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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'd be up for a Milia one. (so long as it has a better paint job than her VF-4 in M3 did-----the VF-4's had the worst schemes of all the valks in the game)
  2. Well, that saves me a lot of money, though I am disappointed not to have a VF-4 after all these years. Maybe in a couple years they can get the license...
  3. A lot of those could be very minor tweaks to the existing parts, no more than the v1 VF-25S's neck mods from release to release was. As for super parts---freeze-framing the movie shows that there's actually a LOT of armor. I think it gets into the same area as "Yamato said no VF-19S boosters because they wouldn't fit in fighter mode". The VF-27's leg armor even goes INSIDE the legs, not strapped to the outside like most valks IIRC. Would have to check again to be sure, but when I saw where all the armor was, I thought "we'll never ever see this on anything that can actually transform".
  4. If HLJ puts it up, we won't know because their site search/product pages are down 99% of the time lately. "error 504: gateway timeout"
  5. Really, all they need to do is make a new waist/hips section for the VF-27, and sell it as an add-on/replacement. (but you know they wouldn't, you'd have to buy it all over again, re-using 80% of the mold) (also, I would prefer it have pale grey stripes like the model kit, instead of lavender stripes like Brera's)
  6. Yup, time to sell my Tali figure and await Square's Play Arts Kai version: And I was thinking about the "Bishoujo" FemShep statue, but I think this is better: More pics here: http://www.toyark.com/news/san-diego-comic-con-58/sdcc-12-friday-pics-for-square-enix-display-6136/ (it almost looks like Tali may actually have a sculpted face under a semi-transparent mask) Still----no asari figs YET? How is Liara not in wave 1? And Samara/Morinth is the ultimate easy repaint/remold opportunity.
  7. For all its early praise, I still think "F-15E Strike Eagle" had a really messed up flight model. Attitude determined direction, period. Low and slow, flaps down, minimal throttle? 0.05 degrees nose-up would make you climb. Caused a lot of problems trying to land like that. I actually spent a while just using outside views to prove it. I'd make TINY adjustments, and watch what the plane did.
  8. Just a quick shout-out, but if anyone has a DOTM leader-class Sentinel Prime they'd like to get rid of, I'm interested in picking one up.
  9. Gah--yeah, I just checked N-Y on my own, saw "add to cart" and did so---THEN I saw the price, and left disappointed.
  10. I'm really torn on the new MP TC. It's neither color. Too dark for 'toon, too light for G1 toy. It really does seem to "please nobody" from what I'm reading----the toon fans want him lighter, the toy fans want him darker. Plus, there's no silver. It's "that awful translucent silvery-grey" Hasbro loves to use the past few years. I *hate* that tailfin logo. And it won't come off with rubbing alcohol---well, it would, but you'd strip the black paint off the tailfins too. You'd have to repaint the fins black to get rid of it. (at least the ugly oversized pilot name etc should come off easily) But---it is the *new mold*. With much more G1-esque stripes than any prior US seeker release. But I'd spend hours removing pointless printing on it (the tops of the intakes look ugly and stupid, despite being very toy-faithful), and have to repaint the tailfins regardless. And it STILL would be dull grey and medium blue, not silver and deep metallic blue. (it also looks to me like Hasbro is using charcoal grey or something instead of *black*) I just don't think it'd be worth it----it'd be only slightly less work than I did on my MP-07, but end up looking not nearly as good, color-wise. I don't think it'd be worth it/look that good in the end, whether I repaint or not. Not unless I find it for like 30-40 bucks somewhere. Time to post a pic of mine again--what an MP Thundercracker SHOULD look like: The black bits are *black* and the silver bits are *silver*. (not to mention the wonderfully glossy rich metallic blue of it all) Older, un-insignia'd blurry pic of bot mode (but the best one I have):
  11. SMS 007? Alto's? Why not a new number? Or Ozma's?
  12. That looks *much* better than I expected. But I'm still not real fond of the -29 itself. But if by some chance it ever becomes cheap, I may snag one... (still need a normal Alto -25 first)
  13. Where's the "I'd buy it for sure *if* it came in FB2012/Hikaru colors" option? My desire for a VF-4 is very high, but I hate the proposed scheme. Bland bland bland. It alone is deterring me. I have no problem with this being the most expensive valk I'd ever own. But not if the final version is almost as boring and grey as the unpainted prototype...
  14. "No delimiter mode" on the -4 will solve 90% of the -21's hip issues.
  15. Hopefuly they've decided to revamp it into the first ever Grace figure.
  16. I'm unaware of any knock-off that attempts to copy that version of the mold (short stacks) nor the "modern" retro packaging. Most every knock-off out there tries to pass itself off as an original 1984-1986 product. (Encore Metroplex is an exception)
  17. We can always use more Robin Olds anecdotes, because he's friggin awesome: "I met Olds in 2001 at a Reserve Drill weekend. He talked for half an hour, then took questions and answers. I stood up and asked him: "Sir, you have flown some classic airplanes. Which one is your favorite?" He looked at me and addressed me by my callsign. "How many hours do you have in the Phantom?" I told him. (I have a lot). He paused, looked at the floor, and then gave me the finger in front of 300 people saying "God, I envy you! I loved that airplane!" The whole place erupted in laughter. I smiled and sat down, telling everyone after I had never been so proud to be flipped-off by a one-star General in my whole life. I knew, starting with his tradition of doing so at the Academy, that such an act was merely an irreverant act of comraderie and admiration. He was one hell of a fighter pilot."
  18. The more I (and others) think about it, the more that has to be another fan's work, not TFC. Basically--it doesn't follow the mold. The lower leg/rear fuselage is one big chunk, split left/right. So it has to be black, if the jet is to be black. There's no way they'd mold it in white, then paint half of it black. (plus, paint apps cost money----NECIO's version is almost entirely "molded color differentiation" with just a few bits of actual paint---like the Hercules bots were) Also, they painted in what is merely a shadow, not an actual area, on the shoulder.
  19. TFC posted a colorized pic of the prototype "Eagle"----but the colors frankly suck. It is not even certain if they're honestly planning this exact scheme or it they just posted a fan's concept. However, someone at TFW2005 (NECIO) did a MUCH better version, that needs to be spread among the fandom, so that TFC is aware of how much better it could look. TFC's post: The version from "NECIO":
  20. Hmmn. Depending on the type of plastic it is, it could be very easy to correct with a bit of heat, nigh-flawlessly. (I don't have a -29 and never will, so I can't identify the type of plastic used there)
  21. The Decepticons had better triple-changers. They had the best two (Astrotrain and Blitzwing) and their worst (Octane) is still loads better than any of the Autobot ones IMHO. Half of why Blitzwing works as well as it does is because the MiG-25 is so dang boxy. He can *not* be updated to anything else. Astrotrain would actually work better as a diesel loco, as then the wheels would be fewer, much smaller, and easy to hide. (Classics already went this route) Though he's already about the best type of steam loco possible for the same goal of "hiding the wheels"-----most steam locos would have larger, and more, wheels. It'd be really nice if he had a tender though. True, he's a ROCKET-POWERED steam loco, but he always did look weird with no tender behind him. Hmmn, that could be nice-----have shuttle mode be "just the shuttle, and the loco itself" but the loco's tender could serve as the tender, and make up part of bot mode (maybe housing fists and head and weapons). This'd allow for awesome loco and bot modes, without compromising shuttle mode.
  22. I'm thinking gimmick, but that's not really TFC's style AFAIK. Maybe it's needed for leg mode and we just don't know why yet? It's totally inaccurate to the real thing, both how it opens and what's inside. (MP-03 etc is quite correct)
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