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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yes, Farscape was awesome. That is really all that needs to be said. You should know within just the few couple eps if you like it. (and it gets better and better)
  2. Justitoys just showed this: I never had the complete G1 Predaking, and never bothered with the re-issue. Probably wouldn't get this, but it may be OMGWTFBBQ for some people. I'm pretty sure one shoulder cannon is omitted in each of the bot mode drawings for clarity. I assume they're the "toes" for leg mode, harkening back to the original.
  3. Of all the pics I took of it, I think this one came out the best, considering clarity and composition.
  4. Of all Thundercracker-ish colored TF's ever, I believe the original G1 toy is the darkest. BM Jet Storm actually came closer to the color than about any plastic Hasbro/Takara have ever used, but it's a smidge too light and too green. MP-07 is strange in that it's kind of like a car's paint job, in that the color coat is just that---color/hue, and nothing else. ALL the sparkle/shine comes from the gloss coat. Very unike the G1 toy, where it is inherently a vibrant, sparkly, richly-colored plastic. MP-07 is more like dull navy blue-grey plastic with blue glitter inside---and then looks totally different when clear-coated. (yes, I am incredibly anal about G1 TC blue--it is my all-time fave toy, fave shade of blue in the world, and seriously considered buying a "Medium Quasar Blue Metallic" Camaro because it's darn close in color in the sun)
  5. I will never allow anything Lexmark to interface with my PC. They have the absolute worst "invading" software/drivers of anything ever. I was desperate and hooked up an all-in-one to my PC briefly just to use it to scan. It *killed* my ability to print with anything else, slowed down Windows, everything. Nothing short of a full HDD reinstall of Windows fixed it. (even a repair reinstall didn't work). It was like the nastiest virus ever----all from just plugging the damn thing in via USB. (I even tried stripping out lines from the registry to fix things before I effectively wiped my HDD) So yes, I am very bitter and very opposed to Lexmark.
  6. Assuming you're talking about the fairly recent Classics release---IMHO, that color is "barely acceptable"---it's kind of trying to bridge the animation and G1 toy colors, while not really matching either. It should be darker/deeper.
  7. If Bandai ever does a VF-25F Alto re-issue, I'd be appreciative of this, if you do one then.
  8. Unless you're one of the many Thundercracker fans that hates "baby blue" TC, and always wants figures in the metallic deep sapphire blue of the G1 toy. (this assumes that Hasbro is doing G1 toy colors, and not animation colors)
  9. For me, the #1 issue is often the "simple thing that's way too complicated for no reason"---the paper tray. On my current very-old but very-loved and very-user-friendly Deskjet 832C, it's nothing but a pile of paper sitting in a plastic tray. No springs, no feed mechanism. If I run out of paper, or need to add more---I just add more, as easily as you add cards to a deck. Just plop them down on top. The following rant is based on my last 2 trips to BestBuy to see if there was a printer worth buying so I can print photos etc: Why do so many modern printers have a 10-piece folding, spring-loaded removable tray that makes it a hell of a chore just to add paper? Adding paper should be the quickest, easiest thing. Plus, my deskjet can quickly and easily print envelopes---you just put an envelope into the envelope slot, simple as that. But most every printer out there now? "Remove paper tray. Disassemble paper tray. Remove paper from disassembled tray. Reassemble tray into configuration B. Add envelope. Place reconfigured and loaded tray into printer". Then do all of that again, backwards, to re-load it with normal paper. And, a lot of printers seem to "unfold" when in use (mainly their paper trays) that makes them too big to put in a drawer or on a shelf etc, because there'll be no room for their extended paper tray when actually printing--or, they'll spit out the finished sheets on the floor if their tray remains folded up. Again, my old Deskjet has all of this built-in, in its simple easy paper tray. I hit the "on" button and that's it---ready to feed sheets, ready to re-load, ready to switch to envelopes, ready to hold a stack of printed sheets neatly. Paper goes in at the bottom, comes out at top having turned a 180 while being printed on----how has that simple elegant design been lost to most manufacturers these days?
  10. The left foot/ankle on mine seems to be getting loose---as in, not the actual "posing" joint but the transformation joint, where it extends outwards to lengthen the lower leg. It really likes to partially collapse back in---which is bad, as that makes the legs different lengths. I'd like to try to fix it, but the sliding mechanism is completely internal---I've never found a "lower" screw for the main leg halves---only the one that's half-way up, and the one that is presumably behind the very screw-cover-looking part near the knee. Anyone ever managed to take apart a VF-27 lower leg? I'm pretty sure the screw cover won't come out with damaging it and the surrounding area, and I suspect at least part of the leg is glued together, as well. (considering that mine spends 95% of its time in fighter mode with no weight on the feet/nozzles, it's extra-annoying that this happened to mine--there should be NO wear on those parts)
  11. MP Thundercracker in the US, TRU exclusive, seems to be coming this summer. Not absolute, but it's showing up in the planograms and "various reps/HE TELL ME" say it's true. Same sources are pointing to the older MP-03 mold, and not the more G1-esque un-Kawamoried MP-11 mold...
  12. Neat, but considering CHUG Cyclonus and "Warbot Defender" both seem unlikely to be done in the MP line.
  13. I want, and have always wanted, a G1 Ultra Magnus that is designed from scratch to be solely Ultra Magnus. Not "let's take an existing Prime and work around him to try to armor him up to look like Magnus". "Toon-appearance Magnus" should be the original goal, make everything else work around that. The cab frankly doesn't need to play any part in robot mode, and frankly shouldn't. Other than to have the head pop out of. (and there shouldn't be a smaller OP head inside, just a big UM head) Plus, I demand a quasi-realistic car-carrier trailer. It's the #1 reason I like RiD Magnus so much in vehicle mode---it's the most realistic car-carrier Magnus ever, and one of the best TF trucks period. (it looks and works even better when it's properly transformed--which is rarely photographed)
  14. Are there any known differences among the VF-4 variants, other than POSSIBLY the head? (since the G-version seems to exist with both known head types, like the VF-27B)
  15. Based on that deleted scene list, they cut out like half of Maria Hill's screen time.
  16. I currently own nothing, but plan to buy Super Ion. (especially since my budget for 2012 from Hasbro is basically zero---I'm getting JP-release Sideswipe from Takara, but that'll be it I think for official stuff---since FOC Bruticus sucks and sucks hard, and Prime Knockout is simply painted WRONG)
  17. Still a lot better than not mentioning them at all. And Shin and I already have a heck of an opinion---it's a transforming F-4 Phantom toy! That alone is worth buying. Being part of a gestalt is just gravy.
  18. Yeah, I'll just re-post the ones that were discussed in the main all-encompassing TF thread. Makes me glad I passed on Hercules---I can spend the money on this.
  19. An elven version of Ignis? (or has she always had ears like that and I somehow never knew?)
  20. I really don't think we need a *dedicated* 3rd-party TF thread. All previous 3rd-party discussion has been in the main thread. PS---all those pics, and none of the upcoming Not-Fireflight from Super Ion? Of all items, I'd think that the transforming jet would appeal most to the Macross fans here...
  21. Exactly. It sounded awful from the concept. It looked awful from the first pics. People were pretty sure it'd be awful from the teaser, and it was confirmed awful from the full trailer. Avengers has little to do with it. It could have gone up against a re-release of The Land Before Time III, and not done any better. Whereas Prometheus just looks better and better with each bit that comes out. It went from "gonna see it" to "gotta see it" to "must be there at midnight showing at all costs".
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