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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ah geez---I just noticed Bandai STILL hasn't fixed the missing stripe segment on the VF-27's wing-glove. The stripe should be pretty much continuous from the nose all the way back and out to the wing-tips. But there's a gap where it starts and stops---but there shouldn't be. The animation and model kits both have it continuous, and even the protos of the DX showed it painted (incuding the green version)---but no actual finished version of the DX has it. What's the point of adding a bunch of little details, when the main accent stripe itself is still incomplete? (it's the "hip-gun cover" piece, one of the earliest pieces you move when transforming from fighter mode in the -25/27 family)
  2. I've never owned a v2 in "pure" white, but "greenish white" sounds like a lot of Bandai Gundam kits.
  3. Tons of new pics of FP's Stunticons, but I'm on my phone and can't easily embed. Could someone repost them here? http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/635944-fansproject-menasor-megathread-324.html#post9361181
  4. I have to wait until a Grace renewal is absolutely certain before I can sell off mine. Few things would suck more than selling my accurized one only to never get another.
  5. Got mine this morning (N-Y via EMS). Wow, left Osaka the 30th, Chicago the 1st, Iowa today. No missing parts from my brief check. Can't do anything with it until tonight.
  6. Hmmn. Green version possible? They were only in the movie for less than a second and way in the background (literally had to freeze-frame it) and I don't think they had the armor. Doubt it. Probably only what's absolutely needed to accomodate the armor--new shoulder pads, and probably some extra slots and tabs in the legs.
  7. The Autobots always had fewer combiners, and I was never a big fan of any of them. TFC screwed up Uranos, and I had pretty much decided a while ago that I'd only buy a Computron if it was like "every figure is perfect in every mode". And this one doesn't look THAT cool to me. It's not bad, but not good enough to make me buy a team that I'm only "meh" about. Conversely---I am not a huge Predaking fan. But MMC's design is friggin' awesome, so I'm totally in. (plus I never completed my original G1 set as a child, so I've wanted a complete one for most of my life) Likewise---I am a HUGE Menasor fan. So if it's done even decently, I want it---and FP's Menasor, while not perfect, is definitely "good" IMHO. My fave Autobot combiner is Defensor, and I really think it could be done very well by most any of the main 3P companies. I mean, Hot Spot's already a big rectangular vehicle to start with, and turns into a very blocky torso and bot mode. Just might have to wait a while for everyone else's combiners to be done first.
  8. Maybe to assuage fears? People might start questioning things if it "lacked certain features".
  9. Could you try posting in a more relevant thread? I know you're new, but Sheryl statues and the YF-30 have little to do with the original VF-25 toy. Also, you were already told previously and provided a link to try posting in the "WANTED" part of the forum, as that's what it's there for: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=10
  10. My biggest beef with it is actually the fact that its mere existence now means no 3P or MP version for years to come. Blitzwing deserves better.
  11. I have nothing to offer that every other review hasn't already said, other than I think jet mode looks worse from the side than anyone else has mentioned. And I actually liked Octane/Tankor more. His truck mode was at least decent from most angles, and held together well.
  12. Found Blitzwing and Springer, bought Blitzwing. That was a mistake. Short review: It sucks. Related news: I have a Generations Blitzwing for sale, MIB. Only transformed once. Please PM if interested.
  13. I got a tracking number from N-Y for mine. Anyone else? I chose EMS.
  14. Promo shots always look metallic lately, even for $5 Hasbro Transformers. It's an easy way to make bare plastic look nicer than it is. And they can always claim "lighting" if anyone tries to call them out on "doesn't look like the pics!"
  15. Every plastic toy ever has those marks. Some are just more or less prominent--depends on the factory worker who removed the parts from the sprue.
  16. I was mainly thinking about colors---we rarely even got helmet shots in the series IIRC. Who knew they had blue boots?
  17. Is that the first time we've ever really had a good idea what the flight-suit for a non-EX VF-171 looks like? PS---only 3 "no steps" on the wings? That shouldn't be hard to remove on the undersides.
  18. I love how Paypal tries to "warn" you against using a different exchange rate (like your credit card's), not mentioning how theirs is consistently the worst option.... PS---MasterCard posts their exchange rate for every currency every day at their site.
  19. I should have waited to pay---could have gotten about 1.5% better exchange rate.
  20. At least black covers well, even in thin coats. ::cough, Sideswipe, cough::
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