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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Start the new VF-0's with the VF-0D...
  2. Not much of an issue---all things are inferior to the YF-23, so they can be sacrificed.
  3. Generally, I don't "do" 1/48. But for the coolest plane ever*, I'll make an exception. Also, it's got about the easiest paint job there is. Flat dark grey is hard to screw up, even for people like me who suck at painting large surfaces smoothly/evenly. (I'll probably build it totally closed and gear up, as I hate gloss white, especially on complicated surfaces like gear wells and gear struts----plus, the weapons trapeze is a nightmare, even if they do manage to get it right) *yes, beating the XB-70
  4. Left underside folding triangle! Though it depends on cost--I purely want it so I can sell mine off as non-broken then. I don't want to spend a lot if it's not going to be recouped when I offer it for sale the next day. (man, I *REALLY* should have cancelled my pre-order, I'd be way ahead time/money/effort-wise)
  5. Scroll down a bit less than half-way: http://www.mastermind-creations.com/collection.html I'm waiting for the 4th one, Not-Solus-Prime. Video preview: More pics: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/3rd-party-unlicensed-41/mastermind-creation-azalea-prototype-revealed-177191/
  6. Even thought I'm very pro-MMC, anti-UT, I think that pic is very misleading. That's not arm-mode for UT's, and it's like sitting on top of Rex's back-cannon. Put them shoulder-to-shoulder or wrist-to-wrist. That's like having someone stand on a box when standing next to someone else. Anways---it does seem FP is listening, at least a little. Just like how Not-Dragstrip did get altered paint apps to be more G1, Not-DeadEnd has also been changed----he now has a gold face and purple eyes, like G1 Dead End did. Also, while it could just be camera/lighting issues, the overall color is more G1 as well. While the ruby-red looks cool on the earlier one, the more brownish red on the newer revision is spot-on how the G1 toy is. Dead End was never straight-up maroon, he's a brown-maroon. I think FP may have tweaked the plastic color to get it "G1 perfect". (I own a minty-mint original G1 set of Stunticons, and have referenced them often in preparation/anticipation of FP's version--they were one of my first ever ebay purchases)
  7. Ironically, we still don't have a "proper" comparison pic of how tall Feral Rex is, even with these: "What? Those look like they show his height just fine to me". Well, due to the transformation, Leo's legs (Rex's thighs) are actually adjustable. The top pic has the shortest possible thighs, the bottom pic has the longest possible thighs. But neither position is the intended "extension" for Rex's thighs as designed. So a properly-transformed Rex will be in-between these two pics. Not as stocky as the top pic, but not as long-legged as the bottom pic. He should look like the renders, with the "best possible proportions". And yes, his sword really is that huge. ::edit:: Here's the "proper" thigh transformation, though using the previous molds for the arms:
  8. Too bad there was no real QA session, I would have loved for someone to ask if Doubledealer (Blitzwing repaint) would have fixed shoulders. And what are the odds Hasbro would have said "What's wrong with his shoulders?"
  9. Wow, that's sad. Botcon's this weekend. The big main Hasbro panel was today. And there's really nothing interesting to report. And a few pathetic things. News that is sure to shock some: Lots of repaints coming in every line! Many with remolded heads! As for actual new stuff----IMHO the biggest thing is a new Voyager Rhinox. Looks very nice. As for pathetic--you know the TF: Prime Terrorcons? Like Twinstrike(Sinnertwin) and Whatshisname(Cutthroat)? And they make a not-so-good Abominus? Well, Hasbro's making bigger deluxe versions, yay! And they'll be big deluxes like from years ago, not the newer smaller deluxes of recently. Sounds, good, right? You're imagining buying all 5 of these new delux Terrorcons and making an awesome Abominus? Yeah, Hasbro's not doing that. They are simply upscaling the existing legion molds. No changes. Wrists for Twinstrike? Nope. ANY articulation in the arms/necks? Nope. One more hinge to fold away some back-kibble? Not! It is exactly the same as the $5 version. Just now bigger and $15. Oh, and they removed the combiner attachment points. So no big Abominus. But you can have a much bigger, unarticulated Twinstrike now. So Hasbro's basically doing what the KO companies have been for years---making bigger versions of existing molds. This is their M.O for the future. Bigger, simpler toys. Instead of making smaller toys to save costs like present, they're going to make bigger toys made of fewer parts to save costs. Simple transformations with minimal articulation, but large figures. It's G1 all over again, in a way. But probably not what most G1 fans really want... And that doesn't bode well for TF4 movie figures. It's like Hasbro got a massive backlash from parents over ROTF/DOTM figure complexities, and did more than just "ease off", they completely overshot it.
  10. I did notice they had Faora and Jor-El "looking down, and shadowed" for the faces---not a sign of confidence. (and with how *awful* Cdr Shepard turned out, I am very wary of their sculpts and paint nowadays)
  11. Faora needs a cloth cape. This just doesn't have the "tattered" look.
  12. Shipping is of course dependent on where you are---I'm in the next state over to BBTS.
  13. And because there's so many one-of-a-kind variants, you can get one tailored just for you.
  14. If we get yellow and white cars next, THEN I'll have some hope. Not before. (And hey, they already screwed things up by making the Lambo the grey one----and the Aventador looks AWESOME in white)
  15. Prototype jets are often glossy, in the real world. Most every major one I can think of was so. F-14, 15, 16, 18, 20. AV-8B. Still, I prefer matte because well, fingerprints.
  16. It seems anytime N-Y alters your order, it'll revert to showing "bank wire". But it'll still work how you originally clicked for.
  17. IMHO, Hasbro has the overall better cab/bot due to the painted marker lights, more "amber" clear plastic instead of lemon-yellow, and bright eyes. Takara clearly has the better trailer. But Prime himself is more important than the trailer. I think Takara's blue is inherently better---Prime had navy-ish blue on the cartoon, too. Not as dark as the G1 toy, but still closer to JP MP-10 than US MP-10. Painting the eyes is fairly easy due to how the head comes apart, but swapping the clear bits is difficult, as is painting the marker lights due to how they're molded. Sadly, MP Sideswipe is impossible to paint his eyes---they're permanently dark. I've not seen anyone manage to do it. I'd have done it the first day if I could.
  18. Yeah, but the YF-19 has HUGE missiles inside, not the little firecrackers the VF-19 has.
  19. Eh, I generally would consider this Yamato's "V3" YF-19, but I'm in the minority. My feeling is that the 1/48 was an intentional one-off change of scale, to make a purposely-not-in-scale-with-the-others, gimmick-filled "ultimate" extra-large VF-1. Basically unrelated to the previous 1/60. Whereas the 1/72 vs 1/60 valks was changing the entire "main" line to conform to a new standard and they are all direct sucessors to each other. (the first VF-11 was more like 1/66 anyways IIRC, they were already moving towards 1/60 at that point)
  20. Yeah, but we had silver, grey, and black Autobots, too (Sideswipe, Jazz, Ironhide). That way you can't tell ANYTHING that's going on! "Is that a silver goodguy or a silver badguy?"
  21. ??? The US one has more paint apps (on the cab at least), and the stacks are identical.
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