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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. 4-color splinter-camo makes many people think twice about actually building one. (well, there's always the plain grey, but Viggen camo is iconic)
  2. Pointless and awesome are often one and the same. Most "cool" features have little practical purpose. I mean, if I had a private jet----it would so look like Tintin's. We all know the Lambo Countach's spoiler was an expensive option that added weight and drag---but dang did it look cool with it.
  3. Still pointless though, as it had to be----it was modified from an existing fixed-wing design. It was considered so pointless that for years it was believed it never went into production. It did of course, but everyone still asked "why?" Never said it wasn't realistic, said it was pointless. The time/effort/expense/weight put into making the tips move a bit, could have been much better spent in other areas with notable gains---or on a different aircraft.
  4. Brazil has picked the Super Gripen: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/saab-wins-brazils-f-x2-fighter-contest-with-gripen-ng-394289/
  5. I haven't finished ALBW, but close to it. I say LTTP was better, mainly due to the dungeon design and bosses.
  6. The comics have ret-conned Magnus to be "Prime with armor" because of the G1 toy. Up until a couple years ago when that issue came out, Magnus was always depicted as he was in the G1 toon----a robot bigger than Prime, that had an alt-mode where the cab looked a lot like Prime. Personally, I don't need a $100 MP figure "just to hold the head up". IMHO, the cab should be a very accurate truck, and should have almost no transformation---other than folding up a bit to fit inside the trailer-armor, and having the head inside. 'tis why I still hope this "designed to be Magnus and only Magnus" 3P figure still comes out, as t hat's basically what it is: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/3rd-party-unlicensed-41/keiths-fantasy-club-eavi-metal-ultra-magnus-178420/ It is Magnus, and only Magnus. There's not a $100 MP Prime figure inside that doesn't "do" anything. It's got a really nice truck mode because of that---because the cab is the cab, and nothing more. (except probably has Magnus' head inside)
  7. MP Magnus will be MP-10 with armor added on. (so I'll likely pass on it) MP-11 Skywarp-----I want MP-11 Thundercracker! (a real, G1-toy-esque version, with sapphire blue and silver and black, not medium blue and pearly grey and dark grey and tattoos) Thundercracker's scheme looks so good when done correctly, and it's simple---but they keep trying to tweak it, when the original G1 was PERFECT. His accent colors are SILVER, and BLACK. Not gunmetal, not pearl grey, not dark grey, not charcoal, not graphite. SILVER, and BLACK.
  8. Light-up mono-eye or just faked/clever lighting in the pic? I don't recall any LED in that kit...
  9. Yeah, FP plastic (at least for joints etc) is weird. Figured it was nylon or something similar. Doesn't sand or shave at all, just "goes fuzzy". The 'basic panels' are made of more typical plastic, but joints/armature/fists etc, are funky-plastic.
  10. I want a YF-30 in the other color schemes seen in the game. And a renewal Grace VF-27.
  11. Surely I'm not the only one who really wants a "Frozen" world in Kingdom Hearts 3? (and Elsa in the party would be like getting Orlandu in FF Tactics)
  12. Quite good, but two issues came to mind that prevented it from being amazing: 1. "Fixer-upper". That song sequence was more than twice as long as it should have been, and its existence totally killed the film's pacing and screwed with the tone of that part of the movie. 2. The story is really about Queen Elsa, but focuses on Anna. More Elsa=Better movie. All the good scenes and songs feature Elsa...
  13. In addition, "staining" the nub may help--paint is a coating, but inks etc will "seep in" and darken the now-white plastic. Any pen etc that is normally used for panel-lining, will work for this. I keep red and blue pens on hand not for panel lining, but for "staining" the raw whitened plastic that is exposed. (this is mainly for when "tears" happen, and the plastic is actually torn out of the gate area----it all happens to people at some point, no matter how careful you are)
  14. That shows something that a lot of fictional swing-wing designs do----minimal change. What's the point of making swing-wings if that's all you're going to do with them? That's a waste----the amount of engineering, parts, weight, etc---not worth it for like 25 degrees of change. If you're going to do it---go big. Look at the F-14 and F-111------THOSE are swing-wings. However---- it's clear a good amount of thought/care/research went into the overall structure etc. I'm trying to figure out exactly what the pylon/intake/nacelle arrangement looks like though. I'd suggest larger tailplanes though, with how short the moment-arm is. ::edit:: Trijet, with the outer engines having split intakes? One going to the outboard engine, and the "inner" half of the nacelle's intake going to the center engine?
  15. Some of the newer edge-lit ones claim local dimming---but they're really just turning off part of the edge. Finding enough info to determine that it's truly "back-lit by an array of LED's" can be pretty tough. Usually need very in-depth reviews.
  16. Pylons/nacelles look straighter than the early pics showed. I can't stand even slightly crooked nacelles. Hopefully they will be consistently straight.
  17. I believe we do, but it'd take a deep search into the old threads to find...
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