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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Whoa, whoa---I just closed the wrong thread and had to re-open, thinking that THIS was the "HLJ scalping" thread. Yeesh, what happened? I may have to move the last dozen posts from here over to there, then close THAT thread. Can you keep your arguments to a single thread please, and not duplicate everything across the boards?
  2. Yeah, now that we have HLJ's response, I think there's little point in having this go any further.
  3. Wow, that article is amazingly spot on--most of the things it lists are true annoyances. Though it fails to mention that spinning rims are actually dangerous and illegal some places. (At an intersection, if the wind catches them and spins them up, it looks like the car just started moving quickly and so other drivers slam on the brakes--I've seen it happen myself and the visual effect is startling)
  4. I hate "accent" lights/strips/LEDs in headlights--they just make them look more like "eyes" and give way too many cars a "face". The new vette has a big smile with cartoon eyes. (as does the Viper now). Simple black or chrome headlight housings look better for most cars. Don't "gussy them up"---it looks stupid more often than not.
  5. I think they've released detailed official measurements of Sheryl and Ranka--work backwards from pics of when they're in the cockpit.
  6. Will you be doing the tailcone and/or head cover in tan too, like the nose? ("officially" they should be, but you're not going for an exact match to the FB2012 scheme) I think a bare-metal tailcone would be nice, and appropriate for many planes.
  7. Got a request---I know there's many pics but I can't find any--I need a pic showing say a TV Hikaru 1J next to a DYRL VF-1-----to show that DYRL valks aren't pure white. Prefer side-by-side in fighter mode.
  8. Just a little bit of lead will heavily compromise the integrity of most diecast alloys. And frankly, Chinese factories aren't that good at ensuring no lead gets into their products... (or even worse, they do it on purpose, because lead is cheap--they mix a little in instead of the more expsensive specified metal, hoping no one will notice)
  9. A pre-Phantom Menace Qui-Gon would be awesome in a film like that. Get Liam back, no matter the cost!
  10. There's been rumors of one coming but if it existed we'd know. KO's of 3rd-party items do exist. From what's been seen/rumored, asides from Motormaster, it may be an all-Lambo team. (though I am probably the most vocal TF fan around that doesn't like the so-called "Ankonian" since it was NOT designed by Lambo in any way, shape, or form, and isn't even a real car---it's a 1/3 scale model that has some very nice photos taken of it--it's no more real than the Millenium Falcon----there's simply a very detailed model of it that was photographed to look real) I mean, I want a Lambo, a Ferrari, a Porsche, and a Kenworth. And screw it, give me Dragstrip's original alt-mode. It's still around, just not used in high-end competition. But there's one out driving around on the race track. There's really nothing else like it, it can't be "updated" without becoming a much less distinctive form.
  11. I think you should go by fighter mode, not battroid, for scale. A lot less variability(pun!) in the dimensions there, vs anime magic battroids. Go look at the line-art for a YF-21's torso and legs, and try to rectify that with any real 3D version, and say the overall height is supposed to magically stay the same. (also, as mentioned before, cockpits (and especially pilots) are the worst part of the plane to try to determine scale off of---they are heavily compromised in every dimension to have working canopy hinges, removable pilot figures, etc) (ironically, in real life they're often about the best thing to judge size of a plane by, due to being so closely fitted to a certain range of human sizes) Plus---Hikaru and Roy are very different sizes "in real life". Yet their figures are the same size. (I always use Mylene vs Roy as an example to try to explain scale vs size)
  12. Overlapping with the 3rd-party thread, but FP Not-Menasor is the only 3rd-party combiner I'm currently 100% committed too. I can't imagine I'll be disappointed from what we've seen so far, and the comments of people who've seen Notormaster. (I remain optimistic for the Ferocicons, but am not liking leg mode really, nor most of the alt modes that well) (TFC Uranos is dead to me---Silverbolt's kibble, gatling guns, and torso-mode chest shield killed it, and Harrier and Falcon's alt modes fired a few extra rounds into it) (If I made a Superion, you can be damn sure he'd have a big-ass cannon mounted on his arm, like the G1 animation did---a very unique weapon for a combiner--and should have been easy to do)
  13. Heh heh, we can only hope they actually are colored that well in reality. That's a fan photoshopping of the resin grey prototypes. (done by NECIO, the guy who does all the awesome Uranos/aerialbot colorings) He also did "Wildrider" as Dead End, and I think the mold works even better that way: I've mentioned it several times in various threads/forums, and give NECIO *huge* props for doing it correctly---Breakdown is NOT white. He's kind of ivory-cream-orangey-pearl. Subtle, but NOT WHITE. And his rendering gets the G1 toy color perfectly. I'll be very disappointed if FP makes him simply "white". (Hasbro did, the last time they made a toy of him--I don't think anyone at Hasbro HQ actually owns a G1 Breakdown to know what color he is---it doesn't show up in photos well) (Breakdown is my fave Stunticon and one of my all-time fave TFs--and yes, probably just because he was a Countach--but he's NOT white, and I am very picky about that---kind of like Skywarp's purple or Hot Rod's red---just a few shades in either direction can make it look "wrong" and not that character's iconic color scheme)
  14. Oh yeah--the green version of Giant has several improvements over the yellow one--most notably the crane's crane. (it can now be mounted on the back in bot mode, instead of being a gigantic piece of arm-kibble) Also, we even have a dedicated thread for third-party/unofficial Transformers: http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36937 And just to tempt you with stuff you may not be aware of:
  15. They are not KO's, in a strict sense. A KO is a direct copy of an existing design, usually reverse-engineered, or possibly using a stolen/discarded mold. Joon's 1/55 VF-1 is a KO of the Takatoku/Bandai. "Hercules" and "Giant" were designed from the ground up as new, quality toys. But not by Hasbro. They "just happen" to be combining green and purple construction-vehicle robots. Think of Yamato/Toycom early days--a small company just getting started, making a transforming toy. Not perfect, but they're learning. Only, there's licensing issues, too. (imagine that!) Basically, it all comes down to---do you really care about Hasbro's IP infringement enough to deny yourself the gigantic toy Devastator that Hasbro themselves will never, ever make? (and have you seen the Predakings that are coming? Holy-moly) As for buying them---BBTS is of course highly rated, and they are the best at helping with any QC issues. (it's sad that many of these "Third party" manufacturers have better support than Takara or Hasbro with replacing missing pieces etc) Want Hercules? Watch Peaugh's reviews of the set: (that's Exgraver, the first released figure). He reviews each figure individually, then the set as a whole.And yes, many threads/reviews will mention some issues with the figures. They were fixed for the 2nd release (which is most all you'll find nowadays) and owners of original versions were provided with replacement parts. (unlike most "official" VF-0 owners who still have cumbled piles of shoulder-bits)
  16. If she ever finds more, have her buy them and send them to needy MW members.
  17. Selling out in 1 min with half your customers being scalpers who bought 10, vs selling out in 5 mins to "normal" customers who bought 1 or 2 is the same amount of revenue. But one option has more happy customers to come back in the future.
  18. Unless its something like paint or tools, "limit 10" is just pointless--nobody needs that many of anything.
  19. A limit of two or three could mean three to five times as many fans could get their valk instead of scalpers.
  20. YF-23 was both stealthy AND cool-looking. (and likely the stealthiest of anything besides the B-2)
  21. Many improvements, but backpack/tailfins still too high above the legs. They can make a thousand little changes, but that's a BIG thing IMHO that affects the overall look.
  22. VFA-101, Grim Reapers, F-35C: (IMHO, even Sundowners or Jolly Rogers markings couldn't make this plane look cool)
  23. See if he can get any of Alto's VF-25F from somewhere...
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