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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. That's been a 737 trademark since day one. They do at least have very aerodynamic hubcaps. (Seriously)
  2. Heck, if you've got a "flawless" head I may be interested in that, too. (mine's got a really minor issue, but if I've got the opportunity...)
  3. I think the real question is more along the lines of "how do you make small squares and straight lines like that, free-hand?"
  4. It's not often you see a 737 with the weapons bay open:
  5. Based on M7, valks commonly seem to be stored standing up in battroid mode----that can save a lot of space. (yes, we saw them in fighter mode too on the hangar deck, but just like a real carrier---some planes are being 'stored' and some are 'prepped' at any given moment---rarely is the entire wing at the same status, there isn't really room)
  6. Please see two posts above the post you quoted.
  7. If you do, can I have your leg-fin? (since they're hidden when wearing armor)
  8. For those planning to have a -25F permanently on display in battroid or GERWALK mode (or already do) or always wearing Super/armor packs: Is anyone willing to swap a leg-fin? Mine's got a paint chip right on the "007" part, but it's on the side that folds up against the leg in GERWALK and battroid mode so it's only visible in "naked" fighter mode. It actually seems Bandai got some glue on it during assembly, and it stuck to something and pulled the paint off right there. (it's not a chip from use/transformation, it's very clear that it's a drop of superglue that caused it) I sent an email to HLJ, but I don't have much hope of actually getting a new leg-fin. As I usually display my valks in fighter mode, I really want a "good" ventral fin. And there don't seem to be any available "broken" -25F renewals to buy parts off of right now. Is anyone willing to swap? I'd of course pay a bit for the effort etc. Anyone who's going to weather or custom-paint their -25F or something, it'd be perfect. (or if you're going to always have the leg-fin folded up for GERWALK/battroid mode)
  9. Really? I'd be happy to take a -19F off someone's hands, for cheap.
  10. I'd love to buy a new nose-hip-bar-bracket thing (2.0 vs 2.1) for my Roy, if that becomes available some day.
  11. How is MP Grimlock's mold "old", wear-wise? It's not like he's had run after run, with a massive production run each time. The Predacons are still going strong, after multiple reissues, and after a MASSIVE G1 run. Any single G1 run was several times larger than any MP mold has ever been used. The only molds I can recall being used so much that they're noticeably "wearing out" are the Combaticons (since they come in about a dozen colors, with many being mass releases), maybe G1 Prime, and the Classics Seeker (since there's a zillion colors). They're not MP Gundam kits, where the tolerance is .001in and you can tell after the first run that there's been .05% mold degradation in the panel lines and joint-hinge friction.
  12. Hmmn. Pretty sure mine came with the hands balled up into fists. It took some effort to free them up to open the fingers, I briefly thought the non-articulated hands had been installed. PS---got it to GERWALK for the first time. Most of the shoulder joints are pretty loose (both articulation ones and transformation ones). Do you just pry/pop off the shoulder armor like a v2 VF-1, to access the screw for the shoulder/bicep joint?
  13. I've got a question for everbody----for fighter mode, for the best fit of the hands in the shield---do you bunch them up into fists to shorten them, or flatten them out as much as possible to try to "tuck" them in under the flap?
  14. You didn't see the photos of entire pallets filled with US-version MP-10's? Prime was even worse in some areas.
  15. Maybe I could put some Future on it before I transform it, as a protective layer. I did so on my -27.
  16. A little retooling? Completely new mold from the ground up. You can't even make a VF-19F from a YF-19, and they have very similar robot modes and transformations. Sunstreaker has the hood for his FEET. Anyways----Sideswipe has repaints/remolds---Red Alert, G2, and even retro-canon Tigertrack. But Sunstreaker? Absolutely no official variants AFAIK. Even Red would be a non-TF, like Shackwave.
  17. The most insanely-accurate/detailed/complex/complete R/C model jet ever, by far: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ccb_1375442777 (no, it doesn't crash at the end) PS---anyone know how to embed from liveleak here? I can get it to show up in post-preview, but not the actual post.
  18. Ghostkiller---thank you. I will examine mine closely, tomorrow.
  19. Could you expand on that? Rotate which part of the leg inwards---topside or bottom? And what do you mean by the plates being glued?
  20. Nah, they're going to REALLY annoy people by doing: Idolmaster F-14D for $20, with F-15E included free. (only way to get F-15E) Idolmaster Rafale for $20, with F-18F free (only way to get Super Hornet Idolmaster Su-27 for $20, with YF-23 free (only way to get YF-23) F-14D, Rafale, and Su-27 will be free in normal camo.
  21. Ok, got my Alto from HLJ today. Only checked a few little things, won't transform until tomorrow or even the next day, but did check opening gear/canopy etc, and transformed just enough to put the gunpod on. A few little niggles/quirks/questions: 1. The canopy seems to securely click closed, but the main section is a little higher than the windscreen. Inherent, common, fixable? 2. Left side seems overall more secure/flush in fighter mode---notably how the left wingroot lies alongside the leg, and how "high" the leg is in fighter mode. If the entire fighter was as flush/tight as the left side, it'd look amazing--but the right side, the leg seems to "sag" just a little bit, making a bit of a gap/seam all around it. (and the right leg panel which you open for moving the ventral fin seems to never quite close) Overall, my -27 seems to be more flush/secure in fighter mode---when it's together, everything goes EXACTLY into a certain spot. Despite being a later design/mold, the -25 renewal seems to have fewer pegs/tabs/clicks, relying more on "hinge friction" to hold it together---everything seems to stay in place, but only about half of it really seems to go in as tight/flush/close as it possibly can.
  22. Ok, now I know most TF fans aren't as picky as me or Valk fans when it comes to sleek jet-modes and lack of kibble, but I am surprised at how many people are saying this is the best jet-mode of TFC's not-Aerialbots. To me, it's a big part of the reason I passed on the set----here's their F-16: You can't tell me they couldn't have trimmed off SOME of the blockiness there.
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