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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. No one's commented on the best adverb ever? Or am I the only one who listens to the "Blasto" ads on the Citadel?
  2. Sell? It's DLC, bits floating around the world-wide-web. You can buy a license for it, but can't really own it.
  3. Yeah, THIS is Japan-exclusive, yet all the Idolmaster crap was available in the US. Talk about mis-reading your market...
  4. Well, if nothing else, having the legs split in two and hiding the wheels would make it far more screen-accurate than the original toy.
  5. Pretty much---either flaps up and wings in, or flaps down and wings out. Now, as you noticed, there is a possible compromise---build them flaps up, and cut one of the pins to get it out of the way, and be sure to install the "wings back" version of the inflatable bag seal to provide room. It is then possible to put the wings in either position--you can't actually sweep them, you have to pull the wings out and re-insert them at the other angle every time you change, and you can't do any intermediate position. But you can change between full-forward and full-back. Don't rely on round pins at all, as they will not rotate no matter what you do (without destroying the integrity of the fuselage). But do use the longer oval/rectangle pins to "align" the wings. PS---the 1/48 has legendary fit issues with the intakes and gear wells, so don't feel too "slighted".
  6. Sunstreaker unlikely IMHO. Famous, but transforms and looks so different in bot mode you might as well ask for MP Tracks from the mold. Breakdown however, is possible if they either rotate the whole torso or flip the hood over the other way somehow. (Red Alert is of course a given, being little more than a seeker-style color-swap). I'd love G1 Breakdown, but there's no way I'd buy him over Sideswipe.
  7. Kicking off a new thread with awesome pics: http://defensetech.org/2012/03/10/awesome-new-pics-of-chinas-stealth-fighter/
  8. OMG. My first TF ever, and all-time fave Autobot. And the fact that it's actually a Countach? Mind blown. (we haven't gotten an actual Lambo in years due to the whole VW/Audi no-war-toys thing). And he's still a Countach, not a Murcielago or anything.
  9. They should have asked for the front half of a scrapped F-14, give them a nice head-start on a VF-1...
  10. I just now realized I haven't seen/heard anything about Jacob, either. Funny, I did a mental check of everybody in ME2, and it took a day later until I noticed I forgot him! (and that's even with a codex entry mentioning his loyalty mission) PS---I am surprised at how the ME1 Rachni option turned out in the end. Can't say more than that without spoiling. (there may be another Rachni quest/mission in the future, but I think I just did the main one that secures what kind of support you get at the end)
  11. Alto ejected the armor almost bit-by-bit in Ep 14 as he used up the missiles---as soon as any pod/area was out of missiles, it was jettisoned. I think there were at least 3 separate times this happened, until it was almost bare when he went inside to rescue Ranka. If you really want to "learn" about how Alto uses the armor, watch the second half of ep 14, not the final ep.
  12. Yes, disc-switching is a pain. It seems to me that (so far) "main" missions are on disc 1, and most side missions are on disc 2. (plus the discs are in the new 7+ gig version, so I don't have room to install both on my 20GB HDD) Tali is still conspicuously absent. I have now either gotten a personal message or actually met almost everyone on my team from ME2--but not a word even mentioning Tali's existence. Had a major decision today, actually made me pause---since I am being pure renegade this time, and it would seriously affect the final battle/ending I believe, I did go with the renegade option---but if there's one place in the game to go paragon, that's probably it. Can't say more without spoiling, other than it occurred on Tuchanka. Weapon upgrades seem easy---you can pretty much just buy your way to top of the line stuff, and it's fairly cheap IMHO. Since you never have to buy armor, you can pretty much budget 95% of your credits to new pistols etc. PS---some characters that could die in ME2 seem to have MAJOR roles in ME3, I'm quite curious how it plays out without them. You're certainly missing a LOT of plot/dialogue on some planets otherwise.
  13. To that I say---green blade, purple barrel.
  14. On a related note, I'll mention again that I have a Soul Calibur 5 Dampierre code, for 360.
  15. BTW, for those importing a character: The game will auto-assign powers (as in, pick which one of the two versions of the higher-level powers for you) but you do get one free power-reset quite early in the game, so don't worry about it. (I was for a little bit, because I *strongly* wanted the denote version of warp, and not the other one)
  16. Very nice. Then I will hope/wait for an "HD" master grade version.
  17. I'll keep waiting for the MG version. Maybe it'll be "dull" gold like the 1/100 Wing kits, and not the chrome-gold?
  18. Nope, Liara's "Shadow Broker" model is "bigger"---you can basically overlay the ME1 model with mods on PC and do a direct comparison. And from playing ME 3 all day, it seems ALL the female models were "enhanced"... Anyways---I'm now thinking all the ME2 DLC armors are simply AVAILABLE if you import a character. I've now found all the ones I ever had---for purchase at the Citadel. I don't think I'm going to buy any, as they're expensive and not new. Well, maybe Collector's armor--I always did think it looked cool, and it has the best bonuses. Overall non-spoilery impressions: After the opening sequence, it seems kinda slow for a while. Of course, since ME always makes you go to the Citadel for a while fairly early on, that always slows things down. The "weapons affect cooldown" is the best improvement they could have possibly made to the battle system---makes adepts and techs fun again. (I'd carry just 1 gun if I could, but you max out at 200% cooldown bonus, so might as well bring 2, so long as you stay in the 190-200% range) Just looking at the squad screen, it seems they're going for about the same number of companions as ME1. I was planning on bringing along Tali like always for my techy-anti-geth member, but I just found a new one I think I'll replace her with. (I haven't seen nor heard of Tali at all yet, strangely, while I've already got several of the "main" ME squadmates) Finally----importing didn't seem to work quite right with mine. It's a save going back to ME1. Pure renegade, did all the "bad" things in ME1 and 2----yet I started out with like 1/8 bar of paragon points. Hmmmn. Also the face didn't import right at all. Darn near random selections I think there. So I just had to type in the code. The actual decisions all seem correct though--it actually gives you a list of what you did to help you pick which save file to import. Protip: You don't need to use the sliders for making the face. Scroll all the way down, and you can just type in the code directly if you know it. Don't need dashes or periods or anything either. Much faster that way.
  19. So, why doesn't Bandai make re-releases or even new releases work like the Tamashii exclusives? Announce a pre-order date, take orders for a few weeks, then make them. Keeps them exclusive/limited like Bandai seems to want, yet people can still get them without TOO much effort. I mean, imagine a 3rd run of the YF-29 done like this. If Bandai gets 2300 orders, then that's all the remaining demand was. If they get 14,000 then they know that's what they need to make. Everyone wins. We could have VF-25F, VF-25S, and VF-171 re-releases done like this too. If Bandai doesn't want to dare over-produce, then they should just do "on-demand" ordering. It's what most model train makers are doing now----announcing, taking orders for a while, then making that many, with like maybe 5% more to release to the stores for general sales. If you want one--pre-order or never get it. But they WILL make as many as people pre-ordered so nobody misses out. (in theory) PS---yes, simply making large amounts readily available at retail would be best for consumers, but I don't see that happening with how Bandai's been doing lately. But "made to order" based on the Tamashii system seems plausible.
  20. Bumping, moving posts, etc. The VF-27 thread has been "lost" for a while.
  21. FYI, I'm not the mod who decided to do some thread-cleaning an hour before the game is released... Anyways, just finished my ME 2 paragon run and a few last achievements tonight. Never did do an insanity run. (started, but honestly didn't think it was worth it---I still prefer ME1's battle system, and was MUCH better at it---insanity on ME1 was fine--tough, but not truly frustrating) PS---it seems Blood Dragon armor will carry over if you've got it. WITH the new removable-helmet option. So yes, Bioware did listen. It just took a while.
  22. VF-27's don't break, but they do get loose in the shoulders. The standard nail polish/superglue trick works well on them, especially as you can disassemble them easily since they're screwed together with no caps over them, and not glued anywhere.
  23. The registry numbers of TNG and later were clearly considered and assigned to give a "sense" of the size of the fleet. I don't remember who/what actually said this, but it's not coincidence there's a pattern/grouping of the numbers. Yes, there's a few big gaps and jumps, but I think these were generally acknowledged as mistakes and it'd be too hard to try to retcon screen-seen reg numbers etc. The sheer size of the fleets seen on-screen in the Dominion War implies hundreds of ships at the front lines, as we can see dozens at a time from a single task force involved in a single moment of battle. Presumably hundreds more out in deep space exploring the frontier/peacekeeping.
  24. For being submerged in a lake for 60 years, this Bf-109 is in *amazing* shape: You can easily make out that it had the typical yellow nose, the swastikas*, the fuselage bands, etc. Current plans are to make it fly again. Probably take a decade though... *due to how often swastikas seem to be found well-preserved, I wonder if they used a special paint or something. Bismarck's are still in good shape, when everything else on the ship is pretty nasty-looking.
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