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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hmnn. Wonder if they'll just include replacement shoulders? Everything else should have a usable tab/hinge/slot to use on the existing one (except maybe the shield/tail). I mean, all the other Frontier armor packs use at least some "replacement" parts in areas.
  2. I didn't know it said "SMS 030" on the wings until just now.
  3. Yup. Any model/toy of an F-14 etc with working wings----the glove seals are always in the "wings back" position, which leads to gaps when the wings are forward. The worst example is usually the F-111, they will have a massive chasm when the wings are forward. (in real life, the B-1B would be even worse, but even quasi-accurate B-1B's are rare so they kinda gloss over the issue by making the whole glove totally wrong in every position)
  4. Of course, Disney was very worried about Johnny Depp's performance in the first POTC movie, and considered firing him early on and re-shooting all of Capt Sparrow's scenes---they thought people would hate the character. Good thing they were not totally sure, and decided to let Johnny Depp keep doing it how he did.
  5. Considering how every VF-1 has the exact same wing-stripe shape AFAIK, and how they've done striped/colored Gundam shields before, they certainly COULD make that one part a separate piece, and it'd work for every scheme there is. And they should IMHO, as a swing-wing is just ASKING for any paint or decal or sticker to get ruined the first time you move it.
  6. Italeri 1/48 F-14A Plus. It's un-glueable. (you know un-paintable plastic? Well, this was un-glueable). I am not the only one to report this issue with this kit. It just repels glue---it can and WILL just pop open what would normally be a very secure (and dried) seam. Never did finish it. I think it was specific sprues/trees that were affected---like they had a really weird batch of plastic or something that only went into some parts of the molds---because all the weapons were fine, but the main body parts just would NOT stay together.
  7. While I basically agree in principal, isn't there a time-limit at some point? (and I'll admit I'd not read one of those stories despite planning to for years and am now spoiled) Pssst.....Titanic in the end.
  8. If it had the original colors, I would have clicked "add to cart".
  9. You might have gotten it from a link I shared.
  10. I'd buy one just to build for the fun of it. Probably TV version Hikaru---the simplest scheme with the fewest parts that could have paint/decal scratching. Though a DYRL scheme would be only slightly more complex.
  11. If you like fighter mode, you owe it to yourself to get a v2.
  12. Burma has agreed to allow the buried Spitfires to be excavated--work could start in just days: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/17/spitfire-planes-burma-excavation
  13. I wish Yamato would do a scheme something like this on their VF-4, I'd buy it in an instant. (I'd add a touch more white though) (this is much better than her "official" VF-4 scheme in M3---that one was almost monochrome)
  14. David Hingtgen

    DX VF-25G

    When injected plastic parts come out of a mold, they're still warm. Time is money, so they are only allowed to cool JUST enough to hold their shape when they're popped out, so as to get ready for the next batch as soon as possible. And the technology/timing isn't perfect (even Bandai gets flow-marks in their best and newest kits, which is purely a heat-distribution issue) The long skinny wing parts are of course the most-influenced by this process, so even 1 degree or 1 second can make the difference for whether they will warp when pulled out of the mold. Thicker square parts are much more tolerant.
  15. I'd buy a non-canon scheme just to have a VF-4, if said scheme were awesome. (that means not woodland camo or something like some of Yamato's limited editions)
  16. That kind of defeats the point of buying a kit IMHO. "Here's a 500-piece kit, with all the interesting/fun bits already done" I'd rather have the armor plates or something already done. The mechanisms are the main appeal.
  17. That'd be fine--just not GREY AND BLUE like every other version tends to be.
  18. Half the time it's someone with a virus-infested sig. They allow massively complex sigs over there, and that's the result.
  19. That kit (which is so bought) could have nigh-perfect color molding as the scheme is so simple and basically divided along the joint lines. I just hope Bandai goes with WHITE and BLACK, and not "light grey and navy blue" as they are so fond of. I do not want to have to repaint every square inch just to get the storm trooper look it should...
  20. While DYRL schemes etc should work well, Max and Milia etc are not going to do well color-wise----they'd require massive amounts of paint and/or decals. (no, don't even think about Bandai doing PG-level color-molding and separation)
  21. That's still cheaper than current VF-25F/S/YF-29 prices...
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