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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Plus, the fact that it just looked so cool/futuristic--there's way too many USAF generals that are "visually conservative"----it's amazing the SR-71 got approved. Many of them do not like "futuristic-looking" planes regardless of performance. The F-22 looks like an angular F-15--and they liked that, and gave it points for that. It's a primary reason no US fighter has canards, yet nearly all other highly-agile designs do.
  2. Yes, but I didn't want to write an entire essay on it. Those were the most egregious.
  3. FlightGobal is about as reputable/informative as websites come--their blogs are better (and often more factual) than many paper magazine articles.
  4. Should have done it in the 90's, with a Super Tomcat. VERY easy to explain to the audience Tim Taylor style---"it's Maverick's old plane, but with 40% MORE POWER"
  5. Love it, but I gotta wonder about how it could "fly" in battroid mode---most valks have their main engines as foot-thrusters. This does not. Or is battroid for ground use only?
  6. Eh, I like the uber-white plain look of Unicorn. Kind of goes with the whole "hidden" theme.
  7. They seem to have completely ignored the 2000-ish cartoon series, which IMHO was fairly good---certainly had some plot arcs that paid off. (yes, the snake-men saga sucked)
  8. Part of the problem is that NASA calls itself "Nasa" and the NACA had a similar mandate. But NACA is letter-by-letter, like nearly every other gov't agency. FAA is FAA, not "fah". But yeah--it's a pure aerodynamic term, that most automotive people/groups don't know the origin/pronunciation of. Like pitot or vernier.
  9. Gah, she pronounced NACA as "naca". It's en-ay-cee-ay. Just like CIA is "cee-eye-ay" and not "siah" or the ACT test is the ay-cee-tee and not the "act" test. NACA is an acronym, not a word. USAF is not "ooh-saf".
  10. It's not any better than anything that's come before, and it's inferior in many ways (like the basic transformation sequence having the legs fold the wrong way). It's BIG but that's it. True, a 1/30 version of a Takatoku 1/55 VF-1 may be a god-send to many people, but raw size wouldn't make it better than a 1/48 or V2 1/60 from Yamato... (especially if the backpack folded up the wrong way)
  11. Wow, I thought I was the only person on the planet who genuinely liked that game. (still hate the timing for many moves though)
  12. I wonder if each shuttle will get its "own" OMS pods prior to being displayed. I'm not sure all are available though---I know one of Columbia's wasn't on Columbia when it was lost, and last I heard it was on Discovery. So presumably one of another shuttle's was on Columbia at the time. Are those recent pics of Discovery? Last good series of pics I saw of it had the RCS assembly in the nose and both OMS pods removed, so it looks like it's complete again---and again---does it have "its own" ones installed, or just whichever were handy? It didn't matter for any particular mission/flight, but since this will be the final installation, I think it'd be nice for each shuttle to have its "own" parts as much as possible. Last pic I saw of Enterprise showed it with none. (which is a heck of an omission)
  13. To be correct, you'd need Phoenix pylons to mount a Phoenix under the gloves---each weapon has a unique adapter in that location. You'll note that the aft fin of a Sparrow mounted there exactly matches the angled cut-out at the rear of the adapter. However, I don't think I've ever seen Phoenixes loaded on the glove pylons INSTEAD of on the belly. Generally, the first 2 spots that a Phoenix go are on the belly up front. Then the rear. THEN they go under the gloves. About the only exception will be when carrying a single Phoenix on one side, while the belly is full of bombs and a LANTIRN pod is on the other side---because bombs absolutely can't go under the gloves and the Phoenix is needed more for balance than anything. As for Sidewinders----they can always go on the stub pylons on the outside of the main glove pylon, with any weapon. An F-14 will never need to be without Sidewinders no matter what else it carries.
  14. Years ago, when Masterpiece Starscream was unveiled, it looked a LOT like the brand-spanking new one that just came out. Then Takara hired Kawamori to "improve" the mold. Namely he streamlined plane mode, which added/moved a lot of the bot-mode kibble. Thus resulting in the first actual release of MP-03. Now, we get a more G1-accurate version---which is basically the original mold before Kawamori "tweaked" it. See, a lot of the hate for the "original" Masterpiece Starscream's hip kibble etc is because WE SAW HOW IT LOOKED BEFORE AND WE WANTED THAT VERSION. Takara changed it in a way that most people didn't like--while a decent number of people accepted it or even preferred it after Kawamori's changes, a whole lot more liked it better how it was before.
  15. As a child of the 80's, it's one of my favorite songs ever, no matter what the haters say. Its inclusion was one of the highlights of the movie for me. (that and Amy Adams are the main reasons I went to see it) Also, I always assume most people complain about the actual lyrics, which I tend to ignore in most songs--I go by the sound/instruments, which are typical pure 80's awesomeness.
  16. On that note---playing old games. If the new systems require online access etc, how long do you expect them to keep things running? If this requirement had happened long ago, do you think the Xenogears, Super Metroid, and Jet Set Radio Future servers would still be going, and could you still play an old, but much-loved game? MS etc always argue "when Madden 2012 comes out, nobody wants to play Madden 2011". True. But lots of games never get sequels, and aren't part of a mega-franchise like Call of Duty etc. And sometimes the new version sucks. ::cough, Ace Combat, cough:: A lot of people do want to keep playing the old games because they're still fun/the best version out there.
  17. The *youngest* B-52 will turn 50 years old in October.
  18. I've got it narrowed down---I want a Voltron toy, where the lions have necks. No neck=not a good lion mode. They will NEVER look right in lion mode by having the head attach directly to the body. (it's also essential for posing) I mean, LOOK: Those are some of the most iconic drawings of the lions ever (because we saw them each and every time we watched) and are thus pretty much everyone's basis of what they should look like in lion mode.
  19. Or encountered the bug where you couldn't even load a saved game in Dragon Age if you'd ever had DLC and weren't online. (even if you de-equip and trash the DLC item, merely ever having it would render your save un-loadable)
  20. That would effectively require any console to be hooked up to the 'net 24/7. The US/world is not THAT broad-band saturated yet. Unless every console comes with a free wireless router, it's impractical right now. I see Wii's *everywhere*--and a lot of them are not in homes with wireless, or even broadband. The same is true for the 360 and PS3 to a lesser degree, but it still exists----not everyone has their consoles online all the time, or even at all. Even if they could.
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