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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Is Go-Lion not very popular in Japan? If is is popular---why is there no modern figure from any of the major Japanese toy companies? All we get are pathetic re-hashes of existing figs from Mattel and Toynami----same toy we've had for the past 30 years, just with a few gimmicks added in (being it probe-keys or a few balljoints) . Somebody, somewhere, has to be able to figure out how to do a better SCULPT. Red and Green lions are always my reference point---they usually look pathetic in lion mode, and are often 50% joint-bits in arm mode.
  2. Fin/wing angles still all wrong from head-on. Tell 'em Graham! (canards and wings should be parallel, ventral fins and tailfins should be aligned with each other)
  3. EXO suggested 3D printing as well. The shape is simple, basically a rod stuck to a triangle. And 1 rivet detail and 1 depression. I'll check into epoxy putty molding, too.
  4. Maybe a bit OT, but I have a model train which has lost a part, and there's basically no way to get a replacement. However, there are several copies of this part on it, so I just need another one of them----is there any chance someone here who does resin casting would be willing to copy this part for me? Frankly I do not want to go through the expense and trial-n-error of learning resin casting myself just for a single little part. It'd probably end up costing half again what I paid for the model in the first place. But I'm more than willing to pay someone who aready knows what they're doing for their time/materials cost. It's just a small little piece, basically an "L" about 1cm long.
  5. Michael's is the odd one out. A lot of the smaller details are "opposite" of the others, even Luca's. Asides from the overall green color, Luca's has very similar patterns/details to Ozma/Alto. Looking at the decal sheets for the model kit's boosters clearly show this---Michael's will always "break the pattern" and not be purely a blue color swap compared to the other 3---it'll either reverse the colors, or something.
  6. I never unnecessarily remove the disc from any system. If there's nothing else to play at the moment, and it's a good long RPG, a single disc can remain in for weeks. Heck, I think my Dreamcast spent like a year with Soul Calibur 1 inside it. (wanted to play it again, and never took it out or played anything else for a long while--kind of forgot about it) My Gamecube spends most of its time with the GBA player disc inside. (yes, I play Gameboy games on a 32in HD screen---nyah!)
  7. Bruticus Maximus is expensive because he's the more "realistically colored" version of the mold, and the one intended for FP Bruticus. I always held off on Crossfire due to the parts not matching my Energon Barricade, figuring they'd do the obvious and re-release them with parts etc colored to match that one. Kind of surprised they didn't, but far more surprised that the re-release had no combiner parts at all!
  8. That's a 'shop, not actually a different pic/transformation. It's probably correct, and there's probably a whole lot of other changes the actual figure can do to look better. Anyways, I've seen a ton of comments on several boards about Vortex's coloration---well, that's what we've known it to be for like 6 months now. The game doesn't have him as quite so bright and shiny, but "golden with red" is his new scheme. Come to think of it, Blast-Off isn't so coppery either, but his bronze-brown art does pay homage to his G1 colors. But again--these are Hasbro's shopped pics, and no toy ever looks nearly as shiny/metallic as the official pics. How many times have we thought "wow, this time they're actually going to use silver paint/chrome" and gotten dull grey plastic? I wouldn't expect Bruticus' arms to be very bright 'n shiny in the end. Vortex should have a black head and silver blades though, officially. Not so much red: (and his blades should fold up on his back----IMHO that's a major difference for no apparent reason---the toy has the standard "opposing blades swing 90 degrees to lay on top of each other, effectively making a double-bladed weapon)---except, that's not what Vortex does. They should be like how Energon Vortex did, with adjacent blades swinging 90 degrees. It's a simple thing to do, Hasbro's already done it before and recently. It'd have been easy to make the blades look just like the art does, in bot mode.
  9. Posted too soon---Vortex clearly has a full hand for Bruticus.
  10. Swindle's upside down, that I think is the biggest difference from what he "should" look like in combined mode. (all the mis-transformation in the world wouldn't affect that). Everything else---I'll wait until Peaugh gets his copies and transforms them properly. TF fandom rule #1---the more anticipated a figure, the worse Hasbro will mis-transform it for the reveal pics. I sure hope he has a left hand, and not just a "pile of bits to make a weapon"-----having no real hands is probably the #1 thing that irks me with so many combiners.
  11. Experten again---Full Armor VF-11: http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/vf11/index.html
  12. Agreed with Shin. Get rid of the stupid removable limbs and you'll eliminate most of the annoying joints/flaws/breakages in that valk---the thigh/hip joints especially always want to move along the "remove legs" direction, and not the "transform legs" direction---causing stress, annoyance, delays, floppy poses, etc. Plus with how sensitive the belly plates are to 0.5mm of movement in any direction----unnecessary joints are bad. Plus I want a backplate that stays down in fighter mode via a tab or something, like the 1/72 did---the 1/60 is held in by pure friction, and as evidenced by several people's pics (including mine)---it doesn't always work. My 1/72's backplate was awesome. (my first 1/72's---my second one with FP's wasn't as good for some reason---and again I wasn't alone in that regard, many people reported that issue with their FP 2nd-version 1/72) And belly plates that actually "lock" into place would be nice---again, they're mainly held in by friction and are under constant stress---that's why they POP open, instead of merely "falling" open when they let go. The rear/lower edges barely barely tab into the foot area----the tabs are several mm long, but only like 1mm if that barely catches on the foot-cover-hinge thing. Oh yeah, almost forgot---DARKER BLUE. The first 1/72 was perfect. The 2nd 1/72 was purple. The 1/60 is like cobalt blue. I've seen M+ several times---the plane Guld flew was a *dark* blue. Yamato's 1/60 is way too light/bright, it's darn near the color of Max's 1J.
  13. The Incredible Hulk. That's why he's green(ish).
  14. Abominus has knee and hip articulation---that puts him way beyond most G1 gestalts.
  15. I'm a huge Menasor fan, but I can only accept the Stunticons as "real" cars. No Cybertronian modes, no "license-avoiding quasi-cars". So I don't expect to ever see a new Menasor that I'd like----car companies defend their properties voraciously----Hasbro may let FP and TFC etc go with their Devastators, but I'd bet GM or Porsche would sue their ass off if a proper Corvette or 911 showed up in a 3rd-party Menasor. PS--same rules for Aerialbots. So, that said---gimme a new Abominus! Plenty of leeway with 2-headed dragons and land-sharks!
  16. Many "white" valks are not. If you have a DYRL valk, it's probably the infamous "very light grey/off-white" color. Hikaru's TV VF-1J is among the few "pure" white valks.
  17. If anything, Blast-Off and Vortex need to be more complex, as they will/should incorporate the hands into their designs---whereas Brawl and Swindle don't really need "feet" per se, as most any TF does fine with "big blocky shapes at the bottom of their legs". So long as they're flat on the bottom, they're fine. I mean, Devastator has a truck cab and a scoop for his "feet".
  18. I was thinking something like this. Or, if Hasbro's really nice, knowing that anyone who buys any limb is almost "guaranteed" to buy Onslaught and the 3 other limbs---maybe Onslaught will be a huge deluxe---basically a voyager in a deluxe package/price, being "funded" by limb sales. (we've seen several TF's that really seem to cross the deluxe/voyager line, in both directions) If Brawl's a scout, he looks like the best scout ever. PS---City Bot=Metroplex, Trypticon, Scorponok, Fortress Maximus.
  19. Math+3D geometry=8 times the size of a 1/48.
  20. 5 deluxes? Hmmn. 5 'bots all the same size tends to be disproportionate like Predaking. If they're all the same size, you really need 2 for the torso, like G1 Devy or Monstructor. I do hope Onslaught at least "stretches" the limits of how big a deluxe can be. Or I've always wanted a G1-screen-accurate combination---in that Blast-Off's wings form the chestplate. That'd help both add bulk to Onslaught, and "slim down" Blast-Off.
  21. I was thinking of the YF-19's upper intake markings, myself, as while not a mold change, was something that Yamato completely missed until we pointed it out and provided screen caps showing them---and Yamato did put them on the final release. (even the pics used for the box art etc lacks them---we just BARELY got word to them in time, even though I commented on them like the first day we got pics of the intended coloration) I also believe the black on the chest of Nora's Sv-51 was another thing "they missed, but people on MW cried out" and got it changed. ::edit:: Yup, right above the heat shield, it's still magenta on Yamato's sample/box pics. But black on the final release.
  22. I'd buy lots of FoC Dinobots, but still would love a big Bruticus more than anything.
  23. Nope. My alternate title is "nitpicky mod". In short---the more I want something, the more I want it done right. It's a lot easier to fix things BEFORE it's finalized. Pointing things out now helps increase Yamato's awareness of either real or potential issues--either via Graham or lurkers who have contacts, etc. Rather than waiting for an almost-finished sculpt.
  24. Yes, but will they "lock" into the proper place? It'd be very annoying to have to carefully, manually move each fin 1mm at a time to line them up perfectly---and then hope nobody breathes on it heavily, moving them out of alignment. (same as getting both the left and right wings at the same angle of sweep on the non-detented valks) Big difference between being able to align, and intentionally being designed to do so in fighter mode.
  25. I like the yellow markings on the head.
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