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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yup, could easily be "none" with just slight use/wear/flat tires etc. WAY too close for comfort. I like more than "piece of paper" clearance. Gunpods never hold tight over time--they always sag. If it's that close to start with---it'll be hitting the ground after a few month's ownership. As for colors---I think the gunpod color is fugly and flat-out wrong. Olive? It's not a VF-11B. The teal---Yamato 1/60 was better. It was the perfect shade---teal, but not "bright TEAL!". It weas a dark grey-teal. Arcadia should tone it down a bit. Still teal, just not so intense/vibrant. It's way too bright, especially on the battroid-mode chest.
  2. Hope there's more Decepticons coming-----way too many Autobots lately. Really, want newer-mold Thundercracker above most anything. (proper G1 toy colors, not the godawful marked-up thing Hasbro have us)
  3. Does Zero's iconic pose pre-date the John Woo fame-era? I mean, Zero does that in like every episode.
  4. Yup. "Champagne gold" will only be for the weapons, the final figure itself will have a richer gold. But the prototypes in that display still have the champagne gold, so people are still freaking out.
  5. I keep hoping MP Bluestreak's insignia will have an outline/background. It just "blends in" to the background way too much IMHO.
  6. I honestly don't know how Shockwave could be done any better than FT did their version. It's basically perfect in every mode, and has more diecast than any MP has had in years.
  7. I just can't fathom a decent-looking trailer coming from that. I'm thinking they completely sacrificed alt-mode in favor of bot mode---even more than they did for MP-01.
  8. Leaded paint is superior---I wish more "things not intended to be licked" used it. These are for adults, not kids.
  9. Still waiting for Thundercracker. (you know, without stupid silhouettes on his tailfins, and proper silver/black accents, not pearl grey and gunship grey) An amber-orange canopy would be nice too.
  10. Mighty No. 9: 48 hours to go, and they just got Mega Man 2's composer. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9
  11. Just 5 days left for Kickstarting Mighty No.9 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9 I'm still debating how much I'm going to pledge----while I love the idea of getting a physical box and manual, not having a physical disc to go with them seems kinda pointless.
  12. I'd trade everything, even the FAST packs, for a new light-up booster. I love the booster and its psychadelic color-change glow. And with new mini LED's etc, I expect some very neat effects...
  13. Devastator seemed to be the only "common" giftset. While most did exist, I only ever seemed to see that one, I think that's fairly universally true.
  14. I honestly expected something about locomotives when I clicked on this thread.
  15. Most modern fighter jets have a slight anhedral---even the ones that look "flat" are usually actually like -1 degree. How high up the wings are on the fuselage affects effective dihedral----having them higher increases it, so you start adding anhedral to counter it. This is why the C-5 and C-17 etc have large amounts of anhedral---the wings are so high up on the fuselage, they would actually have excessive effective dihedral otherwise.
  16. It was the best-looking G1 toy period, IMHO. Still my all-time fave. You got a good one.
  17. MP-10 is notorious for "hard to find" instructions. There are layers and layers of carboard inside, mostly decorative. Have you completely opened every single flap, undone every piece of tape, and taken apart every little cardboard insert inside? Simply opening it "enough to slide out the toy" isn't enough. I think mine was inbetween a grey piece of cardboard, and a white box of carboard--which were both behind the colored "background display" piece of carboard.
  18. FP/Maketoys are masters at that. To the point that the yellow version of Hook/Crane from "Giant" was basically considered false advertising due to how they concealed how the crane-arm actually is, in bot-mode. So now everyone looks REALLY carefully at any pic they put out, to look for similar issues---and M3/Intimidator sure has them, and they're trying to hide them the same way. Nobody "angles to hide kibble/gaps" like FP/MT does.
  19. I'm gonna agree with Phyrox---while the new wheels are nice, the tires are too low-profile-looking. (while I do of course love the mag-wheel look, the fact that you've got an ORANGE Charger means I probably would have kept the original wheels---while not quite the General Lee's, they are broadly similar) (I would have changed the tires before the wheels---get some redlines on there!)
  20. The F-20 could have made a kick-ass "super-advanced" trainer to succeed the T-38...
  21. 3000lb load. With the proliferation of sub-500lb weapons, that's actually quite a useful warload nowadays. Heck, look at most real Super Hornet patrol loads---it's about 1500lbs per wing, excluding the fuel tanks.
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