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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Exactly. Can't imagine how an AMRAAM can compete with reaction/overtech etc. The ASS-1 pretty much made everything instantly obsolete. VF-0 used it, and presumably early VF-1 squadrons, but I can't imagine anything from the VF-4 and later ever ever used them. The AMRAAM actually has a weaker warhead than the Sparrow AFAIK---I doubt it could even scratch the paint on a modern valkyrie.
  2. If the VF-171EX armor can include new wings, then the VF-27 armor can include new shoulders.
  3. I was mainly thinking of RID's "own" molds----Prime and Magnus are still among my all-time faves. And Megatron/Gigatron. Rail Racer. Mach Alert/Prowl. Build Team.
  4. Same here. Zell and Selphie are only there if the game forces it. And 4! I got my entire party to level 99 on the original SNES version, loved it that much. I think I'm one of the few who liked 13 more than 12. Never replayed either, but 12 seemed "harder to finish" to me. (as in, desire to keep going to see how it ends) I thought 12 had better "dungeons" though.
  5. I wonder about "number of purchasers vs numbers purchased"---sure, adult fans may be a much smaller percentage than kids, but most kids move on to the "next big thing" every year, while adult fans can easily buy for over a decade. Even if it's a 10 to 1 ratio for kids to adults, that'd make collectors buy just as much product as kids, on a long-term basis.
  6. AMRAAMs? Really? 70 years after their introduction? What's with the VF-0 load-out?
  7. I think they do. Of course, standard fan response is "TRANSFORMING is the gimmick" (and the only one they should have). RID didn't seem to have a gimmick that I recall---unless you consider "being among the very best lines, strictly on a quality-of-the-transformation basis" a gimmick.
  8. How common is panel-lining RD figures? I think at least the thruster openings etc could use it on my Sandrock. Also--anyone else think Wing Zero (TV) is assembled backwards, wing-wise? If you swap them left/right, it works so much better when transformed--and seems to offer more posing options in MS mode. I can't see any reason to leave them as-is, even though it matches the official promo pictures etc. They're completely symmetrical except for which side the balljoint cut-out is---and swapping which side that ball-joint is on seems to make them work better in every way.
  9. My final party was usually Squall, Quistis, Irvine, only because Irvine's gun can be VERY useful when upgraded etc late in the game. Whereas Rinoa is useless when not casting, and has an often-useless limit break. Quistis is in the "never leaves the party" category.
  10. Well, more like projections from the underside of the upper fuselage that go on either side of the forward fuselage to sorta kinda try to hide it a bit. But that's more than the v1, model kit, or animation model have.
  11. I love the VF-9's transformation because it's so different. While it took a while to figure out exactly how the wings fold, I don't think I ever did get exactly how the big swing-bar that connects the two arms works. Obviously it rotates 90 degrees, but there's more to it than that, to get the arms to be left/right from their front/rear fighter-mode arrangement while still having room for the hips, spine, etc to move to transform.
  12. User error when transforming to fighter mode. They should go as far up as possible when the gear is down. On real planes with the same issue, the ventral fins are controlled by the landing gear handle.
  13. FF VIII would have been much more interesting if Edea had been a PERMANENT addition to the party. Would have gladly traded Rinoa for her.
  14. I can't help but think if FOC Grimlock's legs/tail had more than a 1-step transformation, if that wouldn't have made them look better in BOTH modes.. I'm thinking something like those little flip-in panels on Animated Arcee's lower legs. A small, simple change, that both fills in a gap and slims it down in a spot. Related note: If raw plastic cost and number of parts is the main problem Hasbro is having to deal with--then why do we get ever-costlier more complex weapon gimmicks lately? Did Beast Hunter Soundwave need a firing grapple hook with string, that probably costs half as much again as the figure itself? Same for Wheeljack's firing spear. Put that plastic and their paint apps IN THE FIGURE. I miss TF's that had simple 1-piece guns and swords that could easily store in their alt modes. (having a giant honking light-up spring-loaded weapon that's NOT USED IN THE SHOW hanging off the fender via a molded-on post that uglifies the alt-mode is NOT the same) Final note---BH Soundwave would look better if he had all gold, and not gold paint with lemon yellow plastic. But then he'd crumble apart in 18 months...
  15. It's like they combined the worst elements of the 2 pics you posted, instead of the best. It has the pale waist and small eagle, instead of the dark waist and large eagle...
  16. I understand your point, and counter it with this: MG Epyon is clearly meant to be a very different take, not the same suit. It doesn't preclude a future TV-version---Bandai can't possibly pass it off as intending to be a TV version or substitute for it. But this Tallgeese is so close, yet different, Bandai could easily say "it's close enough, don't expect us to retool or recolor it to make it 10% different for TV---this is the all-purpose Tallgeese I that'll represent them all".
  17. Plus a lot of people on this forum can recognize "Basara" being said by various speakers/accents.
  18. Macross heavily favors missiles. We see what, 10x more missiles used in a typical battle than gunpod rounds? If anyone could "ignore gun-range dogfights" it's the Macross universe. (not that they do, but they sure like their massive missile attacks, especially for the opening round)
  19. You haven't played IX? It's one of my absolute faves. It's like IV-2 or VI-2 would be, thematically. It's the most classic/retro one of them all. I would highly recommend playing I first. Some things in IX harken back to I. It could almost sorta be a seuqel to I---the worlds possibly overlap.
  20. I've never seen that upper pic. The lower one is famous and still looks like Tallgeese due to starkly contrasting colors. ::edit:: The MG kit is actually physically different from the 'real' Tallgeese---the boosters are now mounted on sorta Z-shaped arms that mount on the outer edge of the back---they are not mounted to the shoulder armor. That's a pretty big change. Look at the bottom-left pic here, then go up one---the boosters are removed, showing the mounting-arms clearly. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M4dKrxhuYPE/UMXyXucPn0I/AAAAAAAEDyI/RaAZYz1qXo4/s1600/1fg.jpg However--the MG kit's rear skirt armor can open, revealing large thrusters---very neat. RD version hasn't shown that yet, so it probably can't.
  21. Purdy enough to be bought for the art alone. ::edit:: However, looking at pics of the actual kit, I'm seriously considering passing. I do NOT like most of the color changes---a bit more yellow is fine, but the decrease in dark grey/black really makes it look bland and monochrome. The side-skirt edges, waist, head-crest-mount, etc---all used to be black, but now they're white/pale grey. Same with many of the chest accents. It's lost a lot of the contrast that used to be there. It always looked awesome with the stark black/white pattern---now it's white/off-white. Also--looking close, I see LOTS of navy blue. There's some dark grey too, but I will not accept a navy-blue-accented Tallgeese I. I think the pelvis, hands, shield-and-gun-mounts, and shoulders are navy blue, with only the dober gun and ankles being grey. The feet are definitely blue. Really, I want a white and BLACK Tallgeese. Dark grey is acceptable in place of black. But navy blue, and pale grey, are not. I'll probably get the Robot Damashii version instead---it has the right color scheme. This is just---bland: (also, it is the number one thing I *didn't* want to happen but feared months ago---navy blue instead of black/dark grey). I am NOT going to repaint half the kit. I wonder if Bandai would do a "TV colors" version later---it'd cost them almost nothing, but the difference is subtle enough they may skip it completely. RD version coming 4 weeks later: (so Bandai certainly does know the correct scheme, and still makes it---why on Earth is there an Endless Waltz version of Tallgeese I, with an almost-but-not-right scheme? I understand the concept of EW Epyon, and EW-style Heavyarms and Shenlong etc, but this?) (plus the RD version has the awesome BIG eagle on the shield as seen in so much Wing art)
  22. And had its first hydraulic failure and crash the next week on its second flight.
  23. I wonder if its role is almost purely an interceptor, not designed to dogfight------race out there in fighter mode, transform to battroid and let off a massive initial missile barrage---and it's presumed that'll be enough. Mainly to take out a single high-value target early in the fight, rather than engage many grunts in a protracted battle. Or another way---think of it like a submarine. They don't go out and engage directly, nor often. But when they do---it's usually a heck of a strike against something that is normally hard to go after. A very limited, specific, but effective role. (or Kawamori can just say it can deploy the launcher in .010 secs at Mach 18, and all this is moot)
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