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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Well dang it, should have sold mine already. Now that AmiAmi has it cheaper, there's no way I'll get close to what I paid for it... I'll probably have to sell it at a loss, rather than wait a few months and hope it becomes rare....
  2. Still just renders, but new pic of "Bovis and Fortis" with the reveal that Bovis/Fortis have such "all-around well-formed/detailed" molds that you can actually flip everything around, and swap the top/bottom in beast mode, to make them look more different:
  3. Totally real, and they're held on with real duct-clamps.
  4. Boy, Iran is just popping out new planes left and right lately---here's their latest stealth drone. (yes, stealth---they say you can't detect it)
  5. I think I've decided to sell my VF-171CF now, rather than wait and hope it becomes more valuable later in a few months----I mean, I sold my YF-21 like two weeks before Yamato went bankrupt, so why break the trend?
  6. I thought Avengers was also a better "Tony Stark being Tony Stark" movie. His interactions with the other Avengers rocked, and worked better because we knew the characters. Asides from Pepper, we didn't really know anybody he talked to in this movie, and a bunch of them were throwaway goons/side characters.
  7. I personally thought the first half of the movie had a very Mass Effect-esque vibe.
  8. To me, IM3 felt like a re-hash of a bunch of other semi-recent movies put together, tied together with Tony Stark.
  9. Their trailers alone seem to have more content worth watching than the whole of IM3. The recommendation is more along the lines of "if you've only got time/money to see X number of movies this summer, IM 3 is definitely skippable---you won't miss much"
  10. Quite skippable IMHO, if you've only got time/desire to see a couple movies this summer see Trek and Superman. Avengers was a better "Iron Man movie". As was IM 2. (And I'm not a big fan of IM 2)
  11. Real, quality ship models will ALWAYS look good, because they physically exist in 3 dimensions, and have basically "infinite resolution". CG will always have a polygon/pixel limit, and even the best lighting/shaders are not perfect. But again--real models with real light, will always have "perfect" texture/shadows/highlights.
  12. I think so--I just plain don't like the look. It's not so much "it's not '86 movie Springer" but rather I just plain don't like the shape, regardless of who it's supposed to be. I've seen plenty of comic redesigns I like and would love to have figures of---but not this one.
  13. I plan to sell my Springer, let me know if you're interested. Could save you some gas money if nothing else. (nothing wrong with it, just not that impressed---mainly bot mode---car mode's great)
  14. You're neither getting old nor "being a douche"---there's just a lot of newbies and clueless people lately. (and Robotech fans are often both)
  15. Yeah, but will it STAY in position? I can get mine to the "obvious detent" but with the entire weight of the arms+torso on that joint, any bit of movement will make the metal bars move back to fighter mode position. It's basically fighting gravity, and there's almost nothing holding it in place.
  16. Hmmmmn. Should I sell mine now while it's "in the collectorate's consciousness", or wait 6 months hoping it becomes rare/valuable?
  17. I'm probably going to sell it---only question is--do it now, or wait 6 months when hopefully it's sold out and people are paying a premium? I could probably get a decent amount right now, as people would be guaranteed one not missing any parts etc. Valks are just too expensive (especially at N-Y markup) to keep if you don't REALLY like it. I enjoyed my VF-27 much more the first time I transformed it. It just "felt better" to me.
  18. Am I the only one really not impressed with this mold? The torso is very hollow from many angles, and the whole neck assembly just sucks IMHO----I thought the VF-27 neck always felt "iffy" and you were never sure if it was transformed right---but the neck on this thing literally floats in mid-air, with a bunch of plates in intermediate positions as far as I can tell. Is there a definitive neck position? That little plate that flips out from in front of the actual neck---it's supposed to be "not quite level" with the actual neck just lightly resting on top of it, with none of the parts at full extension or pegging or anything? Everything held in place via pure friction of the hinges? I really thought it sucked until I found the torso lock, but I'm really looking for some sort of neck lock, and hip lock. The main hip bar just seems to constantly shift between two positions, and trying any sort of movement or pose makes it "pivot about the hip bar joint".
  19. Luckily I have zero interest in Brera's, and Grace's will probably be a Tamashii exclusive like last time, if they do it at all. So I can sleep that night!
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