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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I think this is great news. Hasbro is AFAIL the largest company HG has decided to mess with so far. Hasbro's got serious money and lawyer-power. The best possible result is that Hasbro goes all-out and utterly destroys HG, or at least somehow nullifies a good chunk of their licensing/rights/power within the US regarding Macross. Unlikely, though it'd be nice.
  2. 1. On the 1/72 YF-19, the chest had two sets of slots for the wings to connect to---one for fighter, one for GERWALK. This locked the chest in place in the "slightly raised" position, rather than just flopping about on top of the spine like on the 1/60. True, both of them have the godawful "chest doesn't lock in battroid" issue, but the 1/72 at least figured out something for GERWALK---and I believe the 1/60 VF-19 has something similar. 2. On the 1/60 YF-21, probably my biggest issue with fighter mode was how the upper rear fuselage didn't tab/lock into place at all, it purely depended on friction. And it was fighting the legs and belly plates, and usually lost. The 1/72 had a tab that locked into place totally flush and darn near seamless. Strangely, the 1/72 FP YF-21 seemed to have changed there---it was never as good as the original, the tab barely connected and always seemed "raised up" a little. But still better than the 1/60's "oh, let's just hope the friction is strong enough" method. 3. Related, the 1/72 actually had decent posts/tabs to hold the belly plates in place, especially at the rear. The 1/60---well, I don't really need to specify the various ways the 1/60's belly plates didn't hold in place or connect to anything--especially at the rear. The 1/60 really was a mess at the rear, I honestly feel the 1/72 transformed with more "finality" there. The 1/60 you just kind of shoved everything in together, smooshed it as tight as you could, and hoped the belly plates would sorta hold, while bulging all around. The 1/72---the feet and belly plates really "meshed" and didn't fight each other. (a couple of actual posts and slots could have really helped the 1/60 there, but wouldn't really have solved the root problem)
  3. VF-19? No. Was waiting for either the -19F to get cheap, or a new Isamu. And Isamu's happened first. Also--I have seen Yamato "regress", making things worse, or "forgetting" things. Just because the VF-19 may have done something right, does not guarantee the new YF-19 will have it too. In fact, some of my (and other people's) biggest complaints about the first 1/60 YF-19 and YF-21, were not present in the old 1/72 versions----Yamato somehow "forgot" some things when making the 1/60 versions that were very much needed/appreciated on the older 1/72 versions. So I don't blindly trust them/Arcadia's design team to keep every improvement, or to not "screw up what they already fixed".
  4. If you'd like the original sources of most of the other images: First is I believe from the "This is Animation" book, and is "the most canon" line-art there is, if that makes sense: Next is Hasegawa's, which is the most recent attempt at a "revised official detailed" depiction of the YF-21:
  5. David Hingtgen

    Yf 21

    From the album: Reference

  6. I really hope the wing hinges have ratchets. Nothing else will hold/last over time in battroid mode, period. And I mean ratchets on like EVERY axis/hinge/joint. And I want the shoulder covers to STAY DOWN in fighter mode. That always bugged me on the last one---while the shoulders themselves would lock to the legs, the covers would still pop up whenever you squeezed it anywhere near the wingroots, as they'd press against the unsecured shoulder armor. Both the shoulders/thrusters, and the shoulder covers/armor need to lock in place in fighter mode.
  7. That's the best-packed one of all. Seriously. You should see the condition most people's are showing up in. Definitely much better than my MP-10 Prime came in from them.
  8. The tail fins do angle in for high-speed mode, but they "mirror" normal mode---they don't fold down flat. Maybe it's a magnet to hold them in place for battroid mode? Or---they are merely thin resin bits at this point, we could just be seeing some "Mr Surfacer" putty applied to an air-pocket or something that occurred.
  9. That too. Heck, without this thread, I think half the people at MW wouldn't even know about high-speed mode being canon/animated. (I remember freeze-framing my tape when I thought it "looked different" somehow---but VHS resolution isn't the best for things like that) And I only know of most of the weapons because they're on the cover of the infamous Macross Plus: This is Animation book.
  10. No fold booster? (seriously, to me that's THE accessory for a YF-19, I want it more than all the other weapons/gimmicks combined) Anyways, overall sculpt---is it even slimmer in profile, in fighter mode, than Yamato's VF-19's? Also---Yamato kept the "angled shoulder armor" gimmick hidden until the very end (though it didn't work very well)----I was hoping to see an improved version, but it seems like they abandoned it instead. And yes, helmetless Isamu is very cool. Needs a holo-Sharon to hypnotize him, however. High-speed mode is the "cheating" version. Though I'll readily admit the line-art is basically impossible to replicate without morphing nanomachines or zillions of folding panels on multi-axis hinges...
  11. Wonder if he's seen Frontier, and would do flightsuit Grace some day.
  12. Based on how "surprisingly not cost-cutting"* this release is, my vote is for Hasbro simply "forgetting" to paint those parts. Which is actually worse than intentionally saving money. *yes that's atrocious grammar, but I can't really think of a better way to get the emphasis across
  13. The HD omnigears alone would make it worth it----the limited-poly/low-texture models of the PSX couldn't show how different they were supposed to be compared to the game's earlier gears. The omnigears were organic, "wet", sinewy, etc. The concept art etc shows it well, but it just doesn't translate. Basically, the 'standard' gears should be like Gundams, while the omigears would be more like partly-armored EVA units. Yes you do. Best story ever. (that includes all books/movies/shows). And yes, it is clearly "incomplete/rushed" for the 2nd half. But even missing a big chunk of itself, it's that good, story/music-wise. Confusing the first time though, makes a lot more sense the 2nd time through. PS---to anyone playing it the first time----you can make life a lot easier by equipping/upgrading Elly and Vierge properly. That combo can absolutely dominate the first 3/4 of the game if you know what to do and frankly save you some time in both random and boss fights.
  14. Hasbro also seems to have forgotten (or intentionally saved 1 cent) to paint the inner side of the foot. So it's bare light grey plastic there, not silvery. That's the back of the outer sides in tape recorder mode.
  15. Depends---would it have been designed by the group that did Bandai's V1 VF-25, or the renewal VF-25?
  16. And just in case they do make M&M as a two-pack-only-----I only want Milia, and am willing to split with someone.
  17. Give me a plain cardboard box, if it'll save money. Seriously, if they want a super-duper "collectors" box for the MISB guys---then make it a separate option/release at a higher price.
  18. They could always do a new low-vis, too. (and there's no limit to quasi-canon F-14-inspired schemes---I think just about every squadron has appeared in some way or another by now, in some magazine or book)
  19. Still half their asking price on Ebay (and here!). Sadly it'd be seen as a bargain at this point.
  20. I have little interest in what'll be the first release of the mold. But retools and repaints have me greatly intrigued. Slipstream is obvious, and you KNOW they'll use her for Botcon as soon as possible.
  21. It only takes once, and it ships in fighter mode, so....
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