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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. A Max or Milia version could be nice. (and they wouldn't look a day older than in M7) Hmmn, Mylene version....
  2. ?? "MP Sideswipe's cheap plastic tires" could be a thread unto itself at most of the TF forums. Plus his hollow legs. (though the tires get WAY more comments, and frankly I agree--I want my rubber!)
  3. Watch Zeta, or at least the movies of it. And there's no reason not to watch CCA, as it's just the single OVA. 0080 is rather "stand-alone" but it's really good IMHO and worth watching just for "filling out the era/universe". 0083--never liked it.
  4. How is the BF kit? (I still want a Genosaurer more than anything, but there's just too many issues with it, even the revised version--it definitely suffers from being an early attempt)
  5. If they weren't trying to be accurate, then how come they are rivet-by-rivet and panel-by-panel correct in so many other areas? Kind of a "forest for the trees" thing. As I mentioned before---detailing the F-16's upper fuselage like that sure would have taken more than 5 mins of effort, likely many hours of CAD/research etc. So why go through all that effort for accuracy, if the overall shape is going to be so very wrong with no attention paid to it? The Blackbird has just about every single RAM-wedge present--that's zillions of lines molded in. If they didn't care, they would have just ignored them. Anyways----mmmmmmmmnnnn: ::edit:: Gah, I just ruined it for myself. Those aren't Divebomb's wings on the back of Predaking. It's a massive amount of parts-forming/parts-replacement.
  6. Why base them on real planes if you're going to totally screw up some of the most defining characteristics for no reason at all? (most of the issues are on parts that don't touch anything, house anything, etc---there's plenty of room etc for them to be shaped 100% correctly) It started with Phantom having the nose of a Skyhawk, and has just progressed from there. Also--the G1 versions had more accurate alt-modes overall. Sad but true at this point. Adding in the structural access panel holes of an F-16's upper skin is more than negated by getting overall shape of said upper skin completely wrong. I expect more with 25 years of waiting/advancements. Like maybe asking TFC to look at head-on views, and not rely solely on overhead views... What if MP Sideswipe had the rear spoiler of a Diablo? The fan-rage would be unfathomable, and there'd be NO reason for it to be wrong--it's not part of the transformation, and doesn't tuck away inside etc--it just sits there in both modes. Similar issues for most of the Uranos team.
  7. Clear pics of the jet modes were posted days ago. They look like crap, far inferior to the F-4 and F-15. The Harrier is like an over-sized Harrier II wing on a Jaguar body with a Sea Harrier nose. And that does mean it has a Jaguar's twin rear nozzles. (you really can't see the area well, but something is VERY VERY VERY wrong there) The F-16 is just pathetic. I never knew the F-16 had a flat-topped fuselage with the wings mounted right on top and a rear fuselage twice as wide as the engine itself. PS---I think they made the Harrier so that the wings cannot angle downwards, they go straight out sideways. Which is very un-Harrier-like:
  8. Dang it, you beat me by seconds. ::edit:: Several distinctive real-world identifiable buildings in there, not that good an effort for a "future city". I'll let others make the comparison/blatant ripoff comments of the overall design.
  9. Does this pic not confirm that at least some of the conformal missiles are removable? (left arm/nacelle, outboard) (or was that noted before and I just missed it)
  10. For my PS3, if I hear the fans go into "high" then it's definitely time to stop playing. Many games never trigger this, even after several hours. But MGS4 sure will, and most of the A. Creed series.
  11. And upgraded sonar for tracking marine life so the "tourists" can get a heads-up on where to look...
  12. That's my fave version of Zeta by far. Still haven't built my MG kit of it though...
  13. Sea blue is basically the same color as insignia blue. Ever so slightly greyer IMHO. But they are very close.
  14. Bumping just so it doesn't get TOO lost. Also---I really wish they'd use this for Frontal's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Tz5ILOf3o&feature=BFa&list=PLE44CEA7189050CE7
  15. Putting this here because it doesn't have nearly as many views as it deserves: Yes, there's a lot of FF7 covers/remakes out there. Trust me, this is the best of the best. And if you think it's merely "meh" after the first minute, skip to about 2:50.
  16. Just going off the pic he posted above---that's a quite bluish black in that lighting. Bandai has always had "off" plastic colors---their white is never "pure" nor are their blacks---they love to use "very dark blue" plastic in nearly every Gundam they make. They tend to use green-white or purple-white for "white".
  17. Russian plane landing on a Russian carrier---China should be so proud. (that's the Varyag with new paint etc) Yes, this is the result of the infamous "Chinese travel agency bought the hulk to turn it into a floating casino" incident. Maybe next a "Chinese toy company" will try to buy an F-117 hulk for "making scale models"....
  18. You might want to try 35044 "Insignia Blue". (that blue is so dark that even in the summer sun, most people will swear it's black)
  19. Eh, they often put Tomcats and Hornets aboard that way, too.
  20. The entire history of the F-14B/D is a good example of "interim" changes etc becoming permanent, and some important advancements not being ready while the rest of the airframe is, leading to weird hybrids etc.
  21. I think everything's in the instructions, just easy to miss. Like the flippable seats on the sides of Prime's trailer. Though I do think the gun and axe trailer storage locations are undocumented.
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