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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I already said I won't buy it solely because of the (lack of) paint scheme. That count?
  2. I was about to link to the main DX YF-29 thread, but as it appears to have been closed with no new thread created, there is no more appropriate thread for the DX -29 at the moment---my mistake, and I apologize. (my issue with it wasn't prices/availability, but that this thread was created as a mold comparison etc thread, not a general DX -29 thread--but again, since the "main" one is effectively gone, this'll have to do)
  3. I still want a KOS-MOS that's *not* V.4. V.4 is ugly/ridiculous IMHO, yet it's got 95% of the merchandise.
  4. OMG, I actually started reading a few of the comments after the AICN article. It's worse than youtube. I mean, they're not even complete PHRASES, much less sentences... PS---I am very tempted to re-set this thread's poll and allow everyone to vote again.
  5. I have Rogue, but I swear every one afterwards has a worse face. Especially didn't like Phoenix or Liara. (and would have bought both if not for the face)
  6. How many radars can you stick onto an airliner to make an ELINT platform? I think Russia's trying to find out: http://russianplanes.net/id77910
  7. The longer the nose, the worse battroid looks. Can't have both.
  8. Little blurb I just read: SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS---director Josh Trank is in talks with Sony Pictures to develop a movie based on the video game. It's nothing without the music. They need the original composer, period. Of course, considering that entire game was basically a silent narrative of exploration, Hollywood wouldn't allow it to be like that, so it'll share nothing of the original's feel/spirit.
  9. At least they have good taste in which songs they do. Big points for doing "Heart and Soul".
  10. That reminds me---where's my Figma/Revoltech Weltall?!?!?! (though Id's would probably sell better---gotta admit it looks cooler) Due to Fei's fighting style, few "giant mecha" could utilize the extreme posability better.
  11. You mean, the re-release of Ric Olie isn't selling any better than the original? (I still remember just how badly he peg-warmed back then)
  12. If you don't have a hard copy already, what are you waiting for? Best soundtrack ever. (for the best game ever). I'll just post this here:
  13. While they're making G's, they could be nice and pop out some more F's and S's...
  14. ::squee:: (I'm a *huge* Sideswipe fan) Yup, they've already got the hole molded in for the lights for Red Alert. I've thought this since the first drawing, but does anyone else think the overall transformation is awfully "simple" for a Masterpiece, and not all that toon-accurate? The whole bottom half is about the same level/design as the Universe version. Not sure if I like the rear bumper as ankle-guards. Anyways, a big part of it will be how it's painted--will it match the G1 toy, and be almost pure red, or will it match the actual Countach that Sideswipe is directly modeled after, and have lots of black accents? (MP-12 is clearly that exact particular Countach, and the G1 markings/stickers and some of the details point to it as well. Not sure if I posted this before in THIS forum, but G1 Sideswipe is based off a particular custom Countach that is very popular/famous in Japan. Plus several recent high-end diecast models of this Countach have re-invigorated its popularity, especially once again, in Japan---I'd bet a lot of money that someone at Takara bought one of the new models that Kyosho put out of this car, and used it as a reference--not a bad thing, as it's a very accurate model) http://www.lmpcars.c...untach-lp400-3/ If the G1 toy had a bigger budget, it would likely have either been molded or painted with the same black fender arches, etc.
  15. I'm a little late, but check the lower knees, elbows/upper foream(inside), and wrists.
  16. X-35B, actually. Also, EVERY plane had an "FF" tailcode. But that's USAF, not Navy... (of course, SHIELD isn't really either, but IMHO they should have their own tailcode, and any Navy/Marines stuff they have should conform to Navy markings if not unique-to-SHIELD-markings---certainly not Air Force!
  17. I plan to buy FF13-2 when the "everything included" edition comes out, and is like 20 bucks.
  18. I can't tell a MiG-17 from a -19 either. Anyways---I'd say this guy does overall the best LEGO jets out there---any photo in his Flickr account is worth looking at, here's a good starting point: http://www.flickr.com/photos/madphysicist/6271483893/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/madphysicist/6487525793/ And here's his BIG B-1B: http://www.flickr.com/photos/madphysicist/6271962846
  19. A private MiG-23? Very interesting, hadn't heard of such a thing before.
  20. That's because they're all photoshops/concepts. Nobody has actually seen it. (and the one all the sites are showing as the camoflaged one, is the NASCAR version---and we all know how much a NASCAR Charger/Camry resembles the real thing)
  21. Somehow, the VF-27's wing-mounted engines seem to mesh/work so much better.
  22. It's supposed to be based off the 2013-14 VF, not the latest VE, Commodore. (I think 2011 was the last major update to the Commodore?)
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