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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Found wave 1 at my local Target. No tags for Cobra Island etc. Picked up Snake Eyes, my first Classified figure. ::edit:: Sword is ridiculously soft and rubbery, desperately need a hard plastic replacement so it doesn't droop. Also, IMHO, the guns look worse in person. Need authentic uzi or MAC-10 etc. Would definitely buy a modern "battle pack" if it had real weapons and not sci-fi:
  2. I think I had that on DVD, I know I've seen it. I just looked and I don't currently have a copy, I'd have sent it to you.
  3. I like it. I think a lot of ISD models "over-do it". The Empire seems to have kept them pretty clean. There's a difference between "accentuating detail" and "making it look dirty"----far too many ISD's end up the latter, IMHO.
  4. The coloring is REALLY good for a "weathered, mass-produced F-14". If only Hasbro's "Maverick" toy looked 1/10 as good...
  5. Considering how budget-constrained (ironically?) flight-hours and upgrades etc are, an enhanced engine on an old, flight-display-only Super Hornet seems kind of a waste. They're already stripped down, and fly with small fuel loads. They should have "enough" performance as-is.
  6. Or the short version: The wings split top/bottom, so that you can stuff all the tailfins inside them, for a fin-less bot-mode.
  7. Cargo transporters operate at a lower "resolution", than stuff intended for life-forms. I believe it is "quantum" vs "molecular" resolution. Since you need "quantum" level, to preserve all the "fine details" of the mind, you need to have Heisenberg compensators etc. But "low-res" cargo can omit much of that, and operate at far lower power requirements, since if it's only 99.99999% accurate, that's fine for most matter. (at which point, a cargo transporter, and a replicator, are pretty similar tech....)
  8. The single-piece legs are the most annoying part of the dinos. Seems at odds with the rest of the line.
  9. I'd much rather see a re-done Trypticon. (really, they kinda doubled down on the goofier aspects IMHO, it could have been done so much cooler/better I think)
  10. Lego promo pics never show grey accurately, and is likely intentional. While "Lego dark grey" is a bit on the cool side, promo pics tend to exaggerate it to look less bland/more blue-colorful. Promo pics of light grey, will have tons of lens flare and brightness, to make it look "silvery".
  11. Yeah, the half-dozen Sovereigns may have given them an initial pause, but when the Runabouts showed up a few seconds later, THAT's the when Romulans knew they had no chance...
  12. Yeah, this trailer looks MUCH better than the first. I expect it could be overall better than Bogus Journey. (because it has death, but seemingly nothing else from that one)
  13. Anyone heard anything about a PAK-FA in the movie? Walmart had several toys, but these two caught my eye:
  14. It's just that a stego's plates are THE defining feature. It'd be like having a short-necked brachio... You can mess with/stylize a lot of things----just not THAT thing.
  15. I'm a huge Stego fan, but I'm just not feeling theirs. I think the plates are simply too small, all the same size, and not staggered/alternating. (we've found enough skeletons by now to know they alternated/zig-zagged, not "paired" along the spine) I am quite tempted by the Brachio though, it's EXTREMELY Zoid Ultrasaurus-esque. I want the shark, and the lobster---but both first releases are red? (red lobster=obvious, but I want my Seacon-colored versions, or at least "aquatic" blue/green/purple etc)
  16. This is not a thing that is easily modeled. It's the prototype B, when it had a D's chinpod. It's had at least 3, maybe 4 different types of engines (F401's!) and for most of its existence, a unique rear fuselage. (the 'nibs' on the sides of the engine shrouds are very square, I think it was done for the F101 tests) (not typo, F101, not F110). It's a Frankenstein of an F-14. Many different configurations, never quite an A, or B, or D. Cool scheme, but dang hard to do totally accurate. I think the glove pylons are unique, too. Depends how much work Calibre is putting into the mold for a one-of-a-kind variant.
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