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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Opposite. Fighter mode looks awesome, battroid mode looks plain/unfinished.
  2. Yeah, that doesn't have the darker gunpod or anything. Same one we've been seeing. Nice angle/lighting though.
  3. Yes yes---but then why are official MP-11 and MP-08 releases twice the price they originally were? Inflation hasn't caused prices to double in just a couple years. If anything, they should be cheaper, as the molds and development have already been paid for. Even I'm thinking of getting the KO MP-08. Yeesh, it'd be like if Chevy re-released the 2011 Impala, but now charged twice as much. "Hey, look, it's an old design! And now it costs way more!"
  4. IMHO, there's no such thing as "plays better with a Wiimote". I might have enjoyed Skyward Sword more if I could just use an analog stick (or two) for the sword moves.
  5. As for transferring from my Wii---I don't own anything digital to transfer. Is there a NEED to use wiimotes? I still hate them. WiiU has a real (large) controller---a huge plus IMHO. A wiimote-free wii? Yes please.
  6. Dang, I was thinking about trading in my Wii for the new WiiU+Mario+Luigi pack, but Wii's are practically worthless now.
  7. Red Alert has a better face sculpt, and that makes a big difference to the overall look.
  8. The *canopy* is too dark to many people. I don't recall a single person complaining about the main color--and if anything, "too dark" wouldn't be it---it's as light as it can be while still being correct.
  9. If the new YF-19 is "off-white" I *will* cancel my pre-order. I absolutely refuse to have its iconic color altered. The YF-19 is creamy-yellow-beige. But not "off-white" or "nearly white". "If it aint broke dont fix it". The prototypes looked fine---but they were at the upper limit for how "pale" a -19 should be. Any lighter is too light. I sure hope at least a few tweets tell Mr K something along those lines. Yeesh, is it too hard to NOT change the aspects people were fine with?
  10. Gunpod still has like 1mm of ground clearance. Way too little to account for QC, aging, lunar cycle, etc. Is it too much to ask it to be LEVEL in fighter mode? At least it doesn't sit on its main gear door edges like the last one. (though the wheels still only barely protrude past the doors) Did they forget how make extending/retracting main gear struts like on the -21? For all the improvements, there's a lot of things they seem to have forgotten to fix, and/or did better on previous valks.
  11. I need CD's for as long as I own my current car. In fact, I have to convert "digital-only" albums to CDA format, to make a version to play on my car! Buying an album off itunes or Amazon, is the opposite of "convenient" for me---I then have to convert and burn copies to play in my car. Whereas if I own a CD---I can play it in my car, then take it out of my car when I get home and continue listening to it on my stereo. Or at least I could, until my stereo died, and nothing available nowadays is even half the quality of my kaput one. There's some good ones overseas, but almost none are imported here by reputable dealers. Want a kick-ass new Sony stereo? Live in Pakistan. Seriously. I've been practically music-less since my stereo died, I pretty much have only my car. (listening to CD's on a game system is very impractical---they read and load slowly, and none are multi-disc) Still, NOT being able to play CD's on a PS4 seems almost like they made an effort NOT to do it. What disc-based system has ever not been backwards compatible? CD's are the root of all discs. I mean: CD players read CD's. CD-ROM players can also read CD's. DVD players can read DVD, CD-ROM, and CD. DVD-ROM can read all of the above. Blu-Ray can read all of the above. BD-ROM can read all of the above. And here comes the PS4---which can't read the original basis of "digital disc media"? WTF? That'd be like a computer in 2014 saying "nope, no BMP files, that's old-school, only PNG please". It's a raw basic inherent format that should be "readable forever" due to its simplicity and massive amount of stuff already in that format. Even if "out of date".
  12. Really, he just simplified it for more people to understand what MS's convoluted policies were. He mainly made more people aware of what MS planned.
  13. Squirrel cage blower? Should be smooth and quiet to start with. Then get rattles over time.
  14. Yup---flourescent yellows! (and hums) (I still hate the look of LED for ambient lighting though, only ever use it for pin-points)
  15. Maybe then, but definitely not when Leon explictly sent out his goons to gun her down. (and they were all instead tendril'd to death or whatever and she flew off in her VF-27 afterwards).
  16. Leon's the guy that killed Cathy's dad. (and tried but failed to kill Grace)
  17. Changing colors costs almost nothing. If they sold 5, it'd be profitable for them. And the paint apps etc seem to be the same as the Alto-esque one, so there'd be no new paint masks needed either. Of course, Bandai hasn't done a green renewal VF-27 yet either, so...
  18. I would buy either of those schemes in an instant. Purple stripes=awesome. Blood red valk with black? Awesome. Will definitely wait/hope for one of these.
  19. They say Tamiya thinner is: 40% methyl-iso-butyl-ketone 40% isopropanol 10% isobutanol 10% diacetone alcohol If anyone can compare to industrial/generic lacquer thinner...
  20. Ironically I'm listening to the VP 2 OST while reading your post.(final boss theme) I'd pay whatever they ask for a good Lenneth figure.
  21. Do like the Bandai kits do---have the tailfins on metal rods.
  22. That's my guess. They didn't even spring for some "essential" paint-apps on MP Rodimus, I doubt they'd paint even more for Sideswipe. However, doing so will present issues with the roof/doors, as they are molded in smoke plastic. Though I've actually advocated before to mold those parts in red, then paint the windows with black. The "clear" parts on Sideswipe are SO dark you can't see through them anyways---so why not just mold them in red, and no worry about having bad paint? 90% of the paint issues on MP Sideswipe tend to be on the roof/windows because of that. That, or it'll look a lot like the G1 toy, with a painted roof and windows, and molded hood-----and have REALLY bad color-matching compared to the Takara release.
  23. I still want a VFX-2 VF-11B. I'd trade almost anything for that. Full armor would be a bonus I'd sell off to those who own the first releases.
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