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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. This may be a stupid question, but will these attach to a -171 out of the box? Or must you buy the armor pack to get the new wings to use these?
  2. Yup---it's through Paypal, but not with Paypal. Usually near the bottom the "I don't have an account" option. Also, be sure to click "other conversion options" near the end, or you'll still get the Paypal exchange rate, even not paying with a Paypal account.
  3. Are they for the big ship vajra? They'd be huge for the smaller ones---more like impaling them than a shot. (I haven't watched the movies for a while)
  4. In addition to being the wrong color, it's the wrong missiles, too. I want these ship-killer missiles: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=99337 Did the CF even use the dorsal-mounted weapons? I'll gladly trade the beam rifle for these.
  5. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=99337 I want THOSE missiles! Forget the MDE, these look like ship-killers.
  6. I may pass--I want screen-accurate grey armor, not Alto's navy blue. I do want the nukes, but not badly enough to pay for the whole set in the wrong color.
  7. Which makes me wonder if everyone in Japan is color-blind. Green goes with yellow/orange a heck of a lot better than purple does...
  8. Strange---N-Y's alerts work great for me, and I only signed up a few weeks ago. Well, if I get one and it's "live" I'll PM you.
  9. Have you signed up to be notified by them if NY opens again?
  10. It's still not the almost-orange of the original scheme.
  11. I suspect they will, but it'll be a while. They haven't even done them for the G and RVF yet.
  12. I've never heard of a gloss base additive that's the opposite of their flat base---Tamiya makes such a thing? And it actually works? (flattening gloss is easy, the opposite is harder) Anyways---I tend to give Future a large lee-way in either direction----I don't apply it on top of anything that hasn't cured for a long time, and I don't put anything on top of it until it has cured a long time. ESPECIALLY do not apply decals on top of it without curing for days. It may be ok for touching or painting or re-coating, but most decal liquids will attack Future that's not utterly totally rock-hard-dry.
  13. Except for the pre-release color revision of the 30th ann YF-29--wasn't that totally Kawamori? And that was the change I didn't like---I really wanted the green-canopied, golden-yellow one. I passed on the purple-canopy, lighter-yellow one. (yes, I actually had it in my cart at HLJ, and it was available for several minutes---I should have just bought it, then sold it 12 weeks later for 100% profit)
  14. The VF-171 release is getting close, and experimenting with "almost" paying still showed the "original" higher quoted price---thus why I asked for the change. Also, some people (including me) actually like to pay-off preorders early---so that we can have a nice steady credit card bill every month, instead of suddenly getting one asking for half a grand or more because multiple things released at once. May's going to be expensive as it is for me---but paying for some things now, will help average things out and be easier on the check book. And with my invoice at N-Y at 219 instead of 205, makes a difference. And it could easily be 200 soon.
  15. Because the way N-Y works, when you place a pre-order, you CAN "set" the price---in USD, at the current exchange rate to the Yen at that time. Example---my VF-171 was originally ordered at 219 shipped, as that's what 20200 yen was in USD at the time. The invoice will ask for 219 USD (basically doubled converted---they'll want $219 worth of yen, not the actual Yen cost of valk+shipping---so you pay Visa 219, they'll pay N-Y that many yen)---if you elected to pay $219---that's what you'll pay. Whereas now, being changed to "actual Yen value", it's set at 20200 yen. Which is only 205 bucks now. So barring any sudden exchange rate swings between now and the -171 coming out, I'll pay my credit card company roughly 205 bucks, and they'll send N-Y 205 buck's worth of yen (20,200 of them). Which is a much better deal for me, than paying for 219 buck's worth of yen. This can of course, back-fire, or change massively in your favor. If the opposite happens---you order say 50,000 yen of stuff, and elect to pay in USD. Right now, that'd be close to $500. Say it doesn't come out for a year. Yen plummets. A year from now, when packing up your stuff----N-Y asks for $500, not 50,000 yen. 50,000 yen a year from now could be only $300. You're paying 200 bucks more than you could---because N-Y isn't asking for 50,000 yen on the invocie---you said dollars, and 500 of them---so that's what N-Y wants---500 buck's worth. Or, the opposite could happen---a year from now, 50,000 yen could cost $1200. But if you said "500 bucks US"---then that's what N-Y will get. Yes, it'll be converted to Yen on their end, but it'll still only cost you 500 bucks, instead of $1200 had you ordered at "actual yen cost". Both customers and N-Y are basically playing a game of risk, with exchange rates.
  16. Technically, if you pay with your credit card, you pay Visa/MC in dollars, and they pay N-Y in Yen...
  17. Ok---there's a high chance there will be more orders open, but only a slight chance you'll be able to get one in the 10 seconds they're available.
  18. Woohoo, they just changed my -171 order from USD to Yen!
  19. For recent orders, you're taking a risk--could go either way of course. For older orders that'll be out soon--probably want to go with yen, as it's been falling for months straight now, and even if it starts going up tomorrow, you'll still probably come out ahead.
  20. Don't forget 4th-party stuff! (AKA, aftermarket stuff for 3rd-party figures)
  21. Thank you, if this works, it'll save me about 15 bucks on my VF-171...
  22. That's the wrong renewal. They're still 21000 yen for the July release, though orders are currently closed.
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