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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Just a basic stand, to display it in-flight. The VF-4 is all about fighter mode, heck we almost never see it with landing gear deployed. As for the missiles---they look more detailed than any other representation I've ever seen. I'm pleasantly surprised. To me they have that "this is how they were always intended to/should look" aspect to them---as if they'd never really been fully detailed out in drawings, but this is the original vision----seen for the first time.
  2. I can translate it, but it takes so long that I have to have a vested interest in attempting it. Plus, frankly---I don't think very many Japanese people know the "correct" pronunciation of western aviation words---they just do strict transliteration of the letters seen in books etc. How well does "Illinois" come across? How about bookay? (bouquet). See that nowadays too. On a related note, way too many "people who should know better" (like journalists) are popularizing "aircrafts". Aircraft is already plural, like deer and sheep. "4 aircrafts" is just as wrong as "4 sheeps".
  3. Well, the "aerodynamics in modern English" way does pronounce the S for the plural form. I think. Regardless, it is a long-established aerodynamic term, and you can't debate the correct pronunciation or claim "it's whatever the majority say it is". Because frankly, a couple of people on MW do not constitute the majority among people in the world using aeronautic terms. It'd be like saying you want to pronounce wing with a long-I sound, or flap with a long-A. "Deploy flapes!" Or "rooder" instead of rudd-er. Kind of like when you hear someone say they have Nike shoes, and pronounce it exactly like "Bike".
  4. Triple-slotted flaps. Haven't been seen since the 60's AFAIK, but man can they create lift... Or, you can always just go to max flap (which on many planes is rarely done). Here's an MD-11 at flaps 50: http://www.flightlev...Video-4845.html
  5. Ver-nee-ays! Not ver-niers. It's one of the world's many French aeronautical terms, like pitot and canard.
  6. Years ago, Jane's (and the DOD) would have paid SO much money for a shot like this: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air-Force/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-31/2082356/L/
  7. "Wolverine and the X-Men" was even better than Evolution IMHO. Too bad nobody got to see it, it seems like.
  8. Some things don't need to be re-invented, like "how to supply oxygen to the pilot of a fighter jet". It was perfected decades ago. "But hey, let's increase the zillion-dollar development costs and delay the program even more by trying to invent a new system". I wonder if the F-35's system is based more on the F-22, or F-16... Boeing is noted for almost directly copying the 727's slat deployment system for the 777, despite decades of advances in aerospace technology---because there still hadn't been anything better. Point.
  9. They sure are taking their time then, as I still don't have a VF-25F for my on-order parts to attach to... (If they announce a bundle quick enough, I can keep just the armor on order, and get the super pack+valk as a single set)
  10. Unless you're a huge airline buff, and can't stand the gross inaccuracies and anachronisms. (and the zillion of smaller ones). PS---would have been nice if ABC used the right logo, for starters. That's not the "60's" PAA logo. "Meticulous attention to detail"--maybe if the show was set in 1984...
  11. Ooooh. Spent many hours with that. Thought it had a much more accurate flight-model than F-15E Strike Eagle. (I still am annoyed at trying to land in Strike Eagle--it's like they completely forgot that the direction you're POINTING isn't necessarily the direction you're FLYING----coming in to land at low throttle with everything hanging out---if you have ONE degree nose up, you'll climb---and that is so wrong, even a 5-year-old has realized that planes can descend with their nose high by watching them land)
  12. That's like the first Grace art in 2 years or something...
  13. No no, Silverbolt should be an XB-70. I've thought this for years. Big, white, very Concorde-esque---but there's actually space under the belly to keep robot bits in. A Concorde is almost impossible to work with (just like an SR-71) but the XB-70 has that big huge 6-engined intake assembly with integrated gear bays AND bomb bays. You could stuff the whole robot AND the combiner bits in there. I really hope they've thought about that option, and aren't going to make a very G1-esque "robot with a Concorde on its back"---because that's the ONLY way you're ever going to be able to make a TF Concorde. Plus--the XB-70's wings fold in real life---no "alt-mode-inaccurate" big ugly hinges in the middle of the wing like G1 Silverbolt to fold them up for robot mode, because the XB-70 already has big hinges in the wings designed in!
  14. So, Aerialbots. First, an actual scale comparison, for anyone who wants to argue about scale: Second---in the original G1 toy patent drawings, while Air Raid and Slingshot look nigh-identical to the final product, Silverbolt is COMPLETELY different. And suckier overall. But he is an F-14 Tomcat! (which actually introduces even more scale issues, by having an F-14 that's much larger than an F-4/F-15)
  15. I got the impression that the warp core now consists of a number of "pods" that look very much like TNG anti-matter storage pods. That, or the CG team didn't do much research/got the labels swapped on the diagrams.
  16. Shepard indoctrinated? Yup, watching ponies: (on a serious note, it seems Mark Meer is a fan)
  17. Oddity I've noticed recently: When my internet connection's down (usually when the ISP is doing like a 2AM upgrade or something) I notice that my computer slows way down. And I'm 100% sure it's because of Avast, because if I disable Avast, everything's normal. So----why does losing 'net connectivity cause Avast to massively slow down my computer? As in, things take 5 times longer to load if not more, and everything else stutters along. It basically "kills" my computer, because I can't even open up a vid file to watch or anything in the meantime. (unless I shut off Avast---but I didn't know that was a fix the first few times) Note that watching processes for CPU/memory usage show no change whatsoever---there's no massive 99% RAM or CPU hog or anything. But it's Avast, and it's slowing EVERYTHING down, big-time, when it can't access the net continuously. I don't remember this happening before, either. Just the past few weeks or so.
  18. With regards to setting up plot/characters for Avengers---yes you can. IM2 is possibly the biggest one of all in that regard, and Hulk was pretty much stand-alone with the standard 10 second cameo at the end.
  19. They really, really need to re-release Alto's valk...
  20. Personally I think the painted marker lights on the top of the cab are a HUGE improvement. (or really, the fact that Takara didn't paint them was just disgustingly cheap of them IMHO, or a grievous omission---you could pass off red housings as being painted to match the surroundings rather than the typical chrome ones, but opaque red LENSES? That's just lazy/incompetent) Anyways, I forgot to mention this, but Not-Fireflight (from Super Ion) clearly uses the intake splitters of jet mode as shoulder armor/pads. Nifty.
  21. I prefer UA grey too, to the final blue--but it's still 1000x better than current CO. (the BEST United scheme was the "revised" Saul Bass----lowered stripes and bigger titles, 1988-1992) As for CO---again, the 'revised' version with bigger titles and narrower stripes, 1984-1991 or so.
  22. Exactly---IMHO that's also why it's about the only design without lots of weapons on external racks/pylons---they're all conformal, blended with the body.
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