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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Based on the earlier concept silhouettes (which are NOT how the prototype turned out), the ship mode was rather SDF-1ish. But IMHO based on what we see now, the final version will probably be more "traditional nuclear carrier" in appearance.
  2. You have a "Hi-Q", Powermaster Prime's powermaster. Anyways---Not-Broadside! And while they haven't unveiled the third mode, it's pretty clear he's got an aircraft carrier's flightdeck on his back/shoulders:
  3. HLJ had MP-12 up for 20% off for like a week. I ordered mine then.
  4. I don't see as huge an issue with the "sacrificing the ship for a stranger" bit. I mean, from the crew's perspective---in the last 48 hours they have seen some truly horrifying things, and found out that yes, there are vastly superior alien beings out there with unfathomable technologies. And they know they know about Earth and have been there before. So if things start going to hell, and one of the people who just came out from the "inner core" of the alien's place says "the aliens are royally pissed at us and are going to wipe out planet Earth in 60 secs" it might not be that hard to believe at the moment---and the consequences of not acting are severe, to say the least.
  5. Even if they include skulls, the 2012 scheme (and most VF-1's etc) is white skulls on mostly-black fins. Adding black skulls to these all-white fins will not come at all close to "the look". (I doubt they'd include white skulls, as they wouldn't show up---unless they expect a lot of people to paint the fins first)
  6. Can you give some non-spoiler hints as to how to GET the "very different" ending? Be renegade, save the "blank", etc?
  7. They don't want our money. They'll make 50 Gallia IV sets. 10 to HLJ, 10 to AmiAmi, 10 to local Japanese shops, 10 to Hong Kong, and 1 each to a few other websites.
  8. Sorry, was away from home most of the day. Honestly---I'll accept a lot for a triple-changing jet with a real alt-mode. Yeah, there's some bot kibble sticking out in all directions, but it's 100x better than the originals, and still 10x better than anything Hasbro has done the past few years. (cough, Leader Jetfire, Leader SS, Voyager SS) Interestingly, it doesn't look like Eagle has the "classic" Aerialbot transformation. Phantom clearly does, but I'm just not seeing it from the jet mode nor the bot mode leg-close up of Eagle. (since the tailfins are still on the legs). My main beef is currently twin Sparrow missiles on both. No plane has a twin-Sparrow launcher AFAIK. You can have Sparrows, and you can have twin-rail launchers, but you cannot have twin Sparrows. If they were simply replaced with AMRAAMs, all would be fine. (also, if weapons are swappable between them, I am so putting the JSOW's on Skydive, not Air Raid) Props for having the missiles mounted the right way though, with all 4 fins. MP Starscream fail. ::edit:: Ah, Phantom does have a TISEO pod---I suspected it might from the silhouette. But that's wrong for the type of F-4 it is. Only the F-4E can have TISEO. While I can't tell exactly what type of F-4 this is, it's *not" an F-4E. (the TISEO pod is that peg-looking thing sticking out from the leading of the wing, near the root) PS---I edited the previous post to hopefully have a working pic. Let me know if anybody has a red x instead. PPS to everybody planning on getting FoC Bruticus "because it's licensed, nyah"----enjoy your official Hasbro combiner.
  9. Just need to vent a bit---this is a fairly complete list of all the G1 TF's my brother and I had (yes, we had more, these are the ones I'm *sure* we had, vs the ones I think we had/played with). I do not know what happened to 99% of them----given away to our cousins or neighbors I believe, when our parents deemed us "too old for them". I retained my brother's Devastator until the very end, it was the last to go. (pretty sure I know which cousin ended up with it) Anyways: Autobots: Optimus Prime Ultra Magnus Omega Supreme Aerialbots/Superion Protectobots/Defensor Grimlock Slag Sludge Sideswipe Tracks Bluestreak Overdrive Gears Pipes Swerve Punch/Counterpunch Kup Blurr Jetfire Powerglide Warpath Topspin Doublecross Backstreet Powermaster Optimus Prime Decepticons: Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Dirge Ramjet Thrust (see a pattern yet? We liked jets) Soundwave/Buzzsaw Ratbat Shockwave Constructicons/Devastator Blitzwing Astrotrain Octane Kickback Shrapnel Stunticons/Menasor Combaticons/Bruticus Galvatron Trypticon Scourge Cyclonus Runamuck Rampage/Razorclaw (never completed Predaking) Sixshot Overkill/Slugfest Snapdragon Weirdwolf Terrorcons/Abominus Seacons/Piranacon Triggerhappy Mindwipe Pounce Dreadwind Darkwing Doubledealer Roadgrabber Monstructor Just imagine what they'd be worth, had they been kept. (or at the very least, I wouldn't have had to re-acquire so many via ebay over the years---I snagged the G2 versions of most when they came out and kept them, which helped a bit as they were "close enough")
  10. Past couple posts removed----there's REALLY no point in drudging that up again after it's died out.
  11. True, but without a brand/media tie-in there's no "emotional tie" to the characters. Few people would buy a 3rd-party "transforming robot" solely on appearance. (my biggest beef is "they don't turn into anything"----quasi-sci-fi-cybertronian alt-modes do absolutely nothing for me) Make a transforming 747, Ohio-class submarine, or Abrams tank, and I'll buy it in an instant even without being an actual "character". But a jet-like thing, a ship-like thing, and a tank-like thing that have no "existence" outside of their toy---I'll pass.
  12. VF-11 is *very* tempting but I am still going to hold out for a VFX-2 or Milia one. If they never come to pass, I simply won't have a 1/60 VF-11.
  13. OMG, there's more than 0.5mm of clearance between the gear doors and the ground! (that's an irk of mine with many Yamato valks---they practically sit on their gear doors in fighter mode--the YF-19 is probably the worst in that regard)
  14. Just a heads-up before I make an actual for-sale thread here and at TFW2005, but I'm selling my MP-01 Prime. Mint with mint box, very first batch straight from HLJ. Flawless. Please PM if interested.
  15. Few people played 2D Capcom fighters more than I did in the previous era----tons of JP-only Saturn and Dreamcast imports (SEGA was king for 2D sprites), etc. Now--I didn't even buy *Super* SF4, sold MVC3, and haven't bought anything since.
  16. I fiddle with display settings (DPI, system fonts, icon labels, magnification of screen elements) for *hours* and hours upon getting a new OS, monitor, etc. There's a difference between "I can read it" and "I can comfortably read it for hours at night without strain". Yes, I can read itty-bitty website font. "But I would prefer not to". So I over-ride everything, and have carefully chosen settings that allow 99% of sites to display 95% correctly, with much larger easier-to-read fonts. The few that don't---that's what the "text size" button is for, to temporarily shrink it down to fit. (as you may imagine, having MW's forums display properly is among the highest priority---if my 2 main sites don't work, the setting is worthless) And yes, to someone like me who's OCD with display settings----what does and doesn't scale properly in Windows is very apparent. I go into the registry to edit things that you can't with mere "appearance/personalization" settings.
  17. I'll assume you've never seen Macross M3 nor Macross 7 Dynamite. It's got 100x the animated canon screen-time that the VF-4 does. http://www.macross2....s7/vf-5000g.htm http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/vf-5000b-m3.htm
  18. http://experten.coco...5000g-25bd.html Larger photo available via link.
  19. I always use Roy and Mylene as good examples for scale vs size. If you had a 1/6 Roy next to a 1/6 Mylene, Roy better be a whole lot bigger than Mylene or someone screwed up. If they were instead the same size (12 inches) then they'd be different scales. The VF-1 is very small compared to most other valks---*IT* is the weird one of the family. But it's so famous/iconic that it's the "mental standard" for people regarding valkyrie size. And what EXO said----the other 95% of the valk may be to scale with the rest of itself and others, but the cockpit/pilot almost never is, to incorporate working hinges, detailed interior, etc.
  20. Unless such "purely cosmetic" things would have been included free in previous versions---probably unlockable by beating the game twice, or on hard, or something like that.
  21. I'm guessing to elicit a response from you.
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