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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Many have said similar things for Slipstream, but I just don't see it. It'd take a lot more than that to make Slipstream. (or at least, an acceptable one, to me)
  2. What anime52k8 said. Delimiter mode RUINED the YF-21. Period. It's the main reason I sold it. It was a gimmick that heavily compromised every other mode and aspect, for something nobody ever did anyways. I do NOT want floppy/open/hinged wings that'll crack or pop off in the future, just to replicate something on-screen for 18 frames of animation...
  3. Go! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10153639 ::edit:: Or not. Was there when I copied link, gone by the time it was pasted!
  4. Armada Starscream seems kinda pointless to me. It's basically the one we already have. What's next, a new Energon Tidal Wave?
  5. They didn't make more MP-10's, so they seem to have little desire to make money---even after bumping up MSRP 40% it still sold out. It may have been restocked a bit from distribution centers, but there was only the one production batch.
  6. OK, why can't I checkout at HLJ? Been trying for several minutes. Not time-out errors. Wouldn't even accept my account info for a while (didn't blank out, said it was wrong) :;edit:: Finally. I think it was a cookies issue--they just wouldn't seem to "take" and every screen/click seemed to empty my cart and log me out. :;edit 2:: Ack, I don't think it actually did it. But don't want to order again in case they see it as trying to get multiples. Yeesh. ::edit 3:: OK there it is. Whew! (hey, I've been trying to get a renewal Alto since November of 2011, this is kinda stressful)
  7. That's related to my main complaint with the whole figure---there's very few "defined stops"---you never know if you're "done" moving a part, as you don't know if it's moved "all the way" and you fear breaking things if you press harder. It's always "well, I guess that's it--I think it's been moved to where it should". You just don't really know.
  8. They ruined a Lambo. Ricing out ANY car is bad. It's just so much worse when it's ACTUALLY a good-looking high-performance car to start with. Now it actually looks like a cheaper car a teenager may own. Just needs a few more stickers to be truly highschool-ish.
  9. A. This thread seriously needs to be bumped. B. *Nobody* noticed flightsuit Grace? http://felinaedeath.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Grace-O-Connor-379592693
  10. Keep trying that link. Unless they re-vamped their site from when they did MP-10---if the product is available, the link works. If you can't order it---it won't show or find anything. They're not big on having the product show up but say unavailable. The link and search simply won't work a lot of the times if you can't order it at the moment.
  11. Seacons are totally US G1. I wanted them as a kid because I saw them on TV. (Granted it was a commercial and not an episode, but really, every episode was just a glorified commercial anyways) Now, Raiden etc---those count as second-tier JP-only teams. But Piranacon is core US lineup. Just the tail end of it. (Still had black grid packaging and not gold like Monstuctor)
  12. And according to his box, Metroplex is so big he has *millions* of Cybertronians living in/on him in his dormant state. Prime would need to be a speck of dust for that. No one wants dust or rice-sized figures, regardless of scale.
  13. I suspect much of the reason for combiners, is that Hasbro/Takara simply can't/won't do them. Not to the size fans desire. And they are quite iconic to the franchise---check the 86/87/88 catalogs for just how high a percentage of the raw number of figures they make up, of the whole. But HasTak *is* making plenty of generations voyager homages---I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a new Punch/Counterpunch, or some Powermaster/Targetmasters from Hasbro fairly soon---they've done the majority of season 1/2 by now, and are going full speed ahead for season 1 Masterpieces.
  14. I'm starting to see what I consider a bad trend with TFC-----using established movie alt-modes of other characters, as the updated alt-modes of others. As in: Silverbolt is now an SR-71. Movie Jetfire is an SR-71, and that's pretty well-established at this point. Streetwise is now a Mustang. A law-enforcement themed Mustang at that. Barricade, anyone? At this point, if TFC does the Stunticons, I expect to see a Camaro, Solstice, and Concept Vette as the updated alt-modes. Seriously---don't use another character's alt-mode as an update, that form's already "taken" and makes the character now resemble the other guy, rather than themselves.
  15. So, summary of biggest recent news: TFC's Not-Rampage has a torso mode to act as the leader of PCC figures. Note: Rampage, the tiger/arm, not Razorclaw: TFC's also working on Defensor:
  16. They're basically nicer versions of the decoys. Fun little figures to give a sense of scale.
  17. I have little interest in an Emerald Force -19S. I do not like the yellow striping on the bright blue much. It'd have to be VERY cheap for me to consider it over the F. I also like the F's head better---the S is just "too much" with the 5 lasers. Really, I think the ONLY good-looking 4-laser head is the original VF-1. The VF-25S pulls it off ok, but I generally like 1/2-lasered heads.
  18. Well, maybe that's the secret--Bandai's using those pins in plastic parts.
  19. Dang it! (I don't own a VF-19 yet, I was hoping/waiting for the -19F to get cheaper---but it never did, only the S model---and now I'll just wait for my true fave, Isamu's) Maybe if someone dumps their -19F to get Isamu's, I'll buy a used one.
  20. Nothing beyond "2014". No one's going to actually have one for quite a while.
  21. Sigh, more figures of costumes already done (IIRC), yet not a single Grace yet... (nor Cathy, Nanase, or other characters that deserve at least one figure---I mean, it's one thing for a line to over-emphasize a single character or two, but to completely ignore everyone else to the point of doing multiple repeats rather than someone new?)
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