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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I go one step futher---get the water very hot, almost to boiling (I microwave it in a large cup). Then sit the can in the very hot water for a few minutes---the can should be ALMOST too hot to handle. Then use it. When the can has cooled down to simply "warm"----put it back in the hot water. The can will cool very rapidly just due to the physics of spraying.
  2. Whoa whoa whoa---I *wish* they were cylinders with wings, nose, and tail. Then Falcon and Harrier would have had half-way-decent jet modes. They're rectangles with wings, nose, and tail. Which really only works for the F-15 and MiG-25.
  3. Hmmn. Definitely not going to be Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Red Alert, or Breakdown. Since the 'vette is Slingshot, this is probably Defensor or Triggerhappy.
  4. Speaking of which, latest update from TF4: Knowing Bay's history of names+altmodes, my vote is for Wheeljack or Abominus. Whoever it ends up being, I will wait for the red repaint of the toy, and it will be my "movie Sideswipe".
  5. Maybe---but only if Milia's is available!
  6. Make sure to read the instructions carefully. I see more incorrectly transformed MP Sideswipes than correct ones. Main 3 things: 1. "Gap-fillers" on the inner sides of his calves. 2. Rotating the cooling intakes down 90 degrees to face forwards (the top of the outside of his lower legs) 3. Getting the door windows fully flipped around and tucked by the roof---you should see no red at all from any viewing angle when done properly, only the black/smoke color. And they should not be visible at all from the front, should be fully tucked in to be narrower than his waist. None of these things are big, obvious things (which is why so many people miss them) but taken together, they do make a better, more cohesive robot mode---everything is more solid/compact.
  7. $99 is for the entire boxed set of figures of vehicles, not just "Jetfire".
  8. I wanted to sell it the very day I got it---but the "retail" price was already dropping and I had no takers despite dropping my asking price pretty much continuously. Then "the little black piece that everyone breaks" broke when I transformed it for the 2nd time ever, to get it back to fighter mode to box up...
  9. Man, at this point I think I should sell it for "whatever" and cut my losses. I'm losing like 20 bucks a week at this point...
  10. It's 1/72 scale. There's approximately 3.4 zillion aftermarket sets that'll have something useful on it. Mainly F-4, F-8, F-14, and F-18 sheets...
  11. I also see way too much "Liger Zero" in TFC's beast mode. I mean yeah, all "giant robot lions" look alike somewhat, but look at the feet, toes/claws, and the "protruding round cylinder joints"---they are so Zoid-esque that I see it as a rip-off of a Liger, not an homage/inspiration. The claws especially----Zoid Ligers of all types have a quite distinctive way of doing the claws---and TFC's is exactly like that, and nothing like any incarnation of Razorclaw that I know of. If you're familiar with Liger-type Zoids, look at this pic: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/attach/4/0/5/9/7/8271cf6egw1e590egeyctj20sg0l3djg_1370105322.jpg Check the claws, the shape of the foot itself, and the "ridged joint detail" right above the foot----that's a recessed Zoid cap. The very long, thin eyes are also quite "Zoids Liger" esque. And the guns. Again----"all giant mecha guns" look somewhat alike---but these sure strike me as Zoid-esque more than "G1 TF".
  12. When TFC puts their eye-searingly bad paint apps on that torso, opinions will change. Plus---TFC's torso has like no back/sides. It's like 2-dimensional. It's not real obvious as most of their pics are at a shallow angle, but just wait until there's a "full 360" view of it like we have for MMC's. (which TFC will never show, we'll have to wait for an in-hand review) I honestly think it's not going to be very apparent until someone has both TFC and MMC in hand, but MMC's design is just so much more "complete". It is awesome and "solid" from every angle. While TFC's is like many modern Hasbro figures---looks good from the front, but "it's not all there" when you look from the sides and rear. (yes, I am very biased at this point)
  13. I'd take a 30 min show/short comprised of nothing but Transformers conversing, interacting with, and fighting other Transformers, rather than the 6.5 hours of humans and 15 mins of Transformers that Bay has given us so far any day. Basic concept/argument is that rendering CG TF's takes a TON of money, and you need the movie to be "mostly humans" just so that each movie doesn't cost 900 million to make---see above. No producer would fund it, but for a G1 etc fan, 30 mins of "just Transformers, being Transformers" would be better than hours of "Transformers making cameos in a human trilogy". IMHO.
  14. I could get the car sides in quite well with some fiddling---but NOBODY has gotten the butt-flap to peg in AFAIK. It's flat-out engineered wrong or something, it's not a QC issue.
  15. I keep thinking there's a hidden "car" mode with that lion. He's got bigger shoulder and hip wheels than FoC Onslaught does, and Onslaught turns into a truck!
  16. A 45 minute review? Reminds me of English class, where you're supposed to write a 4-page analysis of a 6-page short story...
  17. IMHO, the Spielberg-influenced parts of the 07 movie are actually some of the best parts. Because it actually gives BB and Sam some character. And development. Would their friendship have meant anything or even existed if Bay had done it 100%? He'd just have replaced it with 45 minutes of un-named soldiers shooting at shards of metal. As for Prime---a Western Star? Gag. That's like taking Tracks from a 'vette to a Malibu.... Also, I think keeping the exact same paint job is a waste. They had an opportunity to make it either more G1, or simply "yet another new take on red+blue". Either would have been preferable. I think the original paint was better---had the orange accents, and I swear the flames looked "flamier". And yeah---an as a Corvette, after Sideswipe was a Corvette. And not Tracks as a Corvette. That totally makes sense. I'm guessing Bay just has a big alphabetical list of names of every TF ever, and picks the ones he likes best with no regards to historical alt-modes.
  18. Hexatron is as done as it gets without being on shelves----Peaugh got his pre-release yesterday and posted pics. The first 120 are all-white special editions, then they start making the colored ones---and Peaugh's is #103. As for TFC---they could show finished colored pics of the entire team tomorrow and have them on the shelves next month, and I doubt it'd sway that many people. It just plain doesn't look like who it's supposed to be. Those silhouettes are simply not Predacons---no more than their "Starcats rescue team recolored into Defensor" were Protectobots. MMC has the great equalizer----their Predaking LOOKS INSANELY AWESOME.
  19. Really, where? I don't get that from any of Griffith's recent posts at TFW. And are we talking something like 4 weeks or 4 months? Considering there's no actual schedule beyond "2nd Quarter" for the first release, it'd be hard to quantify the entire team's timeline/delay. If anything from their reps it sounds like MMC is rushing as fast as they can due to competition from both UT and TFC----doing Fortis right after Fortis instead of saving Bovis for last, to get as many limbs out as soon as possible, and accelerating Leo to get him out 2nd or 3rd due to Talon needing tweaks.
  20. Same reason we don't have flightsuit Grace apparently.
  21. Yeah, but few industry people care about the "toy-ability" of a design. They make what they want to make as artists. Hasbro surely has a bit of influence (they HAVE to sell toys in the end, it's the real point of the franchise) but screen-accuracy has never been that big of a concern of theirs. Look at $100 ROTF Devastator---the centerpiece of the movie, but the toy had only a vague resemblance and generally sucked ass----Hasbro didn't care that it didn't look like it did on-screen, and the animators didn't care that it'd be impossible to make a working toy out of. And hey--Beast Machines didn't transform, they morphed in a flash of light. And they made toys of those. IMHO, "shards of metal" are inherently less toyetic, and is at the root of the general G1-fan-rage. If the body isn't composed primarily of recognizable chunks of the alt-mode, then it just doesn't seem like it could "really" transform into it. Too much stuff "disappears" and then it just seems fake. (as in, even more fake than giant alien robots already are). It's the opposite of a VF-1-----it CLEARLY is made of parts of its other mode, in every mode. You can totally "believe" that it transforms. Starscream however has little more than a pair of tailfins stuck in his collar bones.
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