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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Same reason you almost never see the VF-27's super-huge "tail" in battroid mode. With the v2's little flaps on either side of the cockpit, it's actually BETTER than the anime I believe, when it comes to cockpit visibility in battroid mode.
  2. How is "put on the shelf" that different from "no orders or inquiries?"
  3. No orders or even serious inquiries AFAIK. And the angled tailfins were dropped, so a production Silent Eagle will look very much like an F-15E.
  4. Final Fantasy XIII-3. Or XIII-2-2. Or maybe "The really really real ending to XIII-2" Lightning's Return:
  5. That's more personality than most any Decepticon got. Really, the #1 area where most any show is better than the Bay movies, is Decepticon characterization. 1986 TF:TM Starscream has more character than the entire Bay trilogy Decepticon army. And Starscream died in the first half of the '86 movie...
  6. The Super Hornet is a good example of what can be done to "stealthify" an existing airframe. Really, it's about the only serious attempt I know of.
  7. I would say---darker shadow. With how close it is to the ground, it seems like a "far away" shadow.
  8. I find it ironic that (as always, despite people's predictions/claims) I only ever see random, scattered FOC Combaticons. Similar things happened with G2, and RiD----no matter how evenly-packed a case assortment is, no matter how many claims of "people only buy the whole team"----you never see entire teams "arrived and bought" or "all there fresh from the case"----it's mix and match. Somebody bought Onslaught and Swindle and Blast-Off at one store, and somebody bought everybody but Swindle at another, and everybody but Vortex at another...
  9. I just re-watched CCA (probaby 3rd or 4th time in total) and I like it even less than I remember. Honestly, I didn't remember much from the previous viewings---it really didn't make any sort of impression on me the first time. But this time, I basically thought it sucked. Really, it should be called "Quess's Crushes on Guys" more than anything. There's basically the opening battle scene, 90 mins of Quess being annoying, then the end. (my actual intent on watching it again, was to see if I could justify a purchase of the new MG nu----nope! Little screen time really, doesn't seem to use most of its weaponry for more than 5 frames of animation, and is seemingly far less important to the plot than Quess's dad) But yet, a quick check of reviews, almost all seem very positive----8's and 9's, etc. Am I missing something? They all seem to note the same issues I do, but consider them minor----yet these issues take up the majority of the movie's run-time, and are not short scenes, sub-plots, or anything else that could be "waved away".
  10. I've gotten (but not yet opened---Xmas) my first Robot Damashii figs---Wing Zero (TV) and Sandrock (TV). I mainly got the Wing Zero so Epyon will have something to fight (plus I got rid of my 1/100 kit years ago). Sandrock (TV) has always been a fave of mine, but unloved by just about everyone else---it never got a 1/100 kit, and I'd bet that even if every other TV-version gets a new MG eventually, it wouldn't. (and the EW version of Sandrock is my least-liked of the EW redesigns, it's the only one I think is much worse than the original) I would have preferred it be the original season 1 Sandrock, and not season 2 with the extra thrusters. (yes, the differences are subtle, but there---and the old MSIA was the season 2 as well, I was hoping this time Bandai'd do season 1) Seems I missed out on the Kirks version of the Zaku I Sniper, and I definitely won't pay inflated prices for it, so I'll just wait for a Desert Gelgoog or something instead. (I do love desert-camo Zeon stuff)
  11. I mentioned that earlier--it was visible earlier in the background of Todo Ushio's bio page. PS---if anyone wants to say anything to the blogger (or Bandai/Namco)-----if even just a LITTLE bit of the menus etc were in English, or had an English option, it'd help a ton. None of us expect any dialogue etc of course, but if just basic weapons, stage, etc stuff could have an English option, it'd make it much more accessible to hundreds/thousands of fans. Something as simple as "load/save/continue" can make a big difference. And fighter/battroid.
  12. Does anyone have the Raven versions of the Geno Saurer/Breaker? Do they still include the original parts? (Thus, could Psycho Geno still have the standard head parts too, so as to give me something work with/swap?) (some companies will remove a single part from the sprues by hand, before packaging, to make sure you can ONLY build the intended version) (I totally understand gated sprues that can be changed which version/areas are molded, but to actually remove already-molded pieces from a sprue always really irks me)
  13. Yeah, he's treading the line pretty closely----better be a bit more hyped-up and critical next time or face a ban---this *is* MW after all.
  14. I've noticed that a lot of various recent Mylene stuff doesn't look like her---more genericized.
  15. As I said----it's the Zoid's face. The head is always the most-critiqued feature that can make or break any figure, from a Sheryl statue to a Gundam.
  16. While I would like a -19F to tide me over until I can get a YF-19 v3, I still passed this time. I think I need it to be down to like $125 or something... (or a better paint scheme---the white stripes are better than the -19S's, but I still just don't like the deep blue that much) (Of course, what I *really* want is a VFX-scheme VF-11--or Milia's)
  17. Psycho Geno Saurer! http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYZD75 Never in a million years did I expect this to actually be made in any form. So bought. I don't recall it having extra missile(?) pods on the legs though. ::edit:: Seems it did. Still, it seems there's always SOMETHING that Koto does in their interpretations of Zoids that I don't like, and on this one it's the twin cannons on top of the head--I can't help but think they look like nostrils or something. They're way bigger and more prominent/bulging than in the animation. They should be like small ports, not big muzzles... (really, the "face" is very important, and it may be a deal-killer for me)
  18. Anyone know what the big character chart is showing? I mean, having Isamu and Sara paired together just doesn't make any sense at all. And Basara NOT with Mylene? Also---background of this link: http://b.bngi-channel.jp/macross30/character/character_10.html Very APHOS-esque.
  19. I would assume it works like any aircraft control with a lock on it---you cannot move it fully from one extreme to the other, without also lifting/pressing another latch to permit full movement. This is usually incorporated on the flap handle (and thrust reverser lever), to prevent accidently choosing fully extended or fully retracted from the opposite condition. So on a valk, I'd assume it naturally "stops" at GERWALK mode, and you can't go all the way fighter-battroid (or vice-versa) unless you "press the button" to allow moving it all the way from one side to the other. (and thus simply moving the throttle without pressing the button would make it automatically stop at 45 degrees, so you don't have to worry about "hitting the mark" in the heat of battle) I know on the F-16, you cannot simply "slam the throttles" all the way forward to full afterburner---it will stop at full non-burner. You have to rotate the throttles up/out a bit to get them over the stop. (learned that from the time I got a few mins of F-16 sim)
  20. On that note, I've now been looking for a v2 Alto for one year. I wanted one for Christmas---LAST Christmas. And it had just come out in Oct I think, and I started looking in Nov. Now it's Dec, 13 months later...
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