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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Swapping the helmet, fists, and legs of Takara's onto the US MP-10 makes the best combo.
  2. It's whatever they retcon it to be. To me, this is a "tweaked" TV Wing Zero. Nothing more or less. Not a redesign, not really a different version.
  3. So should I read the book instead of seeing the movie?
  4. Yeah, the -19's high-speed mode is pretty much just a couple frames, blink and you'll miss it--and even in the frames it's present in, it's very small. The -21's high-speed mode, while a more subtle change, is shown more clearly/prominently. (plus, it doesn't require anything 'special' to do, it uses the normal transformation hinges)
  5. The -19S/F wings *are* shorter. Not merely look shorter. (though IIRC the Chronicles retconned it to the F having 2 different wing options, including longer -19A style wings---but all the F/S's seen on-screen had the short wings) And the fuselage itself is the same length, it's the wing LERX's/intakes that are extended.
  6. Yup. It's a high-priced adult-oriented toy---with the gimmicks and design that'd appeal to a 5-year-old. They really missed the mark.
  7. We really, really, really need someone to put up some official lineart from the Chronicles etc showing just how different a YF-19 and VF-19F etc really are.
  8. THAT looks awesome. I wasn't very fond of the "tweaked" Epyon asides from the wings, but this is definitely an improvement. It's more subtle than what they did to Epyon. I do hope it has some RG-style coloring, the two-tone red and white/grey on the RD figure looks awesome.
  9. Yup. Movable surfaces suck. IMHO. (not as bad as detachable limbs though)
  10. Really, what was Mattel thinking with the keys and where they went? "Yeah, this is totally what people want!"
  11. Yup, I still like the NSX. Really, about the only Japanese car I like. But looks-wise, I think it's equal to nearly any Ferrari. Wish more of its styling found its way into their "mainline" cars, beyond just the taillights on the Accord.
  12. MMC got necks on their new not-Predacons, and they have much more complicated transformations. Really, Voltron has never passed GoBot level transformation complexity in any toy---it seems every company just does the laziest way possible--see Black Lion's front legs in the new Mattel. As I said before--I want to see a Yamato/Bandai style re-vamp, where they make it much better than before in every way, by trying new things. Get rid of pointless gimmicks nobody ever uses---use the internal space for critical stuff like the transformation/COMBINATION. Why not have two sets of legs or something? Big articulated ones for lion mode that flip inside for Voltron mode, and "small, permanently tucked-up" ones that do the opposite. Etc. Having a grossly-out-of-scale pilot inside is not the best use of space. Nor is having spring-loaded firing heads, for an adult collector toy. Would rather have good legs and necks...
  13. The VF-11 is fine, but the -21 needs belly plates that lock together at the rear, an upper rear fuselage that locks into place and doesn't rely purely on hinge friction, and limbs that don't come off which leads to cracked hip joints. All of which the 1/72 had, ironically.
  14. That's the exact same scheme the F-15 wore for most of its existence.
  15. Separating the hips and intakes like that is how it's SUPPOSED to have been done since the beginning--it's how the lineart does it. I tried my darndest to get Graham to convince Yamato to do it that way on their YF. They HAD to do it for the F/S/Kai, as it's essential. It just took them this long to realize that that is how it should be on the entire -19 family. It's just not as obvious on the YF. But it does make a difference.
  16. They can use very little. Probably the nosecone, and landing gear, and that's about it. The later VF-19's, and the VF-19A/YF-19 have almost nothing in common, other than "looking similar". Similar, not identical. Everything is different, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Really, the VF-25 and YF-29 share more parts than the VF-19F and YF-19.
  17. I'd rather MS have gone ahead with their original plan---the massive failure would have been a better lesson, and PS4+WiiU could have shared the market easily, with different segments. The "hardcore" games/FPS on PS4, and nostalgia/oldschool/family ones on WiiU. Now, everything will have to be "split" again, with every AAA title having to devote resources to running on multiple platforms. (as opposed to the Xbone failing in 18 months, leaving every developer free to optimize for PS4 only)
  18. The F-2 is designed for a heavy anti-ship role (the standard F-16 has almost no capability there) so I assume it's "ocean-colored".
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