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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Checking the Chinese forums, it looks to me like part of Sideswipe's cost is that he is indeed, entirely painted red. Red paint over red plastic, but he is painted "Lambo red" for an exact match and no "cheap translucent red plastic" issues. A few areas are unpainted (bottom of car, collar-bone area) but plenty of not-car-body parts are painted, like the shoulders. Makes me wonder if an unpainted US release would actually be better, parts-fit-wise and chipping-wise...
  2. We all knew MP Sideswipe was small, but he's TINY: Remind me again why I'm paying 6x what that Deluxe BB costs?
  3. The rage/elation that'd be felt if a green-canopied version was a Tamashii exclusive....
  4. If you're not uber-picky about shades of blue/black/silver like I am, and can ignore/remove/sticker over the stupid markings, it should be awesome.
  5. I had mentioned that earlier---that Jetfire was a better SR-71. If you take a good look though---I think this is a better SR-71, than Phantom is an F-4. From above, that's REALLY not an F-4's profile. Eagle's not much better---check tailfins and canopy. (wings are much better than Phantom's though)
  6. The M-21-inspired scheme is better IMHO as it's more or less a real Blackbird scheme: Still---the "wings" on the sides of Sivlerbolt's chest shield were the most distinctive part of Superion's chest---and that's the one part they're not using! (my mentally-envisioned XB-70 version uses the canards as hip armor-flaps for combined mode)
  7. VF-2's final CAG I think was two-tone 35237/36320 and what I'd recommend for Shin's, but the line birds (at least some) were clearly "by the book" TPS. (I've never been able to be certain of their CAG's final scheme, and that irks me because there's a zillion photos of it--it's just so splotchy you can't make sense of it) VF-103's final CAG and CO were fairly close to standard TPS but not quite. Clearly three-tone though. VF-154 often tweaked things a bit but could usually be counted on to be three-tone. Really, on an F-14, it's the lightest belly color (36375) that is often "lost/missed". Best bet is to look at the bottom of the nosecone. Due to the shadow of the wing gloves and tailplanes, it's almost impossible to tell "light ghost grey in shadow" from "dark ghost grey in normal lighting". On many planes it is SUBTLE. I mean, I have literally been at arm's length from a clean, washed, Super Hornet, and it can be hard to find the 36320/36375 separation line. Sometimes they really spray the borders WIDE to blend the two colors. But the 35237 top surface color on an F-14 is usually easy to spot, since it's so much more blue-green than the other colors. PS----all missiles and drop tanks are 36375. That goes for pretty much the entire US military. F-16's and Harriers are the only exception off the top of my head.
  8. I don't think I've ever seen a drawing that's actually right for the F-14 TPS. That one's better than most, but still not right---tailfins should be the middle grey, 36320 (AFAIK). You'll also note an impossibility or two---look RIGHT above the tailplanes in the side view. Now compare that area to the overhead view. Note that almost no TPS F-14 was ever painted exactly how it was "supposed" to be.
  9. Based on raw color/hue, I vote for standard TPS, or a variant thereof. The upper surface has GOT to be the blue-grey of TPS, and not a ghost grey. In short, I'd paint it 35237 on top, and 36375 below. Exact specifics are up to you.
  10. Actually I prefer "default" Hercules. It was "updated" just enough and in a good way. I like the tread-arms a lot, and the new gun. It's still quite G1-ish. Uranus just sucks because it's a massive blocky kibble-fest. If it was a Concorde that looked like that, it'd still suck. G1-ness has little to do with Not-Silverbolt's issues.
  11. That's the forum software's actual limitations-----but those are not MW's rules. Our rules for sigs is: Signatures - No Images. Signatures must be limited to text only. No images are allowed in signatures. Text signatures should be no taller than eight lines of standard-sized text. Please see http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23944
  12. No one's posted these? Hmmn. The yellow is inbetween the first pics and the more recent 'shopped pics. Still want a green canopy though...
  13. Absolutely. I've wanted that for years. Superion's arm-rifle is VERY distinctive (my fanon is that it's an homage to the seeker's arm-mounted fixed guns). I was hoping there'd be a clue in the "Phantom" prototype, but held out hope that it'd come with Silverbolt. The G1 toy had probably the smallest, dumbest-looking gun of the combiners, and they seem to have sorta kinda copied that.
  14. Pretty much that. They made a huge kibble-fest AND it's a parts-former? All that and it's still actually a less-accurate SR-71 than ROTF Jetfire was? That's sad. Phantom and Eagle look to be much better engineered, they accomplish a lot more in a given size. It REALLY looks like they picked an SR-71 just because they liked it, with NO good reason at all---not for bot mode, not for combined mode, not for kibble reasons, not for parts-forming avoidance... Plus, that gun is NOTHING like Superion's. PS---Superion's chest plate IS Silverbolt's, just with added on bits to the waist. So why did they have to add on another one that doesn't look like Silverbolt's? It's like they already fixed the G1 toy by having the chestplate on 24/7, but then screwed it up by changing it for combined mode. The UCAV should form waist/hip armor, not chest armor, if they're doing a G1 homage.
  15. I may buy Rumble/Buzzsaw even without owning MP Soundwave... (never owned Lazerbeak, had most other cassettes though) Even though Lazerbeak was the "star of the show" when it comes to casettes, more people owned Buzzsaw, and most of my "G1 toy casette memories" are of him.
  16. How big will that Epyon fig be? I still haven't bought the MG because it's taking me forever to finish my MG Wing.
  17. It's Takara, which generally means animation over toys, so their Rumble should be blue*. *Rumble is actually purple in just about every episode.
  18. David Hingtgen

    DX VF-25G

    You mean like this? I would vote for this pic being extremely accurate, as it also has the "dark blue instead of black" striping color.
  19. Hmmn, might buy. Still want an Idolo more than anything else though.
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