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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I don't normally even bother painting MG pilots because they're ridiculously small, but I gave Zechs(Milliardo?) a shot:
  2. The site is absolutely unusable on IE now. Worked fine before. (had to switch to my phone to say so!) On safari, "alignment of elements" seems off. Like there's a big white dot to the right of everyone's avatar that covers some words. And whatever the "white shield on a small blue dot" icon is, seems to randomly appear in the background of posts. ::edit:: Right now, it appears right above the word "safari" in my post. At least, when viewing site on phone in Safari.
  3. It's Joons valks all over again... (but with higher quality)
  4. There's black J-20's: #2001 and 2002 are black I think, maybe others? Though 2001 is a prototype (un-clipped fins and canards). Not sure if any production-standard ones are black.
  5. 2. Few people do. (though to someone like me, it's easy when they use bits from real planes---they stick out like a sore thumb to someone who intimately knows the planes referenced----"totally fake" would actually look more cohesive/realistic IMHO, vs Frankensteining various bits)
  6. I figure he's referring to the newer(better!) Dredd movie, non-Stallone, Karl-Urban-starring one, where they stated true to character, and you NEVER saw him unhelmeted. However, Dredd-style "mouth-only" still gives a much greater level of emoting etc, than TOTAL concealment like a Mando helmet.
  7. Re-install-----immediately got exact same issue. Maybe a future update will fix the issue (unlikely) but for now, re-assigning all my context commands etc to the substitute... (My god does Windows try to instantly add a zillion thing "edit with Paint, edit with Photos, print, set as desktop, set as background, upload to Cloud" right-click options...) So hard to just have the two things I want up top of the list. (I use like, 3 different context-menu-editing programs just to get things set how I want---which is even more work than it took to get Win7 how I wanted)
  8. Testors isn't that good in my experience (and it yellows, my Trek ships can attest to that), and I was thinking even cheaper---like one of the "craft-y" versions that Rustoleum/Krylon make, that you'll find at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. They're 2-3x the size of a Tamiya/Testors can. There's just SO many "clear acrylic matte sprays" etc out there, that it'd cost even more just to try them all...
  9. ACDeeSee primary, IrFanView secondary. Even Win7's (which is much better than 10's) is far inferior/slower.
  10. Eh, it seems to me like sometimes they just flat-out ignored how the toys transformed. Like, you can clearly see elements of the toys, which means they had good pics, yet the transformation is just SO different. Tantrum (Predacon) comes to mind. "The beast legs just grow out of his chest, and are not connected to the shoulders/haunches". Even without knowing how it works, the lower legs SHOULD be connected to the upper legs, ya know?
  11. 1. Fuel tanks. 2. Nope. Nitro Zeus is a faked-up F-5/F-20. Blitzwing is an F-18/F-16 hybrid. (the tailplanes are pure F-16, the tailfins are pure F-18, the spine and nose are F-16). Nitro Zeus has the front half of an F-5 down to the retractable gun-vent-ports. 3. Fuel tanks.
  12. Common question, but will ask again since availability/production of what's out there changes so frequently: Suggestions for a cheap spray-can flat-coat? My best model ever was my MG Wing, but as I obsessively made it DEAD flat in every nook and cranny, that meant I did a full 3D-spraying of each piece of armor separately. And heavily. That was like, 3 cans of Tamiya TS-80. I don't want to spend/waste that much ever again, and I think Epyon would require even more spraying due to so many angles/separate pieces. (mist coats of TS-80 behave very differently than heavy coats, I found--heavy ones actually have a much more even, and flatter, final dried finish) So, I'm looking for a "cheaper" way to get a dead-flat finish on MG Epyon (and my next Zaku). And I am leaning a bit towards spraying sub-assemblies, rather than every piece separately this time.
  13. No, I think the arms are fine. They're just in car-mode, not robot mode. The one elbow's bent a bit, and it's bending "backwards"---but that's his "canon, but generally not replicated" transformation: "Do like he does in the movie" and everything's perfect. PS---never mind every other transformation in the movie. I think I read that it was done different every time, maybe intentionally. But IMHO this is "the best one we see" and looks like what they're going with for this figure.
  14. I'm pretty sure I pinpointed it to a "program that Win10 no longer likes due to Win10's last update". Uninstalled it, will re-install fresh and see if it behaves any better. If not, I found an alternative, but I was very used to/fond of the one I had been using. (my main photo viewer---I have thousands of pics of planes, trains, etc, and reference/load them CONSTANTLY for model references etc, so having a super-fast photo viewer is key---and Windows' sucks!)
  15. Issue just started cropping up, and Google is no help due to SO many possibilities: Win10 frequently freezes, while "browsing folders", opening small files, for like 3-5 secs. Just gives the little spinning blue circle. Seems random, but NEVER did it before, now does it like every other minute. Have changed nothing for a long time, other than Win10's own updates. Will occasionally get an actual "explorer.exe has stopped responding" error/crash. But usually it just recovers, for a few mins, then freezes again. Have messed with paging/virtual memory etc, was most common thing I found mentioned, but made no difference. SSD is quite full, but it's been that full for like a year, no issues before, but the freezing mainly (on;y?) happens when browsing non-SSD folders. Maybe HDD is going out?
  16. I had no idea it was going to be life-sized. (yes, I somehow missed the thread title, I just saw "paper craft", clicked, and started scrolling (I just decided to try to get back into papercraft models after a LOOOONG absence, and am starting with a very small one I found to get back into things)
  17. I think he's referring to PM's----there's currently no easy way to add a pic to a PM, unless it's linked to an external host.
  18. As I've mentioned before in the LEGO thread---LEGO has made many models the past couple years, that are of Boeing aircraft. (licensed/branded ones, not just "resembling") Just none that were military-based. So the argument that it's "because Boeing is an arms manufacturer" doesn't really work, because LEGO's been paying Boeing fees for years, for non-military sets. (I'll be annoyed if the Ideas 737 set fails to get approval, because it's Boeing-----heck, all airliners would be off the board, as every civil company makes military planes too, nowadays, even Embraer)
  19. Yeah, at those prices, think I'll probably keep my 1080 for a while longer. 3060 should be roughly equivalent to 1080 I think?
  20. That---is a very good point, and I should have caught that YEARS ago. (I saved that gif a long time ago). Hmmmn. It's got the -37's camo. I know the -37 was reverted back to basically -35 config, only flew with TVC for a little while. Then crashed. Did they remove the canards, too?
  21. "Northrom" came true. (Northrop-Grumman) (at least, that's what I always assumed Northrom implied)
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