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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. No. These markings are aft of that, and not any sort of recess/intake. They are merely "markings" like the black wing stripes. They are grey, and a sort of elongated-Z shape. Just look at the Hase kit or the 1/60 Yamato.
  2. THAT looks good. Overall color-wise, tampo-wise. Cockpit's too dark though. (and feet etc are still a tad too purple, but not TOO bad) And still missing the grey markings on the upper intakes. (seriously, just look at the 1/60 Yamato, they're right there, and the outline's even molded-in on the new Arcadia one---just paint between the lines!)
  3. Darn. I've already heard the Leon-Grace one. True that Ozma-Grace makes no sense.
  4. Totsugeki Love Heart by GRACE? (would have preferred Holy Lonely Light, as it's THE best M7 song, but this'll do)
  5. I'm pretty sure the magazine pics/behind the scenes stuff of Rogue in X3, had more exposure than her actual film appearance in X3. True--what a waste.
  6. Starshipmodeler often has a few hidden gems. I got my Hase YF-19 there. http://www.starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm Gundamstoreandmore.com Imageanime.com
  7. That's a great example of the VF-0D's color. It's a kinda dull grey-blue, not "BLUE!".
  8. Well, tripling the price of something does tend to make people question the value of authentic vs KO. Takara's re-release price is so inflated, that the *cheaper KO* still costs more than the original US release!
  9. And even up to the finished film, it could still be wrong. The tank in the 07 movie is Brawl, (according to everything from toys to games) but the actual subtitle in the film says Devastator. So it could still be "wrong" that way.
  10. Ok then---no UN SPACY markings? Fail. (and one side needs them to be upside-down!)
  11. Dang. I remember seeing the Wing Zero at Toys R Us, but never bought it as I had the PG kit. I did buy the Arch Enemy Tallgeese III though. (and it's for sale!) The Arch Enemy figures are very nice, I'd still say among the best mecha figures ever to be mass-released in the US.
  12. Based on what's been shown at the UK ToyFair this week, some stuff seems 99% confirmed, and some stuff seems "likely, as there probably isn't much mis-information going on at that place". So, we now know (probably) that: The Lamborghini Aventador is And the fan-rage-inducing (once it becomes more widely known) identity of the grey cabover truck is the evil Decepticon Months ago the producers said people wouldn't be happy when it was revealed---and boy were they right! (of course, that brings up the point---if you know your target audience won't like it that far in advance---why do it in the first place? With how little most Bayformers resemble their G1 namesakes, why even use the names at all? Either use more appropriate ones, or make up new ones.) If the "new" Star Trek movies had "Kirk, the evil Klingon doctor"-----a lot of fans wouldn't take that well. This isn't quite to that level, but it IS really, really messing with an established, iconic character. Or maybe they'll pull a reverse Sentinel Prime with him. But that'd seem even worse somehow, frankly lazy/cheap, since we just saw it in the last movie.
  13. BB was ANNOUNCED at the same time as Wheeljack, but I don't think it was ever intended to release at the same time. Anyways---new pic time!
  14. Assuming the scan isn't perfect, here's just a slight lighting tweak I did to try to bring out some of the details, without altering the true colors:
  15. Ozma's -29 *is* dark. It is not the same color as his -25. Anways---still would prefer one of the alternate game colors on the *-30* mold, but this gives me hope that Bandai plans to do as many 30th Ann. game colors as they can.
  16. I hated the dark tint----this may sound ironic, but it made it look like a toy. Real things (cars, planes) have more subtle tints. This is much better.
  17. Pretty much what Mike said. Multiple names for the same thing, but using just one name kinda implies you're omitting/forgetting the others. Thus, an acronym was sorely needed. And "HGUC" is much worse, as is "CUHG".
  18. Most real planes are like that too, for single vs two-seat configuration. F-15, F-16, F-18... The F-5 is the first one that comes to mind where the 2-seater is actually longer. A-7 too.
  19. Yup, POM is inherently "waxy" and/or "slippery" to the touch. ABS is "most toys, LEGOs, etc".
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