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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. What is there to make of? It's a placeholder pic of the last movie's mold, stating "the JP release will have better paint". You can copy-paste that for TF5 and TF6 too, and it'll be correct...
  2. It's a rather official abbr. now, especially with events like CP3P. I mean, people use OP and UM all the time. "3P MP UM" is a lot quicker than "unofficial masterpiece-style Ultra Magnus" yet is universally understood among the fandom.
  3. Well, the 0D does already have a CF repaint option. So that's 2 schemes right there. And maybe they could include Wolfpack markings like they did with the -0A.
  4. Yeah, but those parts match perfectly in the not-quite-white DYRL valks. I would bet it's either: A. Factory/Arcadia didn't notice that they were using old stocks of pure-white hinges that didn't quite match. B. They intentionally used leftover pure white hinges to save money, figuring people wouldn't notice a slight color change. (oh, how they don't know Macross toy fans...)
  5. Just got FP's Protector from a member over at TFW. It just cements the fact that FP has the best color-matching and paint-apps. The red is a *perfect* match to Classics Rodimus. (I didn't buy Maniaking, so decided to get something else)
  6. I love the Sv-51, like the VF-0D a lot. Don't care at all about the 0A/S. Didn't really like the show much either! (really, ALL the good scenes had Roy in them, but there just way too many long boring Royless scenes) I think I rank M7 above M0.
  7. The latest version of the forum software doesn't seem to like IE very much. Any chance that's your browser?
  8. Ok, I'll clarify: I like her voice, as in how it sounds. I cannot really judge her skill or range on a technical level at all. But I know I just plain like the sound. Similarly, there are artists that are techically among the best there are, with incredible range and skill---that I just plain despise how their voice sounds.
  9. Hope they get the colors right----I see a lot of "way too blue" VF-0D's. (like the little M.Fighters one on Mr K's table) The VF-0D is greyish-blue, not "BLUE!!!". It's not Max's -1J.
  10. I haven't followed this thread too closely (as I already have and am happy with my V2.0 Roy) but was wondering: Is the visor on this one a lighter green? The first v2 Roys have a very dark visor, that pretty much looks black a lot of the time. (and IIRC, opening up an early v2 type-S head is difficult to do without gouging/damage, thus why few people have ever been able to alter the visor color)
  11. One of the biggest issues is raw time/distance. Say there was a ginormous highly-advanced city-planet, and aliens were living there 500 years ago. But it's 1000 light-years away. It'll be another 500 years before any telescope, even one with near-infinite resolution, could get any light to see it. Someone could have built the Death Star last week, but you still have to wait many years for the light to travel here to Earth. And if you wanted to see something literally billions of light-years away----then you've got several billion years to wait. (or conversely, you could look at it now, and see how it was billions of years ago---but there's unlikely to be any sort of advanced life from back then)
  12. I really, really like her voice. personally. Certainly above Minmei/Ranka/Sheryl..... (we all know Sharon's the best---because she's got several!)
  13. I'm a HUGE Trypticon fan, but the G1 Dino look is kinda silly. The WFC version is just plain badass. I don't know many Trypticon fans who don't like the "re-imagined" version. (He's also actually intelligent in WFC, not a moron like in G1) I don't like many of the WFC designs, but their Trypticon is the best-ever version of him.
  14. Vote for Planet-X's next project! Planet-X is the group who just did FoC Swoop, and did WfC Omega Supreme before that. Note that these are also all WfC/FoC-themed versions, so keep that in mind---they will not be "G1 quasi-MP" versions of the characters. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.613294732071013.1073741848.398966060170549&type=1 They seem to be only using Facebook for the vote, so the only way to get your voice heard is to "like" the picture relating to the character you want to see. Top row are the remaining 4 FoC-style dinobots of course, bottom row is Trypticon, Hound, Springer, Broadside. I would of course encourage everyone to vote for Trypticon, as Planet-X has shown they can do huge figures like their Omega Supreme, and probably no other company would ever attempt a Trypticon. And Trypticon hasn't had a figure since the original G1. FansToys is planning on all the Dinobots in G1 style, and Hasbro is of course making TF4 versions, so I see little point in asking for even more of them, when there's a super-rare opportunity like TRYPTICON. Their not-Omega-Supreme I think is still the largest/heaviest 3P figure by far, with 5 LED's. Imagine a Trypticon like that...
  15. Huh, I didn't even know I was mentioned. It's not like it was my personal pic of the car.
  16. I'd like a scaled-down MP-09 where the FRONT BUMPER LOCKS/PINS/PEGS into place, and isn't held in place with hopes and dreams... (also, a different way to mount the spoiler--preferably one that actually holds it on straight, and not crooked) His car mode is so close, yet has a few fairly easily avoidable issues that can really ruin the look from some angles. (and the front bumper thing is from almost all angles)
  17. Personally, I see "flight" as a major theme in many Miyazaki movies. Just not necessarily airplanes/aircraft (though unconventional craft feature fairly often).
  18. I think "The First" Hikaru 1J looks amazing in fighter, but not so great in battroid. There's basically no striping in battroid, especially the legs. All the awesome striping gives way to just a big red chest.
  19. Just going to chime in that---yeah, Sakura Pigma Micron. Others I use occasionally: Zig Millenium Uchida Medallion Itoya Finepoint Sakura Microperm And of course, actual Gundam markers(fine-tipped pen versions) (basically---buy Japanese!)
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