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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hopefully it'd be a limited Tamashii exclusive---you know, so we can actually get one.
  2. Exactly. A YF-21 with belly plates is basically how the VF-22 is normally. They're just permanently built-in.
  3. My vote for "new FF" game is 13 Versus. Or some other 13 offshoot. I do not expect 15. (though, if they want to guarantee massive sales, they'll announce an FF7 HD remake as a launch game, PS4 exclusive)
  4. I think the Excelsior looks too skinny around/below the pylons (like it couldn't support itself) from the side, but best from above or below. Worst from the front---the engineering hull is simply a "U" and looks fat from head-on.
  5. The Ambassador class is like a re-proportioned Excelsior. It has none of the curves/flares that the Ent-D and later ships have. It's the last of the "traditional" designs. The saucer and deflector are perfect circles, the nacelle pylons have simple 90-degree bends, etc. The best way to describe it is that Constitution through Ambassador class are clearly composed of separate parts/sections, while the Galaxy and later are "wholistic" with few clear distinctions between areas---lack of a "neck" above all else.
  6. From the description of how things work, it almost seems impossible to have an actual plot in there. Lots of "quests" yeah, and possibly a MassEffect-sized universe/backstory, but not much for actual "events in a sequence to tell a tale". In short---Halo without the story, just a really really nice multiplayer mode. Which has zero appeal to me.
  7. Busty girls in tight flightsuits sell well as figures? Who'da thunk. (obviously not Bandai, based on all their Ranka-in-a-floral-dress releases)
  8. Pretty much the same here, only I love the Refit Excelsiors. The Ambassador needs more love, so few depictions/uses of it, despite being a VERY nice design. (really, they should have used that for the Ent-D)
  9. While I kinda-sorta get the Muv-Luv design ideas, that one doesn't look ANYTHING like an F-14. I'm trying hard, but I'm just not seeing it. Every airplane-ish piece looks either F-15 or F-16 to me. Whereas their YF-23, is very clearly a YF-23. Their MiG-21 and F-4 aren't as obvious as the -23, but "Tomcat" is the last jet in the world I'd pick, when asked to guess what their design inspiration for that one was. They could have said it was a VFA-103 F/A-18E, and I'd have said "yeah, I can sorta see that".
  10. I figure it's more of an "emergency save-the-crew" type of separation, rather than "new ways to fight" like the D did. I mean, look at the D in Generations----all they needed to do was get away from the big, dangerous warp core breach. The Ent-E in the same situation could have accomplished the same thing--evacuate everyone to the saucer, and leave the warp section behind. I always thought Eave's drawings for the E looked slightly bulkier and edgier/angular than the actual model and CG ended up being. If it looked EXACTLY like his drawings, it'd have looked better. As for the D changes---the "saucer edge" is well-known and logically explained, but the shape of the deflector area seems more like a "they just couldn't replicate the compound curves exactly" thing. (I'll have to go look, but I think the impluse engine area is different, too)
  11. Sideswipe at least had a character repaint (who got an entire episode or two to his own), and a potential G2 repaint. Searching the archives for diaclone colors isn't going to sell many to too many fans.
  12. I plan to use MP Bluestreak to recreate his movie scene with Hot Rod. (seriously, I'm betting that's what Takara gives him for the "obscure accessory seen only once"---the road barricade)
  13. Only fanboys who think that Takara would do a new mold for a minor character with no repaints possible thought/posted that Sunstreaker would be coming any time soon. (that, and people who thought that Sideswipe could POSSIBLY work for Sunstreaker----no more than he works for Breakdown----Prime can't be Motormaster, despite similar alt-modes-----most of the G1 Countaches have VERY different robot modes)
  14. I've come *this* close to getting Hercules several times (by ordering one or two figures to start) but haven't yet. I figure with the 3rd production run, demand may finally level off and you can snag one a bit cheaper for Xmas. (yeah, gotta wait, but with multiple other combiners coming in the next few months it shouldn't be an issue) I'm torn between the fun/wallet-ease of ordering 1 at a time, month by month or so, versus getting the whole team at once for significantly cheaper. Right now, it's a HUNDRED BUCKS LESS to buy all 6. Really, couldn't they drop the price for individuals a bit now? (it's not even a box set, it is purely a volume discount). If I could buy Hercules for the present price, but one at a time---BBTS would have my money today.
  15. I can't really ask/say anything more without it being MASSIVE spoilers for newbies, but the odds are good you saw it all. The movies are very DYRL-ish, in that they're retelling the story in a new way, not "more stuff happening after what you saw". The movies are very skippable IMHO, I really only enjoyed the end of the first one. The rest was just "pretty new CG-filled Ranka and Sheryl songs".
  16. Assuming that Grace 2.0 has 5 "personalities" inside, with the "usually dominant" one being the original Dr O'Connor, I believe that on occassion, one of the other personalities will surface/dominate when "Dr O'Connor" is distracted/stressed or something, and that's when we get that. All goes along with my theory for flightsuit Grace's appearance---being shot/damaged by the fight with Leon's troops just a little while before, her "main" personality was "off" and one of the others was in charge at the moment during repairs/rebooting---so "he" decided that while he had control of the body, might as well dress it in a skin-tight flightsuit and enlarge her chest, too. (since we know Grace can physically change her appearance a LOT and has direct control of her physical aspects, she just rarely does it, preferring to keep her "standard" appearance most of the time to avoid suspicion)
  17. I thought the shoulder bit was part of the piledriver. So you only remove the forearms?
  18. They're removable, right? It looks like you should be able to just swap them left/right, and have the open part on the backside, rather than exposed. I think they just put them on backwards for the photo.
  19. The Ent-E most certainly could separate its saucer, the designer made a whole series of drawings showing exactly how he built it in. However, when the Nemesis team "tweaked" the CG model and abandoned the physical model, that feature was likely lost due to the changes on the rear of the saucer. (which is utter heresy IMHO----can you imagine if they made new CG Ent-A and Ent-D models and "tweaked" the proportions to "look cooler" in their minds?) (though of course, the later 4th-season Ent-D model *did* look different than the original---never knew if it was intentional or just because they didn't measure the original right or something)
  20. Sorry for the huge delay, but thanks, that's exactly what I needed.
  21. That is new to me, thanks.
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