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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ahh, EB. Where I looked upon and longed for the Neo-Geo many times... Not as good as Babbage's though.
  2. The actual game is a bit better than the demo. "Bit" was chosen carefully---more than "slightly" but less than "a chunk".
  3. Sorry, wasn't April Fool's yet, and I rarely partake in that.
  4. I'm not falling for that trap. Soon you'll have a hundred tribbles, crowding out all your inventory slots, ruining your hyposprays, clogging up the Jeffries tubes...
  5. That was my thought---if it said "Chogokin Dairugger XV" I'd guess 99% of licensing lawyers would never have found it.
  6. Forget Sazabi, there's Leos! Sazabi got a zillion kits already, but there's almost nothing for the Leo. Surprised to see a TV Altron, too. Of course, I dare not hope for a TV Sandrock. The most-ignored Wing mech of all... Also---Kirk's Zaku I seems to have quickly become everyone's fave Zaku I. (it is mine)
  7. Not quite that many---you'll miss some of the best Milia/VF-1J action. I'd suggest skipping the first 10, the higher teens/early twenties, and most of the thirties.
  8. "TRIPLETS---sequel underway to the 1988 comedy movie TWINS which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito. The sequel has the characters played by Schwarzenegger and Devito discovering that Eddie Murphy's character is their third sibling. The script hasn't been written yet."
  9. And the airlines figured out people knew this, so now most charge extra to sit in an exit row.
  10. Going a little OT here, but it just emphasizes how a lot of technology "looks" haven't changed as much as they used to. 1955 car vs 1985 car? Completely different. 1982 vs 2012? A lot of common sedans look not all that different. More rounded, yes, but not like they've got huge fins and afterburner tail lights. Airplanes---hah! 1955 F-86 vs 1985 F-18? 1982 F-15C vs 2012 F-15C? Or civilian----1955 DC-7 vs 1985 DC-10. Or 1982 767 vs 2012 767... I'd even argue the same for fashion. 50's/60's/70's vs 80's/90's/00's. Remakes of movies from the 40's and 50's, even 60's sometimes 70's---OK. Times/things change. But anything from the 80's/90's---what's going to be different? Will "Future Detroit" look any different at all? (Sadly, if anything, it may look even worse than what the original movie showed)
  11. So, someone ordered 400 cupcakes to be delivered to Bioware's offices. 1/3 blue, 1/3 red, and 1/3 green. Though it doesn't matter which color you pick, they all taste the same. But you've got choice! Anyways--
  12. So, the un-Kawamoried MP Starscream's out. Only real coloring issue IMHO is the canopy framing---gunmetal? Seems kinda random, since AFAIK pretty much every representation of every seeker ever has the canopy framing as the same color as the rest of the fuselage. Really stands out IMHO against the light grey. (that, and the face seems too dark--blends in with the helmet too much)
  13. They're bent upwards more than typical to start with, and they're designed to flex more than normal. That's just how a 787 is.
  14. If you're going that route--then does any of ME3's missions matter? Why not go right back to Earth after Mars, with a quick snippet saying "during the 6-month gap, they built the Crucible". And start the final mission right then. Because spending hours and hours on any given planet only gets you a 5-word line from Joker---"the ____ fleet just arrived too".
  15. Wrong. Half the schemes at that site have errors, but it seems the entire world references (and believes) them. (actually, that drawing's either very, very, very wrong, or it's not even supposed to be the standard F-14 low-vis scheme at all) MATS is wrong too, despite being the end-all be-all Tomcat site. (they've got the pattern right, but the colors wrong)
  16. Except that the whole "your decisions are important" was one of the key selling points and hyped things about the series. It'd be kind of like "most people aren't super-rich and drive Rolls Royces"---but if a game advertises that, but doesn't have it---that's bad. You can't just say "oh well, that's not how real life is, it's just being realistic". If you advertise money and cars in a game, they should be there. Real life also doesn't have space marines, but if they're on the cover, I expect to play as one. eugimon, re:rachni. In the end it didn't matter. So what, the Crucible is rated at 640 instead of 680? Big whoop, based on how "important" ME1 and ME2 hyped that decision up to be. I mean, it was the entire point of Noveria, which was like 1/4 of ME1's main plot. (since Therum was a much shorter section, and Feros was inbetween the two) Now, if the Crucible was destroyed---yeah, THAT'd be something, and would have made a huge difference to how things played out. But it's the exact same effect as "not discovering book #42 while scanning the attican traverse"----the Crucible has slightly lower stats---which means nothing. Having the Crucible even 500 points higher or lower would have done what, exactly? Expanding on that--really, no matter how big/old any decision was, all it ever does is change a few meaningless numbers around on the big map. Crucible 500 with Krogan 1000, vs Crucible 600 and Salarian 400 and Krogan 800. So what? Doesn't really change how anything plays out. I expected something like "planet X will be lost without Rachni support" or "you cannot get ending B if you chose the renegade option on Noveria". There were no consequences for anything. Heck, you could have purposely sacrificed pretty much every species ever, and the "red" or "blue" endings would be exactly the same. Except maybe Kaiden walks out 3rd at the end instead of Liara or something. Plus you'd miss out on Kirrahe's speech 45 mins earlier, if he didn't make it in ME1.
  17. Well, IMHO that's the main problem. THE ending--singular. Based on how hyped the whole "choice" thing is, and "keep your saves, because it'll affect everything!" the fact that there's really only one ending in three colors goes against one of the series' main points----that things will turn out different because of what you did. Why even list what happened to the Rachni queen in Noveria and what happened to the council at the end of ME1 when you import a save, when the game plays out the same way either way really? And has no effect on the ending? We don't need *a* new ending, that won't fix a huge chunk of the player's complaints---we really need at least 2---generally a "paragon" and "renegade" one (since mostly people either saved or killed everything). It was originally believed/hinted at that there would be many possible endings, basically built up of cut-scenes tailored to YOUR Shepard---what you did on Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Citadel, Collector Base, Tuchanka, Rannoch, etc. But instead, we got one generic ending that ignores the entire previous 90% of your decisions.
  18. Played the 2nd and some of the expansions, then the first. First one was hard in some ways, as the speed of the game did NOT scale with the CPU! So if your PC was significantly more powerful than what the game was designed around--whew! Things happened fast!
  19. Keep it orange, get the turbine wheels (yeah, hard to find) and make it a quasi-General Lee. If not---I vote for Plum Crazy or B5 Blue. Sublime Green after that.
  20. Nah, see both games are going to have a single unified ultra-DLC "real" ending. Where Shepard and the Farrons team up to defeat the Reapers...
  21. Despite this apparently being the FF13-2 thread, nobody commented/posted on this? (no, it's not a fake, it is of course more DLC)
  22. Bandai seems to be doing unpainted gear lately--bare metal struts with bare black plastic wheels/tires. (I painted the hubs on my VF-27---makes them look much better IMHO)
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