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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Lots of pics today---I don't think anyone guessed "gunmetal" for how they'd color MP Bluestreak though:
  2. KnockOut+BattleCat=awesome! And since I don't own the RiD mold of Arcee, I think I'll pick up the new one, too:
  3. I must admit, Acid Storm looks MUCH better than I expected. Still---he has no tattoos, and instead has tasteful Decepticon logos on his shoulders-----why couldn't they have done that with TC?
  4. Yeah, I mean, pink tires etc is going a little far. 98% pink would have been plenty, didn't need to do the tires and nozzle interior...
  5. Personally, I don't think the Stunticon limbs can swap. I think it's going to be like TFC Uranos---they may be able to come CLOSE to the other limb modes due to articulation, but can't really swap--not without issues.
  6. June for Luca's? At that rate it'll be 2014 for Alto's or Ozma's to be re-issued....
  7. Seconded. The trailer made it seem like it was going to be "Merida, Warrior Princess" fighting to save her land from invaders or something.
  8. Re: Hexatron---Have you seen this? http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-reviews/799228-kuma-style-video-pictoral-review-mmc-terminus-hexatron-sixshot.html
  9. After reading your post, I'm glad I never caught more than ten seconds when it was on toonami.
  10. The canopy will generally hold itself open when "opened really really far" but not really in a "normal" opened position. The landing gear issue is guaranteed with this mold. Wing drooping--varies from box to box, batch to batch. LOOSENING the screws a fraction near the hinge can help. (if they're over-tight, the plastic tends to bend apart) (plus the standard superglue/nailpolish fixes)
  11. The decals won't hold up at all, and I want to transform it occasionally--I put ridiculously thick coats of clear on some areas as a test and they still came right of. I'm disappointed with the transparency of the decals and my efforts to make the canopy purple. Lots of little things basically.
  12. Anything other than Brave should have won. A common comment I see is that everything makes sense if the academy only watches the trailers for animated films, not the complete finished product... Really, Pixar shouldn't get an Oscar for their 2nd-worst film. At least Paperman gets some deserved respect.
  13. The F/A-18A+ is the best version of the Legacy Hornet there is now. Lowest weight, most modern avionics, and most powerful engines. Export Hornets tend to have the better engines but not the avionics. Late-build US C's are the opposite.
  14. I don't think I'll ever finish my 99% done VF-25F. (I already sold the un-built super pack I had for it). I'll see if I can disassemble mine and get those parts out undamaged.
  15. "The F-35 will deliver 90% of the F-22's performance at half the cost". Bet they wish they'd just bought more F-22's, now... Conspiracy theory: The program is being intentionally sabotaged etc to send the message that manned fighters really are too complicated and expensive to make any more, and we should just have zillions of cheap drones instead of fewer more capable planes.
  16. That's highly related to the F/A-18A+ program. Since the "C" came out quite soon after the "A" a lot of A's were sent to reserve/training squadrons, and thus saw little combat, high-weight flying, carrier landings, etc. While the C's have been at war almost constantly. Thus, most A's are effectively "younger" than C's nowadays, when it comes to wear/tear/stress etc. So the A's are being upgraded with C avionics and engines, as they are the newest airframes available--in a manner of speaking. (they certainly have the most "useful life remaining")
  17. I never much liked the twin-barreled version of the TV look. I may pass. Give me either original TV single-barrel, or Endless Waltz. (I'm not very fond of the fact that they did the later version of TV Sandrock either, but that one's more subtle so I accepted/bought it)
  18. A KOTOR movie would rock. Hire most of the voice actors to reprise their roles, too. Most of them would be in heavy makeup anyways, so any resemblance (or lack thereof) to their on-screen characters would be moot. Though of course, casting "the protaganist" could be very controversial. (typed it that way to avoid spoilers, for those who are not very familiar with that branch of the universe)
  19. I think you mis-interpreted my statement. I am glad it is the "basic" GP01. So many times you *only* get the FB variant. They can always "add-on" FB parts later, but many models/figures etc are inherently molded with the FB stuff added-on, and you can't remove it. If the FB comes first, odds are good you'll never get the original version.
  20. Actual mold change, or are they separate pieces and one release has them glued in backwards?
  21. RG GP01, and NOT the later fugly version? Very interested. (seriously, it seems 90% of the time lately, you only ever get the GP01FB, and not the basic and much better-looking IMHO GP01)
  22. Because she is so NOT an Irish redhead. It'd be akin to having her play Uhura in the new Trek movie. The character's look is well-established.
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