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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It would be easy to split up a 4-pack here at MW. Many people need just Alto, or just Ozma, etc. It'd be a fairly complicated group buy, but there'd be no problem in finding homes for each valk in the set.
  2. Ack, sorry, was reading a -22 thread just before, got "lost in the tabs".
  3. It's counterintuitive that LOOSENING the screws often fixes it.
  4. They'd have a bit more space/room/hinges for the thighs if they got rid of the delimiter mode gimmick. (which only serves to make it harder to transform and cracks the thigh pieces)
  5. We have however seen hangars full of maintenance people in nearly every series--it may be different maintenance, but they still need a ton of it.
  6. "But, but----kids LOVE Bumblebee! The case assortments must be 90% Bumblebee or they won't sell!"
  7. ??? The way the mold is (both the F-4 and F-15), the lower legs were almost certainly always going to be entirely the main color of the jet. I've never seen anything that would indicate otherwise. (unless you're going by the very first and awful fan digibash, which didn't take the actual mold parts separation into account at all and required a zillion paint apps)
  8. Bishoujo Femshep turned out a lot better than Liara did: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.527085727307828.139352.137679822915089&type=1#!/media/set/?set=a.527085727307828.139352.137679822915089&type=1
  9. Yeah, G1 Fireflight! BTW, G1 Thundercracker is my all-time fave scheme/color combo, to the point that I seriously considered buying a Camaro that was about the same color. (deep metallic blue) But I am insanely biased towards the *toy* colors. Hate the animated colors. (DOTM Thundercracker is the first Thundercracker toy since about the first one that comes close to the original colors, and maybe the Armada repaint of Starscream---but neither are dark enough) PS---with NotSuperion costing about 600 bucks, I'd better *love* the colors. As it is, I won't be buying it. (and if Air Raid has silver intakes, then it's a definite no-buy)
  10. Jet mode looks like crap, color-wise, IMHO. It's a mish-mash of random parts. Instead of "red with white accents" it's like they had a red F-4, a white F-4, and tossed them together with some random black bits too. Plus, it has "KO yellow" accents. (you know, that almost flourescent lemon yellow paint). It's also a lot less cohesive in arm mode----NECIO's digibash (and any truly G1 version) (and the G1 toy) was a RED arm with some white accents. Again, this is a mish-mash of random red and white parts now: Overall, it just give me that "KO vibe" due to the classic 4-color random mix of lemon yellow, generic blue, bright red, and white parts. True, the original had all those colors---but the ratio and specific hues used made a big difference. It was a red F-4. This is---a clown F-4. I'm going to post it again----it's clear they tried to copy NECIO's design, but failed in the most important areas (RED intakes and tailplanes, and not using bright lemony yellow) (also, it's amazing how the subtle change to the tailfin makes a huge difference in how it looks---red leading edge vs striped)
  11. Nope, something's wrong, don't force the needle. I'll let more airbrush-experienced members trouble-shoot.
  12. Yellow+purple is still a horrible combination with most shades.
  13. Well, if I had been able to pre-order one, I'd be cancelling it. I much preferred the green, but I *hate* the change in the yellow. Fokker/Jolly Rogers yellow isn't "yellow". It's orange-yellow. That was even its official name years ago. (nowadays it's "insignia yellow" but it used to be called "orange-yellow") That's an issue Bandai has always had, but Yamato usually got right---using a rich orange-yellow for Fokker's colors.
  14. Or instead of pure blackest black, why not a navy blue, as is the traditional US police uniform in many(all?) US cities.
  15. David Hingtgen

    DX VF-25G

    They painted that section on Ozma's instead of molding it in the appropriate shade of grey IIRC, so I don't think the mold's set up the way it needs to be to allow for the glove being a different color for the wing. It really seems like the mold is designed for Alto's scheme. Everything else uses LOTS of paint. Whereas the 1/72 kit is split up so you can get like 80-90% color accuracy with no paint.
  16. Ordered the ASUS N56U, Newegg had a 20 buck off coupon for it today, so that made it *much* cheaper than the 66.
  17. Up again, just got mine. Go now! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=15546036&sku=13931381
  18. Well, when all you have are 500 BB's, and everyone in town already has one, sales go down...
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