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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. That caught my eye too---is that correct for either the game or any real Flanker?
  2. Just a quick pic for anyone else thinking about buying my Titanium G1 Magnus, here's a pic proving I have all the accessories (they were all missing in the pics of the figure itself) http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb78/ncc42768/IMG_4820t_zpsfb261f6d.jpg
  3. Yup---you can never go home, but you can find a place "close enough". Just like Homer in that one Halloween episode of the Simpsons.
  4. It sure stood out to me, and if it's molded in that color, it'd be very hard to change. It'll REALLY stand on a Millia.
  5. I'm thinking it's going to be like T-1000 liquid metal morphing, to completely eliminate any last resemblance to actual "transformations". We already saw a hint of it with the paper-thin guy that Ravage up-chucked in the early part of DOTM. Or more likely---just like they've been, but with totally different bot-modes. "Yeah, look at the new Prime---now he's a totally rearranged pile of metal shards"
  6. I would hope to see some VF-11's, using Hase/Masterfile schemes...
  7. Yeah, but the Su-33 is an *awesome* variant. And heck, for a Flanker---30 units is a ton! Half the Flankers out there are 1 or 2 of a kind...
  8. This is what Grace's suit actually looks like in normal lighting etc: Roy and I are really trying to make this a reality/contacting various sources. Gotta figure out what it'd cost, who'd be willing/able to do it, and of course, getting enough money to actually do it.
  9. That's my work (merging the screencaps)--thanks for finding/posting it---both her hand position and the lighting changed as the camera pans---that was the best I could do. What I'll send tonight is the correct colors and full-body (though unofficial---but a lot of research went into it to try to make it accurate)
  10. I've got a great reference (the full pic of my avatar), but I'll have to wait until tonight to post it---it's only in my PC. Please PM me your current email so I can send you the large version. And if someone could post the infamous screen cap in the mean time...
  11. Sorry, was thinking of Armada Thrust. As for the movie JSF---my god that thing is hideous. Are you serious about that being a good example of a jetformer? Because like the F-14 and MiG-29 it has a huge belly tunnel between the nacelles, and is paper-thin there. It's where Kawamori usually puts the arms. But no matter how you do it, you can't just leave empty space there. The F-14 is so thin threre it is literally see-through when the air brakes are extended. Really, it all comes down to one thing---"flat belly". Little else matters.
  12. I'm sure some would vote to literally paint the suit on, but I'd MUCH rather it be an actual bodysuit etc. Could probably use bodypaint for the jaw/neck thing though.
  13. IMHO, for Superion to be "done well" (read: acceptable amounts of kibble in jet mode, and not having horribly deformed versions of the jets to start with) he simply cannot retain his G1 alt-modes. Or at least, not all of them. F-16 and Harrier---just no. Not EVER going to get a decent jet-mode out of them, not while transforming into a robot. Note that even Kawamori, master of transforming aircraft, avoids single-engine jets. And while the VF-4 is sorta SR-71-ish, it also has the least-Transformerâ„¢-ish battroid mode. So even if you went with that type of transformation, it simply wouldn't look like Silverbolt, nor make a torso mode. Reasons for making Silverbolt an XB-70 have been discussed ad nauseum, so I'll just leave it at that. But for the 4 limb bots---- My suggestions are a Tornado, MiG-31, Su-24, and Super Hornet. Because the first 3 are "boxes with wings". Despite their popularity/coolness, the MiG-29, Su-27, or most any Eurocanard are NOT an option (especially not the Rafale, god no). The bellies are just all wrong for what the goal is. The Super Hornet, while not a "box", is my best attempt at a "modern, recognizable plane that most fans will accept as an update and think looks cool"---it is "boxy enough", and I think it could work. Keeping Air Raid and Fireflight as their original alt-modes certainly works, there's almost no plane better than the F-15 for turning into a robot--it's why it keeps getting done and re-done--it's BOXY. The F-4 is also pretty good---it's even flatter than the F-15 on the bottom, and has so much fuselage volume above the wing you can tuck in almost anything you need. But I think it'd be odd to keep 2 members the same and change the other 3, so my vote is to change them all. The F-22 is of course the "logical update" to the F-15, but it's over-done and is now Starscream, as much as the SR-71 is now Jetfire. While the YF-23 is awesome and a personal fave and equally good option as an F-15 replacement---it'd be hard to get a good robot and limb out of it--certainly possible though, but not as easily as the -22 IMHO. As for who gets what new alt-mode----basically, do you go for comparable looks, or comparable role? The Tornado has a single big tailfin, so could work for Skydive, or maybe Fireflight. The MiG-31 is insanely fast/powerful---Air Raid? Super Hornet is multi-role, carrier-based----Slingshot? Su-24---I got nothing, it's totally unlike anybody really----if anything, a mud-mover like the Phantom in Vietnam---Fireflight again.
  14. Ok, what about basic spandex for her flightsuit like most superhero cosplayers wear? Shiny spandex is almost as good. And you can probably find a lot more people familiar with making full-body suits from it. (And frankly, I don't think we can really tell what her suit is made of from the little we've seen of it---and Brera's didn't seem that shiny, and hers is likely similar to his) (I am totally willing to spend money on this)
  15. "Rule of cool" explains a lot of the feelings------it simply "doesn't look that cool" as VF-1 interpretations go. The Hasegawa valks may take some liberties--but they look awesome, so it's forgiven. But taking liberties to make it look LESS cool than the existing references? Not cool.
  16. Yup, all the time, even when shut off. It explicitly listens for "XBox: On" and similar phrases so it can start-up whenever it's asked to.
  17. How much for a purple wig, rimless glasses, and an aqua/teal latex flightsuit?
  18. JET7---What exact color/brand did you use for the gold? I've wanted that color/effect for a long time, but never found a spray that matched, always had to do a two-step process by hand that never came out very smooth.
  19. Well, I just partly transformed mine to photograph the "black triangle intake piece" in both positions to prove that it can still be transformed/rotated without coming apart---it's just no longer "locked" into place around the pin---it's now merely a friction fit, like the fists or fist covers. It's gone through about 3-4 rotations now (between fighter and battroid positions) and it hasn't popped out yet. I think that's pretty good. Sadly I've had NO offers for it after the little black piece broke. Also--Negotiator's broke rather differently than mine, and worse. His seems to have crumbled apart, mine basically just had the 'ring' that goes around the pin split.
  20. Just remembered something: They broke a trope, and portrayed something much more realistically than most movies/anime/etc IMHO-----combat drones. Unlike most movies, where a human can easily dodge the fire of "stupid mass-produced drone-bots" and take down a dozen easily by himself by shooting out their eye/brain with his sci-fi-revolver, in this movie, they show what facing a combat drone alone would probably really be like-----deadly. Rapid-fire guns aimed by an unflinching machine with sights and sensors across multiple spectrums that can probably calculate air pressure and humidity and deflection angles 100 times per second----could probably kill a lot of flesh-bags very quickly.
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