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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The "extra" click takes much more force than the other positions, in my experience.
  2. Yeah, checking the prices for Thundercracker---he's not worth selling. Ultra Magnus though---probably will. Will take pics soon so people can see what I did to him.
  3. You could always buy mine from me!
  4. I would hope Yellow 13 comes molded in yellow. Much easier to paint grey camo over that than vice-versa.
  5. Everyone's seen the awesome video trailer for the MG 3.0 RX-78, right?
  6. Dang, I'm not generally one for "fake" model planes, but I would buy Yellow 13... (if I could get one pre-painted, I suck at camo---and little white fins on missiles) Hase's new Su-33 is probably about the most accurate Flanker model out there. PS---surely it comes with alternate markings for Yellow 4?
  7. FYI my Springer has been sold, but I do plan to sell off my remaining Titaniums----Thundercracker and G1 Magnus. UM has been customized a bit---silver/chrome accents on cab where needed, and red shin details.
  8. Yup. Though I used clear nail polish on mine. The -27 gets loose joints just due to sheer age. It is annoying that even if you keep it in fighter mode 99% of the time, all the arm joints get loose---and they're not even stressed in that mode. I mean, you'd expect it to get loose if it was holding up the ginormous gunpod for a year straight in battrodi mode---but not just sitting there tucked away. But they do.
  9. Short answer---zero. Don't worry. At all.
  10. 1200 cars? And I bet not a one I've actually driven, and maybe like 0.2% can be found in the local mall's parking lot...
  11. I'm waiting for the voyager-scaled version of FT Quakewave. I'm a fairly big Shockwave fan, but I don't really need one THAT big or expensive.
  12. Adding clear nail polish to the hinges and/or edges fixes every valk gear door I've ever tried it on.
  13. Really? I think MP seekers are 10x easier. You at least know when you're "done" with a section. Most of the time with a -171 it's more like "well, I guess that's it for this step---the part positioning is about an 85% match to the drawing in the manual, but nothing really "clicked" into place nor seems to be locked at max extension..."
  14. 25 shipped? Probably cheaper than driving around various Targets hunting for it all the time... (also guaranteed to not have mis-matched thighs, which has happened to several people at TFW)
  15. Well dang it, should have sold mine already. Now that AmiAmi has it cheaper, there's no way I'll get close to what I paid for it... I'll probably have to sell it at a loss, rather than wait a few months and hope it becomes rare....
  16. Still just renders, but new pic of "Bovis and Fortis" with the reveal that Bovis/Fortis have such "all-around well-formed/detailed" molds that you can actually flip everything around, and swap the top/bottom in beast mode, to make them look more different:
  17. Totally real, and they're held on with real duct-clamps.
  18. Boy, Iran is just popping out new planes left and right lately---here's their latest stealth drone. (yes, stealth---they say you can't detect it)
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