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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The ventral fins have to move, otherwise it couldn't sit on its landing gear. THE SV-51 IS EXACTLY THE SAME. (real-life analogues include the MiG-23/27, and F8U-3 Super Crusader)
  2. Exactly----the "aligned" wings and fins from head-on seems to be a consistent trademark of the VF-4, in every depiction. (except Yamato's)
  3. Just a few comments based on real Jolly Rogers planes: 1. Don't paint the wingtips yellow. Canards/fins are fine, but not on the wings. 2. Want something on the inside of the tailfins? Tailcode or wing badge, but not a skull. The most "traditional" tailcode for a high-vis Jolly Roger plane is AJ, but they've been AA for a while. Wing badges aren't that common but seem to be "coming back" lately. Here's CVW-8's (again the most iconic one for the Jolly Rogers, but hasn't been theirs for years):
  4. Experten updated their blog--they're doing a Jamming Birds D-model: http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/vf11/index.html (I personally love the VF-11D)
  5. Also, they do seem to fit VERY tightly on some parts---to the point that trying to "swap back" may damage the model--break off some pins, etc.
  6. "grey and white is cartoon accurate". Yeah, kind of like how Superman having blue streaks in his hair is comic accurate, or the Silver Surfer being white and blue is also 100% correct. And hey, Optimus Prime should have white wheels, with a white bumper, and white stacks!
  7. First Edition: Gimmick-free! 'nuff said IMHO. I still don't think I've ever seen a gimmick that improved a TF, and even fewer that didn't hamper the transformation/looks. "What Arcee really needs, is a giant blade twice her size---that'll be MUCH better than the current mold".
  8. One less F-14 in the world---one of Iran's crashed.
  9. I saw several 6in Cheetaras at Wal-Mart yesterday. I'm waiting for the new classics version myself.
  10. I got Basara in a second, but Minmay confused me. (quite possibly because I don't like/ignore Minmay)
  11. Hey, that makes it stealthy. (aligning all the edges and angles is oft-overlooked, most people only see angles, not the fact that they're aligned---go look at a YF-23 from above for the best example there is---F-117 is pretty good too)
  12. Better to speak now when nothing's finalized, than when Yamato's actually got a mostly-finished sculpt and the only things they can alter are the panel lines and paint.
  13. Why can't the nosecone simply split and "slide over itself" to shorten in battroid mode? Kind of like how the Yamato YF-21 forward fuselage does. With the way the VF-4 transforms, the joint etc would be almost invisible in battroid mode, since only the tip of the nosecone is really visible. Either way, the nosecone as a whole does need to be angled up, and the very tip could be more angular/flat on the underside. As it is it almost reminds me of Jetfire's nosecone now. Too rounded at the very tip.
  14. BTW, I never could find that commercial showing the Zeta Plus. If anyone ever finds it, please let me know.
  15. Of course, but "white" has always been very finicky/tricky with the 'real grade' stuff---white vs beige vs grey. (I think everyone's picked up on my pickyness with "shades of grey" by now) Could look awesome, could look "dirty".
  16. Well, I can't find a 2D showing within reasonable distance. Will check around again. ::edit:: Nope, not driving 50 miles.
  17. I had a similar thought---instead of altering the feet, enlarge the "ankle" part of the nacelle.
  18. I think it's pretty clear that's a rough CAD done with simple geometry just to get the basic layout right. Surely that's not the final exact shape of the wings and tailfins, etc. Anyways, battroid notes: I'm thinking the overall "overhanging chest" part looks off. Too long, not rounded enough. Shorten that up, make it stubbier. Also, the whole nosecone/pelvis section needs to be further aft I think, more "under the head" vs under the protruding chest.
  19. The feet/nozzles really don't "work" if you compare battroid and fighter mode drawings. Looking from above, as you go from the root to the tips---in battroid, they taper. In fighter mode, they get wider. 100% anime (or ink+paper) magic. Like the intakes vs hips of a YF-19. Opposite shapes in different modes despite being the same part. I had thought of a way with an "atypical for a valk" foot-hinge, but it still wouldn't look right due to interior vs exterior. (the nozzle would flip 135 degrees or so, and pivot at the aft end, rather than pivoting at the forward end 45 degrees like normal) This would give "opposite taper directions" in each mode, but then you have the inside of the nozzle becoming the outside of the foot, and vice-versa. That may actually work due to the VF-4's flat, paddle-like nozzles, but probably wouldn't be a very stable or good-looking foot. They also really need to extend/slide outwards, like an Sv-51/VF-25's do, to look right in fighter mode---they should be flush with the sides of the nacelle, not sticking out behind it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham---several of those detailed VF-4 drawings are at Mr March's site: http://www.macross2....ck2012/vf-4.htm The bottom 5, apparently sourced from a Musasiya kit. Notable for showing a VF-4 withOUT the missiles attached. If it's not too late, can you get Yamato to add the arresting hook? It's clearly shown here. (are they even aware of these pics? So many nice details, especially the landing gear)
  20. Mk II---maybe in AEUG colors, but definitely not Titans. For me, the neatest thing in the list is the custom sniper Zaku I. That was just about the best part of Unicorn Ep 4 IMHO.
  21. Hmmn, I don't see any landing gear doors----they should be "important" enough to show up in even a basic CAD drawing. Graham--is Yamato aware of how the VF-4's ventral fins can pivot up for ground clearance in fighter mode? (they should be, it's clearly indicated in SK's drawings and it's not the only valk that does it---notably the Sv-51 as well) I sorta see something like that in the drawing, but it almost looks backwards from how it should be.
  22. My concern is with ANY figure of Airachnid, spidery or no. She's got helicopter canopy halves on her shoulders---but that's about it. The rest of it comes from where exactly?
  23. It just reinforces that Max is really Kawamori's self-portrayal. They both never age!
  24. I'm dang curious as to how the new Airachnid figure's going to work. Shell-former with 100x the on-screen amount of kibble? Would love a Voyager, but more likely a Deluxe since it's a female character.
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