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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The single-piece legs are the most annoying part of the dinos. Seems at odds with the rest of the line.
  2. I'd much rather see a re-done Trypticon. (really, they kinda doubled down on the goofier aspects IMHO, it could have been done so much cooler/better I think)
  3. Lego promo pics never show grey accurately, and is likely intentional. While "Lego dark grey" is a bit on the cool side, promo pics tend to exaggerate it to look less bland/more blue-colorful. Promo pics of light grey, will have tons of lens flare and brightness, to make it look "silvery".
  4. Yeah, the half-dozen Sovereigns may have given them an initial pause, but when the Runabouts showed up a few seconds later, THAT's the when Romulans knew they had no chance...
  5. Yeah, this trailer looks MUCH better than the first. I expect it could be overall better than Bogus Journey. (because it has death, but seemingly nothing else from that one)
  6. Anyone heard anything about a PAK-FA in the movie? Walmart had several toys, but these two caught my eye:
  7. It's just that a stego's plates are THE defining feature. It'd be like having a short-necked brachio... You can mess with/stylize a lot of things----just not THAT thing.
  8. It better come with an alternate Twin Pines Mall sign!
  9. I'm a huge Stego fan, but I'm just not feeling theirs. I think the plates are simply too small, all the same size, and not staggered/alternating. (we've found enough skeletons by now to know they alternated/zig-zagged, not "paired" along the spine) I am quite tempted by the Brachio though, it's EXTREMELY Zoid Ultrasaurus-esque. I want the shark, and the lobster---but both first releases are red? (red lobster=obvious, but I want my Seacon-colored versions, or at least "aquatic" blue/green/purple etc)
  10. This is not a thing that is easily modeled. It's the prototype B, when it had a D's chinpod. It's had at least 3, maybe 4 different types of engines (F401's!) and for most of its existence, a unique rear fuselage. (the 'nibs' on the sides of the engine shrouds are very square, I think it was done for the F101 tests) (not typo, F101, not F110). It's a Frankenstein of an F-14. Many different configurations, never quite an A, or B, or D. Cool scheme, but dang hard to do totally accurate. I think the glove pylons are unique, too. Depends how much work Calibre is putting into the mold for a one-of-a-kind variant.
  11. The fiber-optic D? Yeah. To this day I'm annoyed they molded the saucer impulse engines in blue. I don't recall ever seeing replacements for them. (There's a lot of resin bits out there for the D, but those 2 pieces are an exception IIRC) Also, I know I've seen replacement brass "pylon skins". Find them, buy them. They didn't exist when I did mine, but I know they'd answer a lot of prayers. ::edit:: These: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/dons-light-and-magic-dlm-42-galaxy-class-photoetch-trench-covers--1259076 I see Green Strawberry makes them too, but only as part of a larger set.
  12. The yellow plastic is insanely inconsistent with spraying it gold. The first few pieces (toes etc) turned out great, and I thought I could get all the painting done in a single afternoon. That was days ago. Neck, less great, but ok. Chest pieces? TERRIBLE. I have stripped and repainted the chest so many times, I'm suspecting the plastic is contaminated or something. Same issues in the same pattern in the same spots. Weird, since they're all from the same sprue. But the plastic had visible "flecks" of filler plastic in it, and I suspect it may be "randomly distributed around the sprue". I gave a few pieces my "last attempt at gold" tonight, will see how they look in the morning. If not ok---probably strip ALL the parts, and paint pearl deep yellow instead of gold. (Since pearls are far less "flaw-showing" than metallics). It was supposed to be a minimal-effort fun little kit. 5 mins spraying silver, 10 mins spraying gold. But turned out to be 5 mins silver, 5 days gold...
  13. I was always surprised at the level at which AMT kits fit (read: don't fit). It's like---molds decades older, from other companies, have issues, but only AMT seemed able to design brand-new molds in the 80's and 90's, with worse fit than the worst Aurora stuff from the 50's and 60's. It's like, they didn't even CONSIDER how things might meet at an angle, or that slots and tabs should be perpendicular to the PART, and not perpendicular to the bottom of the mold, etc. Plus the raw "well, sprue A is 1/500 scale, sprue B is 1/490 scale, sprue C is 1/510 scale---close enough" that seems to happen. Even simple shapes often don't fit. "Perfectly square piece in a perfectly square hole?" Not really, more like 11x11.5x10x10.25 trapezoid in a 11x11x10x10.5 hole... They're "almost" squares... All kits have fit issues. But AMT is a whole 'nother level most of the time.
  14. Hmmn---the Cobra Trooper looks good, but ironically---TOO good? As in, if he's got that many pads, and a silver mask----what will they do for the Viper? (as in, I always feel that Vipers should look noticeably cooler and better-protected than the trooper, the trooper should be rather "simple" in design IMHO) And, well, guess my question about vehicles got answered. Question for the weapon people---I know guns are often painted/camo'd, and I feel the crossbow is OK that way too---but is a solid green knife realistic? I've seen colored blades before, but don't recall "camo green on stuff that's actually used in combat/heavy-duty purposes". ::edit:: Yeesh, the Baroness' weapons suck. Sniper rifle or semi-auto rifle. Might have to just steal all the trooper's weapons...
  15. I meant update as in "all new mold". Not a "tweaked" existing mold. There was a TON of stuff from ROC etc, that "closely resembled old stuff, and had a very similar or same name, but just wasn't as good".
  16. I've never seen an updated Joe vehicle I liked as much as the original. HISS 2/3/4/5 anyone? Just look at the new Night Raven....
  17. Renegades is also on Tubi. Resolute wasn't easy to find when it was new, almost impossible nowadays AFAIK. :edit: Oh hey, Tubi has Resolute, too, I haven't seen it in years, will definitely watch tonight. I see Sigma 6 and looks like the DiC series, too. I think they have EVERYTHING but the 86 movie...
  18. So, just some thoughts/questions for the group: I've come close to selling off all my Joe stuff (which is 90% 25th/30th) several times----but now that there's new 50th stuff, and the fact that "there's plenty of characters they'll likely never get around to in 6in scale" I might as well keep it for now. I did give away my vehicles to younger cousins etc. (reissue Rattler and HISS). That said-- Anyone have good guesses for future vehicle reissues? Or will the HISS likely be a one-off? While I'd love a Moray or Water Moccasin, I consider them unlikely. (Night Raven even more so, on both counts---though from what I can find online, Hasbro did say the Night Raven mold still exists). Another Rattler? Skystriker? Or just keep things small? (I dislike most smaller vehicles----twice as big is thrice as neat) Chance of vehicles for 6in? Almost nil IMHO, and the largest possible thing even if done would be a HISS, and even that is likely too large. And nobody wants a 6in scale trouble bubble IMHO.
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