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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. While fan-faves, Jazz and Wheeljack have *no* repaints that I can think of. Makes them unlikely unless the new "smaller and quicker releases" turns out to be very popular.
  2. IIRC, with their latest rules: Pre-orders can be done in any currency. You will be charged that amount in that currency when you pay. You are "locked in" to whatever it was quoted at. Orders for in-stock items must be done in yen. Rough example: Pre-order something for 10,000 yen, in USD. That'd be $110 at the current rates. Now, say 6 months from now it actually arrives. You will have to pay $110, in USD. That may be very good, or very bad for you, depending on how the exchange rate changed. If that 10,000 yen item had been ordered in yen, and it's now 50 yen per dollar or 150 yen per dollar... At the moment, and with the likely continuing trend, I could have saved 5/10/20 bucks if I'd ordered in yen, and pay in yen when it comes out. (I wanted yen to start with, but in the rush to secure a pre-order, I missed that option)
  3. Gah, I accidently preordered in USD at N-Y and the yen keeps dropping....
  4. That's just how they do it---instead of more teasers for a year and a half, they show almost-finished stuff then have it at your house a month later. I wouldn't be totally surprised if a completed Menasor is in people's homes 12 weeks from now. (they wanted to show all 5 at the previous reveal, but they weren't all ready---so if Breakdown is now 99% final, the others must be close)
  5. You can pre-order it at BBTS. BBTS tends not to put up "rumors" on their site with a price. ($79.99)
  6. MP-17 is Prowl, MP-18 is Smokescreen. I will wait for the inevitable Bluestreak. (boy are there a lot of repaints for him alone---G1 toy colors, G1 anime colors, and of course---"catalog blue"
  7. It was magical back when you drove to the airport, walked up to the counter to buy a ticket, then walked out to the plane on the tarmac. And could plane-spot without having the FBI show up.
  8. I find Peaugh the best of the reviewers by far. His are shorter than many (or if not--he at least COVERS more stuff in that time, doesn't spend the first 10 mins on the box and inner tray), and if nothing else, I really like the stuff he references. If he's fumbling with the transformation, then it's probably a useful tip for us, too, to pay attention/care to that part.
  9. Oh yes---it's absolutely awful. The colors are neither those of AA (which has used dark blue since the 1930's or so, long before they went red/white/blue---you'll note that dark blue was always their "main" color---uniforms, lettering, ground equipment, etc) nor of the US flag. And it has 11 stripes, not 13---close enough to look "wrong" but not far off enough that it's merely "intentionally stylized bunting" etc. The "flag" is on a pale grey background and the stripes themselves are a white/grey gradiant, all against the silver-grey fuselage. And NONE of those colors match each other---there's "tail off-white, tail light grey, aft fuselage grey, and a main fuselage grey" Get a close-up of the back end---it just looks like a bunch of different colors were used because 4 different people painted it. Grey titles on a silver-grey fuselage=hard to see. The logo is an undefined swath of nothing, and is VERY reminiscent of United's 60's/70's logo: "Dear AA---why are you now using the previous logo of your main competitor? You didn't hire someone who knew NOTHING about airline history to design your new livery, did you?" (and it's not like UA is some obscure little airline easily overlooked/forgotten) (after this, United's next logo was the famous "tulip" shield used up to last year or so) (the 4 stars at the bottom were optional and not really part of the logo) AA has used a bald eagle in/as their logo since the 30's, if not earlier. There was darn near a revolt by the employees the last time they tried to get rid of it (1968 or so). http://youtu.be/GXEvbzaGDok
  10. I like the adjustable idea, but the one on the left bottom looks "too far" retracted. Folding down is good, just not "into" the head.
  11. I've only known it to be called "double nuts" directly (for the US Navy, at least), and some planes were painted with the 00's explicity looking like nuts. (as in, nuts and bolts, not the other kind of nuts)
  12. Really, different weapons packs count as different valks? Flawed poll, results don't count.
  13. Generally good, but Cyclops (HoS Shockwave) definitely had some "small hooks/tabs that liked to break off"---but they are aware of the issue, and are hopefully addressing it for future designs. (IIRC Cyclops even had a running change to strengthen the worst offenders)
  14. Surprisingly, it seems Predaking's left arm will be out before his right leg: And he's 75 bucks at BBTS if you order before the end of the week. And currently they're saying this guy will end up being a little taller than Hercules, yet made of only 5 bots---so these have to be pretty big figures. (claimed 18 inch wingspan) http://www.bigbadtoy...011&mode=retail
  15. They're also doing Amuro's White Zeta with the RG mold---but it's way too pink. (I'll accept Char in a pink mech, but not Amuro)
  16. 360 is my least-preferred system, I usually only buy exclusives. PS3 is my main system. I don't do steam---I swear, my 'net connection only goes down when I *need* it.
  17. And considering none of any of the above is present in the show, I do wonder why people keep bringing it up.
  18. If you want to, chaff/flare dispensers are extremely universal/generic. Many many planes all use the same system. "ALE-47" is the most common/standard one I know of.
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