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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Rewatched eps 14 and 25. In ep 14 it's clear that Alto's armor is a recolor of Ozma's---as in, there's a few leftover bits of Ozma's paint scheme, so it's not very "definitive". However, in both eps 14 and 25, for Alto's and Ozma's, there is a reddish bit where the hinge is. Looks more like a purplish-red sensor-jewel-glass though. But if nothing else--the toy's not completely wrong there-----there is red there in the animation. It's just not red-red, and not the whole piece. This is the best screen cap I could get of it:
  2. Valks never have black armor--it's usually a dark greyish-blue (going back to DYRL). It just depends on the lighting, scene, animation, etc for whether it looks more black or more blue.
  3. The -27 and -25 are the opposite, when it comes to model kits. (at least, they were until the renewal) The -27 DX toy has a better-looking battroid IMHO than the model kit. Whereas the -25 kit looked better in every way than the -25 DX v.1
  4. It's SAAB's 75th anniversary, and they wanted a flypast: That may be the world's only flying Viggen. (there's multiple Drakens out there) And if nothing else, this pic proves that SAABs look cool.
  5. Personally, I am hoping for a "bright white" Alto renewal bundled with the Tornado pack as the Alto re-release. So I can buy it, then sell the Tornado pack to someone here. Everybody wins that way---I get my Alto, and someone gets a Tornado pack without having to buy the bundle. (my money is on the Tornado pack ONLY coming in the bundle, which will suck for everyone who already has an Alto)
  6. That's part of the reason I'm ordering these sets even without owning the valk yet---fear that any future re-release bundle will be "recolored" like the blue-tinted VF-25F set was. (I think everyone here is aware of how finicky I am about shades of white/grey on my valks)
  7. I only watched Dynamite 7 once, I honestly can't remember if it has the same "opening" shoulders like Basara's or not for the speakers.
  8. And the little fins on top of the shoulders.
  9. Well, they did say they were trying to eliminate recirculation issues. (yeah, by having no airflow at all it seems!)
  10. For "mainline" TF's for the next half-year or more, the ONLY one I plan to get is FoC Grimlock. All other money goes to 3rd-party. I'd rather have a few really neat figures, than a dozen+ hollow, thin deluxes... I see no point in FoC Bruticus---sure, it's a lot cheaper, but that money could still buy another 3rd-party limb or two for a *good* combiner team instead. I do plan on MP-10 US, MP-12, and maybe US MP Thundercracker. But they are not "mainline" figures.
  11. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in "buying parts for valks I don't own".
  12. I think the "Not-Predaking" reveal was even bigger news: Not real fond of the alt modes though, the rhino and tiger look weird IMHO. Lion and bull look fine, need to see more of eagle to have an opinion.
  13. At this point, I *wish* I could get an Alto for 200.
  14. It's much more fun to imagine Nolan is actually a big M7 fan and they're all chanting "Nekki! Nekki! Basara, Basara"
  15. Hmmn. I was hoping for a possible Max/Milia release, but the chronicle has the exact same uber-bland version that M3 does----the worst-looking of all Max/Milia valks. Always thought it was strange, since M3's version of Milia's VF-11 looks even better than it did in M7 Plus. (I'd still love a Milia VF-11, in either variation, but M3 is better) Almost every valk in M3 has a really nice paint job, better than most places---but it's like someone else did the schemes for the VF-4 in that game.
  16. Did I just miss it, or has no one here commented on the whole chanting "Basara Basara" thing? Obviously they wanted Batman to sing to his enemies, not punch them. Semi-random awesome compilation track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThVlUEcpnVM
  17. Parallel, but not all along the same line. You should be able to draw a single line from tip of tailfin to tip of ventral fin, that goes right through them. (see the blue line)
  18. We (or at least, I) have mentioned this since the very first proto-CAD drawings were unveiled. I'm pretty sure Graham mentioned it many months ago to them, but got no reply.
  19. I've noticed that cars that only have power windows have one style of regulator mechanism (made mainly of cables and brackets), while those that offer power or manual have a totally different (and much more durable, superior) mechanism that is geared. I believe the trend towards power windows is at least partly because it's cheaper to only offer one type of mechanism for all cars---the cheap cable-driven design. Same reason so many cars now only have a single type of signal/marker/brake bulb from the factory--dual-filament, even in locations that don't need them. It's actually cheaper and easier for them to just use massive quantities of a single type of bulb everywhere rather than stocking and installing multiple kinds of "the right" bulb.
  20. http://experten.coco...5000/index.html Like most of their stuff, it'll be a WonderFestival exclusive. They are making the coolest valks lately--VF-3000 and VF-5000. Though they may actually be harder to get than recent Bandai stuff...
  21. The fact that they've confirmed that there won't be a FB2012 version coming in the future. There's a big difference between "the first release won't be Hikaru's" and "we're never going to make Hikaru's". A similar example would be a Luca renewal VF-25. It hasn't been announced yet, but it could very well be the next one, so some people are passing on Mikhail's, etc waiting for it. But if they were to announce next month that they WON'T be making a Luca renewal--well that changes things.
  22. You have to play it twice just to see all the missions (and thus, hear all the music). It has kind of "unannounced branching paths".
  23. You should be enjoying the *soundtrack* above all else. AC 2's music is godly, and the reference for all subsequent games. PS---for the final mission, pick the Tornado. Trust me on this.
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