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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. After TFC's, I think at least a few people are looking for "sleeker" Superion jets, and while that Bruticus is awesome, I don't know how they'd do with jet-formers, kibble-wise. Blast-Off is the biggest/bulkiest of the team (compared to "iconic G1 look" so that doesn't bode all that well for making a fighter jet. ::edit:: Anyways, it's going to be HUGE: (that's not just Herc, that's Herc with the leg-extenders)
  2. South Africa's Gripens seem to have a unique camo pattern: And the Czechs have done one of the more creative Tiger Meet markings I've seen:
  3. Anti-theft spider thing? Sounds like what they put on the expensive LEGO sets.
  4. I got Reprolabels' "Classics Breakdown" set today----AKA, the set for FP's Car Crash. I bought it only for the red hood stickers, but they just don't work IMHO. Very first transformation attempt after applying one sticker---it peels up the corner. And trust me, I've transformed CC enough times to have perfected the "corner-avoidance" step you have to do the front fenders first, before rotating them to clear the hood---still not enough. The red hood sticker material looks AWESOME, but just not practical IMHO due to how the hood transforms. Maybe if you literally intend to keep it in combined mode forever. So I carefully removed the one experimental sticker I had tried and placed it back on the sheet. So it's a 99% unused, 100% complete sheet. Just one sticker had one corner peeled up a millimeter or two. But it's fine. 5 bucks including shipping in US/Canada, if anyone wants it.
  5. NUNS marking on wing is totally canon and visible on-screen.
  6. Only the ones on the legs are canon, a clear homage to the "UN SPACY" ones on other valks. First release was like that. As I said before---the ones on the outboard engines look OK, but all the others seem "over done".
  7. Heard back from HS---short answer: No. Long answer--very interesting. They say they have "held one back" as a source for spares for the people who ordered one from them.
  8. OK, going by the instructions---they removed the built-in foldable gunpod holder, and replaced it with a separate clear green piece that has nowhere to go in most modes? That seems incredibly "backwards". Also, the page of instructions after the stand, but before the FAST packs---what's that all about? Tips for going back to fighter mode?
  9. HLJ can't get parts for a Renewal VF-25, I already asked them (and I bought it from them). I also sent an email to Hobby Search, just in case. (I didn't ask them to GIVE me a part, I asked to BUY a part). Haven't heard back from HS yet. I have an account with HS, but have never actually ordered aything (because it always pre-sells out! I'd order from them if I could---I've sure tried my darndest to buy from them)
  10. 1.1 or 1.5 etc counts as "several", you don't need a full 2+. (and pretty much the entire NE US is 2000+ mi from the Pacific, while still on land) And until "Atlantic Rim" comes out, the other coast seems quite safe.
  11. Can you tell if the "lavender" aceent color is actually more intense/deeper than the previous release, or is it just the lighting? (because Bandai used Brera's color on Grace's last time, which is wrong according to most sources, but not TOO noticeable---but if it's more "purple" now then it'll be obvious if they do that again)
  12. Is it intentionally two-toned, bad color-matching between plastic parts, or just weird shadows? Some parts seem rather "yellow" compared to the tan.
  13. The -27 always had paint-scratching issues. Anyways, the -27 never "magically" hid its long tail in battroid from what I've seen---the animators always just were very careful with posing and camera angles to hide it behind the legs 99% of the time---they always showed it partially profiled, never head-on. (At least, whenever the view showed below the waist) You can easily duplicate this with the DX. ::edit:: Here, old pic of my Grace -27: See? No "tailbone" at all. Just gotta get the right angle. (ironically, I didn't even do that intentionally when I took the picture, it just happened) Frontier's animators did the same thing all the time, but on purpose.
  14. I honestly think it's nothing more than basic structure to cover the gap that the fin folds into. Otherwise there'd basically just be a 'hole' in battroid mode where the fin used to be. Look at a VF-25 toy, with the fin folded up---there's a slot in the cover where the fin normally pokes though. Due to how a VF-3000 opens the panel to retract its vental fin---there'd be a pretty big gap all around the edge of that panel. The VF-11 retracts its tailfins in a such a way as to "fill in" the slot in both modes. But the VF-3000 seems to just open the panel, swing the fin 180 degrees, then try to cover up the rest of the gap with "tech greebles".
  15. I don't see what the big deal is---the -27 introduced most of the features the renewal -25 got. It didn't have to be upgraded much to make it into a renewal, because it already has most of those features to start with. I mean, what'd be the point of altering the landing gear or forward fuselage or ankles? They're already spot-on. The original -25 was awful there and needed major changes. If the -27 already matched the line art well in many areas, altering it would thus make it look LESS like the line art...
  16. I tried my darndest to get a -25F from Hobby Search but couldn't. Is Hobby Search the only place that can get parts from Bandai? Anyone know if they'll just flat-out sell a replacement piece to someone? They must have at least one "parts" -25F on hand, to have provided Tober with his part. Sigh, I've had awful luck lately. My -171 crumbled before I could even box it up to sell it, and my -25F looks flawed in "naked fighter mode" due to the messed up ventral fin which is the main mode I want it to look good in---I'll only occasionally have it with booster/armor or in battroid.
  17. Actually, they're asking people how much to ask. As in "name your size class/price point" and that's what they'll do based on the fandom's response. They want to sell them. If there's a bunch of people who want a gigantic $170 figure, that'll be it. If people are more along the lines of a $90 voyager, there you go. The basic design is set, but not the actual size/molds etc. I believe the "intended" idea is to match Hexatron, but if the demand is strongly for something else, then it'll likely change.
  18. Or an expensive slightly upgraded version of a secondary character's valk in a seen-for-10-seconds configuration, simply isn't as popular as the main hero's main valk.
  19. They DID add the missing stripe on the top of the nacelles, so they at least fixed ONE of the stripe omissions. (though the one on the hip guns is IMHO more obvious and much harder to do for the end-user) The "Antares 101" markings on the shield seem superfluous and garish, the ones on the sides of the outboard engines are nice though. I sure hope the CF version just goes ahead and prints "102" on it, instead of a multi-choice sticker-sheet like last time. Unless they include multiple head options, "102" is the only correct choice, as 302 has the "standard" head. (ret-conned, as the CG animation model only exists for the commander-type head) (plus, 102 is the only CF-colored VF-27 that we actually see its modex number on-screen)
  20. When someone gets theirs in---could you please compare/check if the hip-gun-cover-bits are EXACTLY the same as the original DX's? Both shape and color? Because if they are, then presumably a future CF will be as "identical" as well, and I'd probably just swap hip covers, and wait to sell my CF until I have the new one. (because I spent hours mixing up a custom paint match and getting the perfect angles and symmetry for the missing stripes, and I'd rather not do it again if I don't have to---if I can just swap the parts, that saves me a bunch of time/effort)
  21. Yeah, mine's nosecone was like that. Fine after the first time.
  22. Dang it, they STILL didn't paint the missing stripe on the hip guns. That probably means they won't correct the striping COLOR for a new CF, either. Simply lazy.
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