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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Up-close PAK-FA pics: http://age.lenta.ru/maks_2013/photo/2013/09/02/tfifty/#0
  2. I swear that pic looks different than the one I saw. Let me check the site again.
  3. Awww man, those look like ADV versions, too. Anyways: The CAD looks wrong for a JA37. The JA is the stretch, and that CAD looks to have the original fuselage length. While the stretch wasn't very big, it's obvious if you know where to look due to its location and alignment with the wing/canard junction. An "ultimate" Viggen kit by a Swedish company should do it right, and not "genericize" the two versions to use the same fuselage.
  4. He doesn't unclip the intakes to get the arms out then re-attach the intakes, he just swings the arms right out.
  5. Never knew the NACA duct was originally intended as a jet intake------YF-93: (NACA ducting doesn't work very well for jets apparently, thus why you never see it as such)
  6. I need a new stereo (home/shelf, not car), but can't find anything like what I have. Short version: I want a multi-disc changer, and aux inputs so I can play my TV/PS/XBX through it. This combination is nigh-impossible to find nowadays. I may have to get used----I just need to find one! Alternatively---convert my entire collection to MP3's----suggestions welcome on best program to use to create good file names automatically/easily. Long version: My awesome Sony "MHC-RX66" has been skipping all the time lately. Took it apart (metal case!) and gave it a heck of a cleaning. Lasted a day, now it skips on all sorts of discs/tracks again. I figure the main laser etc itself has issues. Repair is unlikely, but I would do it if I could. Replacement parts for a ~1998 stereo are hard to even research, much less find. It has a 3-disc changer, and standard RCA input jacks. And a very cool multi-color graphic equalizer display. And good 'ol fashioned speaker connectors---just plug in the bare wires. No proprietary connectors. Anyways, everything nowadays (what few there are) seem to come in 2 varieties: $70-150 systems that are EITHER multi-disc or have aux input jacks (real ones on the back for long-term use, not a mini-pin on the front for a temp connection), and $800-$2000 giant mega-systems with gigawatts of power, and inputs and multi-disc changers. And many other things I don't want/need, and won't fit anywhere anyways. I have spent hours and hours over the past few days researching what's out there, and frankly---nothing currently produced is what I need. They are either single disc, or don't have aux inputs. The only way to get both main features is to go WAY up in price and size---not an option. Used stereos on ebay are rare, for any model I can find/research----and shipping costs are insane, many are "local pick-up only". I'm seriously considering starting a project to just make MP3's of every CD I own. It'd take a while, but it may be the only true option at this point. Then getting a single-disc one with aux inputs. (none of which have a cool multi-color display though---I do enjoy "watching the music" occasionally). On that note----anyone have suggestions on CD-to-MP3 programs? As I have hundreds to convert, I'd like a program that I don't have to "fiddle with" much to get "stereo-compatible simple-short-file-names" for each track, but also want more descriptive ones than "Track 1". Are there any programs that can get track info off the net AND either access or "think up" short/simple names from that? A lot of players/stereos etc don't want the full-sentence-long names some songs have. But again, having 200 songs named "Track 1" would suck.
  7. For raw title appeal, it's going to be hard-pressed to beat "Sharktopus vs Mermantula".
  8. Maybe it's lost in translation... Really, I have issue with that being a "Northrop-Grumman" group. That's like taking a P-51, F-4, and DC-3, and saying it's a Boeing group.
  9. "If you have to explain the joke then there IS no joke"----The Joker. Even *I* don't get most of those comics the first time...
  10. I believe the "canard-connector" is mostly cloned from the rear fuselage---just with the tailcone itself removed.
  11. Really, there's no excuse for a bad cover when the main character exists as a fully-modeled 3D render which you have access to the files for etc. You could have it in ANY pose/lighting you desire. And you could also scale it properly to the surroundings/background...
  12. Gah! I was just about to post my copy for sale this weekend...
  13. That's as good as it gets for the intake markings. Or just use the Yamato 1/60 for reference.
  14. The silver suit does look WAY better (and less generic). Honestly, I think my entire like/dislike of the film may depend on just how much screen-time the silver version gets compared to the black one.
  15. Hasbro tampo-prints insignias across panel separation lines on transforming toys all the time, Yamato should be able to.
  16. Yes, but there's no point stealing anything but the best. They're not going to go out and copy the F-2A or Mirage 2000....
  17. They don't have to deal with conservative Western generals who don't like "funny-looking" planes and try to shoe-horn stuff into existing F-15-shaped infrastructure. They can simply "pick the best" to start with.
  18. If the final release is actually purple/violet, I'll buy it. But every Hi-Nu "thing" ever, ends up being blue. However, even forgiving Engrish---how'd they misspell "Gumdan"? I mean, it's on like every piece of merchandise ever.
  19. It was at least a flying game before. Now, it's an FPS on rails. Panzer Dragoon and Star Fox had more freedom, it felt like.
  20. I of course, must chime in: The Gripen's the overall best-looking of the Eurocanards. Above all else, it's clearly a SAAB. Their designers obviously wanted it to "look" like one of their designs. Most rakish design of the 3 by far, a flying arrowhead. The Rafale----the forward fuselage/intakes create a neat "diamond-cross" cross-section at times, which may or may not look good depending on the angle. But it is distinctive, and much like the Gripen, you can clearly tell who made it---it's a Dassault, it's an evolution of the Mirage. Back half looks like any other Mirage though, nothing new or "cool". The Typhoon----has no soul. It looks like a Chinese KO of the other 2. There's no art or form to its design at all. It's like they put all their requirements into a computer, and it spit out the numbers for the most efficient/simple/direct way to do it---thus all the straight lines and simple curves. It doesn't "look" like anybody's or anything. It's not British, it's not German, it's not anything----it's a flying generic "jet". SAAB and Dassault put some art/skill into their designs, the EF consortium----"design by committee".
  21. Funky-hinged fingers. Means he won't be able to hold his gun well, just like most every other MP Autobot.
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