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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. All depends how it looks, and how much it costs with the engine they actually equip it with. I would buy a "new G8 GT" in a second. (well, as in, as soon as I could actually buy a new car). But with how the new Impala looks, and the rumored price/engine, (and thus gas/insurance) it may not look that good and be too expensive to own. The G8 GT was an incredible value, and I kick myself every day for not waiting another year so I could have one. (though it would have been even better to wait 2 years and have an 09) A "new G8 GXP" is quite a niche market, I've still only seen 1 G8 GXP ever. What, $10-12K over the "basic" V8 G8? Even worse than the SRT8 models from Dodge-----*way* more money for just a bit bigger engine and speed, and unlike the Dodges, there's no "standard V8 model" that's more affordable. (if the Chevy SS is equivalent to the G8 GXP)
  2. The YF-29 is simply "too much" IMHO. The VF-25 is an "instant classic". The YF-29 is screaming "I'm an X-TREME valk" and should have flame deco and chromed rims. The VF-25 is the latest in the line descending from the VF-1, just better in every way.
  3. Dang it, I should have kept my Ozma pre-order just to trade for an Alto...
  4. Fixed. But seriously--yes, this has been a growing problem. "Report a post" should really only be used for a post that is actually causing trouble and needs immediate attention--as in, this needs to be deleted before any more people read it and the poster should be warned/banned.
  5. Just like how the v.1 DX VF-25 was fat and chunky just like Kawamori intended all along, and the CG was wrong? Or how Yamato's first VF-0A was how Shin's was REALLY supposed to look?
  6. I wouldn't count on it--the artwork for the box shows all the angles wrong and just like the sample. I'm thinking they've never seen a VF-4 from head-on, as all the angles have been "the same amount of wrong" from day one.
  7. I'm finding it amazing that it seems the majority of "TF fans who check TF websites every day etc" are only just now finding out about Super Ion. Apparently they all missed the clear big front-paged silhouettes from a few weeks ago, but the super-blurry pic caught everyone's eye. (and half of them are arguing about whether that's Silverbolt, Slingshot, or Fireflight despite how utterly clear it is that it's an F-4 Phantom)
  8. Crap, that scheme's worse than I feared. Oh well, it'll save me some money. (that scheme I won't even consider buying, at all) No VF-4 for me. Anyways---man, the cover art looks even worse, angle-wise. The wings are STRAIGHT OUT. That's really, really wrong.
  9. Pretty, but I think all the wing/fin angles from head-on are still wrong. (the wings are way too horizontal, that sticks out the most to my eye) And of course, it really all comes down to exactly how they're going to paint it in the end.
  10. Robot mode---yup, they're SUPPOSED to have a jet on their back, so I'm fine with it. Jet mode---we'll see. Again, I'll be pretty lenient due to G1-homage, but I am very worried about Silverbolt, as a Concorde is just as bad as an SR-71 for trying to "fit a robot inside". (I pray they are aware of the XB-70, but pessimistically assume they don't know about it, or know about it but still went with a Concorde for G1-sake)
  11. Erm, those comments are like 15 years out-of-date. I'm talking about 2009-2010 vs 2011-2012 markings. Anyways, awesome Fulcrum/Flanker diamond formation pic: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Russia---Air/Sukhoi-Su-27-(Su-27S)/1341091/L/
  12. I think they honestly lost/forgot the original marking. Or didn't know there was more than one style--They "revived" it a few times---you could even see the old style on the CAG and the newer style on the CO at the same time, etc. I think it's frankly whichever stencil the paint guy grabbed at the time. And if they remembered to "mirror" it on the other side or not.
  13. Am I the only one who didn't know the Jolly Rogers had gone back to black-n-white for their XO's plane? Like a year ago? http://www.airliners...uper/2060066/L/ http://www.airliners...Super/1924725/L Missing the white fin-tips, but I still think it looks cooler than the yellow version on a Super Hornet.
  14. Agreed, the shield is very overlooked in valks for marking/identification purposes.
  15. If you swing the wings back just a bit, can the inner missiles still stay attached to the wing? It looks to me like they'd only work when the wings are fully forward. (IMHO a lot of people seem to forget that the VF-11 swings its wings to any angle it needs depending on its speed like the VF-1 and F-14, and not JUST for transformation)
  16. This was on my list of ones to check out, so next time I'm at BestBuy etc I'll definitely take a close look. Anyways, the 2 best night shots I got with my Canon S3IS:
  17. That still doesn't really explain vernier. The term is named after the person (a French guy) so there really is only one word and one pronunciation. It's inherently French. It'd be like saying that "Deutschland" has an equally-correct alternate pronunciation.
  18. Got a question-----any suggestions for a camera for someone techology-inept? As in, for my mom. (it'll be too late for a Mother's day gift, but she would like one before she goes on her next trip) Basically, it needs to have 2 buttons: On/off, and "take picture". Also, "pressing the button half-way to focus, then all the way to snap the shot" is a BAD thing---she will never ever master that. Any digicams that DON'T have their shutter button operate that way? It basically needs to have an ultra-super-fast autofocus---because otherwise she'll miss every shot, asking why it didn't take the picture when she pressed the button down.
  19. IIRC, the RAF wants to display it as-is as a tribute/memorial.
  20. I still think AC2 had the best music in the series.
  21. Did you watch VF5SS's review? He transformed it with the parts on to show exactly that.
  22. I'm waiting for an Alto re-release, however long it takes. Buying the super and armor packs now though.
  23. Heathen! One of the best intros ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ahwjGWTl7g (and in a rare feat, reading the top two comments is actually a good thing, and spot-on)
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