one pic you posted.
  20. Interesting. I figured we wouldn't see Alto's armor announced until after an Alto re-release announcement (with or without super parts bundled in). Sure hope this leads to a re-release soon---they can't sell his armor if nobody has his valk! (plus, having his armor now will be an incentive to people who passed on Alto the first time around)
  21. Box art colors don't match the earlier pics of the actual toy. Wonder if the final productions colors are different, or the box printing is just off. Anyways, here's my issues with the colors (of what we saw earlier) and why I cancelled: 1. Mis-match. The painted parts and the molded parts of the lighter, belly grey don't match. 2. Hue. The lighter grey, both painted and molded, is way too blue. Reminds me of toothpaste/mint. 3. Contrast. The lighter grey isn't nearly light enough. Ozma's valk should be 2 very different shades of grey. The toy is like 2 barely different shades of grey. The contrast should be obvious, not subtle. All of the above also plays into how it'll look with full armor--which is mostly grey. It ends up looking kinda like one boring blue-grey mecha overall, when it should have contrast between the valk's warm light grey, warm medium grey, and the armor's cool grey.
  22. I was thinking earlier---I'd like the VF-4 to come with a stand. Because (as mentioned above) we almost never see it gear-down. Heck, we don't even see it in battroid that often, and almost never in GERWALK. The VF-4 is most-depicted (and thus, "in our conciousness") in fighter mode, gear-up. And that requires a display stand. Hey, the SV-51 and YF-21 did.
  23. If it was that easy, we'd see a lot more custom Yamatos than we do.
  24. I've always thought the Lotus Esprit (in every form) tended to resemble "the current Lambo". (which is a good thing, IMHO---I've never been big on Lotus overall, but have liked the Espirit since the 80's)
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