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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I of course keep hoping for an SHE-style folding panel arrangement someday. (V3.0?)
  2. I figure I'll miss out on 90% of the story. It's not a 2D fighter where there's nothing to it beyond the action.
  3. If anyone still has their Dreamcast, I am going to sell my copy of Macross M3 (limited edition). It's the last Macross game I have. (gonna sell my Dreamcast too, I decided)
  4. Still up at HLJ, but says low stock. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN981417/Sci
  5. That's exactly what it's for. 5-year-olds playing Pokemon. 3D is bad for young eyes, even Nintendo says so. So a cheap, child-friendly Pokemon-machine. May not sell zillions, but it'll allay the fears of any parent who worries about "3D hurting their eyes".
  6. Ironically, that style of crotch plate is basically how the original Yamato 1/72 YF-19 was. (which also had locking tabs for the chest section in GERWALK mode, which is one of the things they "forgot" in the first 1/60)
  7. The "belly" of the plane, right behind the nose gear, is the "backside" of the crotch plate. The "Front" of the crotch plate, is "inside", in fighter mode. I think Yamato did the -19F/S differently (or maybe it's canonically different there), but the original YF/-19A, it flips like I described. (as does the v.1 Yamato 1/60)
  8. The crotch plate flips 180----the side you see in battroid is hidden in fighter mode.
  9. Mr March----I need 1136x640 I'd also like the Max/Milia, fighter-mode -19, and Roy VF-1 ones. ::edit:: Addendum----please have the "focus" of the image at the bottom, due to how iPhones arrange the icons.
  10. I often do this on my VF-1's, as well. Makes all the difference. Haven't decided yet if it's "right" for a -25.
  11. Any Macross-y ones sized for an iPhone 5? I very much like Kelsain's. (that's the best new Macross artwork in years, IMHO, it should be EVERYWHERE)
  12. FoC Metroplex coming it seems: Also, MMC's Bovis (Tantrum) is ready to go---they say the Sept 15 release date is still holding, and here's the final final product: If you've not ordered him yet, you may want to consider "Planet Steel Express", as they are the closest thing to an official store for MMC, and will have him first----plus free shipping if you hit $150 (which is easy with 3P stuff).
  13. Nope, it is what I said----demo disc from the Official Playstation magazine with a VF-11. ::edit:: Sold!
  14. The yellow circle (or lack of) has been discussed in detail before----I just can't remember most of what was said! But IIRC, it is correct for the majority of scenes, or something. (kind of like how it occasionally had a yellow heatshield)
  15. I was cleaning out my room and way at the bottom of a pile of old games was something I thought I'd lost---my copy of the Playstation Magazine demo disc, that had the US-version of VFX-2 on it. I couldn't find any copies on ebay, so I honestly don't know what it's worth. Surely someone here might want it? I haven't played it in years, but I distinctly recall that the demo stage was basically "the end of Macross Plus" and you were fighting a Ghost while circling around Macross City, in a VF-11B. (in the awesome VFX-2 paint scheme of course---best VF-11 scheme ever) Would be happy to sell it to someone for a few bucks, please PM, or post here. (anyone who's bought a game here from me before, knows I keep my stuff in immaculate condition---this has been kept in its own proper jewel case, not the little envelope it came in)
  16. An extra optional head would be fine, but technically only "horned" is on-screen canon, and the only one with a definite modex number (102). If they include both, then they probably wouldn't print the name/numbers, again. I'm still irked that we got STICKERS for the modex numbers on Grace's, so as to be able to "customize" it with any assortment of non-canon numbers. The mold only matches Grace's, so just print Grace's number on it like they did for Brera. It'd be like offering Milia's VF-1J, and then giving a sticker sheet for the pilot name and modex number, when Max's had it printed on---there's only one just like that, so print it up as hers of course.
  17. Still missing the grey markings on top of the intakes. (Yamato did too, until we got Graham to point them out, then they added them in) Also hope they change the canopy framing to grey. It's black outside and around the canopy, but the canopy itself should be grey. Again, Yamato did get it right in the end. Anyone else think the canopy is a bit "peaky"? As in, the high point is too high? Kudos---shoulder armor does seem to angle upwards. ::edit:: With how dark the feet and hands are, I'm wondering if the canopy IS grey, it's just such a dark grey it's hard to tell from the black surrounding it. The close-up of the open canopy does look like it could be grey. I hope they lighten the final version----the grey areas are way too dark, almost black---they don't look much different than the actual black bits.
  18. The symbol works surprisingly well----how many would have noticed/known the original source? Anyways, I think the most interesting thing there, is that we now know that "Decepticon purple" is officially 266C.
  19. How on Earth was "TheWhiteDrewCarey" not available? Space limitations? No way someone else has that tag.
  20. So season 2 is set in China? I'd assume at least a couple eps cover the journey, as that's a heck of a long way for that era. I've been thinking about re-watching the original series- "to prepare"--haven't seen it since the first Nickelodeon airing, but I did see it all. Just don't remember 95% of it...
  21. And watch for scraping the paint off the top of the nose.
  22. I like the theory that MMC is currently trolling all the other 3P companies by "announcing" stuff that's already been done or announced by others. All three recent reveals share a lot of parts.
  23. Need to build up my Paypal balance quick----anyone interested in my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles? (Or Panzer Dragoon Saga) ::edit:: Xenoblade sold.
  24. That's good---here's hoping they tweak the CF's colors. (really, the striping needs tweaking far more than the main color--the main color merely needs to match itself better, but the striping could use a complete re-do)
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